How about posting about events here ?



Hail All!

We had something that seemed like the beginning of a longer storylone of events on last Friday in Hibernia (Prydwen). I was wondering if we should maybe ALL supply some information if or how events went on our server/realm. Many will not realize what went on unless we tell them and I think it may be fun to hear how same events worked out different on other servers. Well...

On last Friday...

We were happily hunting in the Cursed Forest (for non Hibs: lvl 40+ Hunting area) for a while, when i suddenly get disturbing messages from our dear alliance leader Tenpit. He tells me he has been captured by Siabras... I start thinking he had a few too many ales in the tavern last night, and ask him what's going on ;). We kinda have a small hunting break due to need of recovery when suddenly we hear somebody named "Ewlan" yell "There is Nacholay, leader of the Green Peacekeepers, get him!!!" (or something like it). We then, more in reflex than anything else have to dispatch 5-10 Siabra (con yellow at 41 seasons). After that "Ewlan the Hand" steps forward and wants to talk. He offers to let all of my group go if I come with him in peace... well i gues we made it clear I wont come in peace, which lead to more fighting and us deciding to leave the area for the safety of guards. When we reached the exit of the forest we found a long line of Siabra blocking the way and "Ewlan the Hand" standing in front of them. He stepped forward and again made his offer to leave the others, we again refused. Meanwhile we informed our unbelieving guilds and the equally unbeliving alliance. I then moved too slow I guess (or maybe had no chance at all) because Ewlan (via /em) placed some chains around my wrists and I was teleported to Lough Gur (for no Hibs: halfway across the world). There i found god old tenpit already in place, guarded by a few yellow and one red con (to me at 41) siabra. Ewlan insulted and threatened us a bit (torture and death promises) we returned his wishes kindly (spitting to the groud and insulting him). He left twice to try and capture at least two more guild leaders but we had our people in place and so he always returned wounded and not happy at all :D . Meanwhile most of 30+ Hibernia moved to rescue us and actually the first group of level 40+ comrades from our guilds already proved more than a match for Ewlans "I will be the Führer" ideas :clap: . A short while after we were freed Ewlans Boss, Queen Cliodna, showed up with some rather mor powerful guards. She said that she wishes to apologize and still has use for us (so thats why she came to help us :upyours: ) Well she seemed the more diplomatic kind but still not trustworthy. Saying that we will meet again and, more politely than Ewlan, threatening all of our realm as well. We parted in peace after some asking what went on and her being the oracle of delphi. An army of 40- 50 people arrived only to see that no work was left for them and see the Queen leave...

Ok ... that's my story. Anything you want to ad that i have missed ? Anything went on in your realm or on your server? DO TELL!!!


Heh, nice event there. Well just wait and see if us others get some too.... :rolleyes:

Lafala Arifel

An event! Good to hear they're happening - that sounded like fun :D. One question though: was Tenpit "in" on it? Or was it just as much a surprise to him as it was to the rest of your guild?


Originally posted by Lafala Arifel
An event! Good to hear they're happening - that sounded like fun :D. One question though: was Tenpit "in" on it? Or was it just as much a surprise to him as it was to the rest of your guild?
Occasionally guilds are involved in events as PCC (Player controlled characters) :rolleyes:


Actually Tenpit knew as much as I did it seems. The Game Master controlling Ewlan asked us ooc at some point if it was ok for us to be held hostage for a while :)


Originally posted by Nacholay
Actually Tenpit knew as much as I did it seems. The Game Master controlling Ewlan asked us ooc at some point if it was ok for us to be held hostage for a while :)
Hehe nice. Why didn't u say "Give me some nice items and I might" ;) j/k



because it means goa have started doing events :)

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