How about more RPs depending on WHERE you fight?


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Was thinking about the risk of kills last night.
Keeping the same RP system as we have now, but you get a *bonus* for something risky or fancy.

It would be great if maybe the game could take a snapshot of enemies in the vicinity and give extra RPs if there are far more enemies compared to friendlies.
Also more RPs the further you are away from your doorstep, say 10% on your homeland bridges, 20% on bridge into Agramon your side, 25% in Agramon, and 30% enemy bridge Agramon side, 40% Bridge enemy side, and 50% more for kills inside enemy keeps, and in enemy lands :>
Maybe also triple RPs killing a person from a FG if you are solo (hmmmm this might encourage the whole stealther add on fg, fg add on stealther thing)

Anyway, just some ideas :>

Oli - Illu

PS And people that have just been healed by a DI Bot should get no RPs for the next minute.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Kinda silly as you could have a 1v1 with 2fg standing by and get loads more rps for winning?

What if a FG passes by just as you make the kill?

Interesting to see such ideas, but in practice I don't think it could work so well


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Zones having a 'camp bonus' for rps doesn't sound too daft tbh.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Or how about a 'koth' style rp for surviving for a certain length of time on enemy bridges or in a taken tower/keep undersiege.Also if u were defending your own realm tower/keep which would encourage more realm defence.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
It would require a lot of detail to make it practical but not a bad idea, I do think it would reward and thus encourage exper-killing though no matter how its coded.

I didn't read the previous thread so don't know if this has already been suggested, but one thing I've always thought is that RPs should be based on the ratio of the group sizes, not just group size of the killer. It could be proportional to the square of the ratios for example, so if an FG kills a soloerl, they'll get (1/8)^2 = 1/64*1000 = about 15 rps (factor in RR also), whereas if a soloer beats a duo he'd get (2/1)^2 = 4*1000 = 4000 rps. In practice this would need some modifying, there would need to be a hardcap on this to stop a soloer getting 64k when he kills an afk exp group ;) and possibly a lower power like 1.5 used, but I do think it would go a long way to encourage soloing, and discourage all but the most rubbish FGs from ganking soloers, 300rp for something that takes 2sec and zero challenge still seems lucrative to too far too many groups.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
just think about a warlock instakilling a caster out of a grp getting extra rps for pressing the same buttons as vs a soloer
or a duo rushing up behind a fg, mezzing them and assistnuking a caster when their DI is not yet running... Afterwards they'll be utterly defeated or bound to sos away but they would receive rps like killing the whole grp

For zone rps bonuses there is a similar problem, ppl would focus on those zones coz of the extra rps, would be much worse than bridges are atm coz u know enemies will be around for the same reason AND giving extra rps...
In addition, you shouldn't forget that those 20% and 30% zones you described can be reached within a very short amount of time and don't really give any penalty but the increased number of enemy players there resulting in more ppl to kill as well as a greater chance of add... looks pretty balanced to me...

The other bonus u described might appeal to stealthers as they can pick their fights and vanish away afterwards but visuals have to fight most of the time making every battle somewhat risky as a shitload of stealthers can and do pop out anytime...
But again stealthers won't pick fights they can't win so such a bonus would benefit the rpgain of stealthers for doing nothing special but picking the right fight the right time... One could argue about beeing able to pick fights is already bonus enough...
A snapshot like you described wouldn't be sufficient for extra rps as it does in no way describe the actual battle.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
i actually like the sound of more RPs for higher risk, venturing to albs bridge for instance can be high risk when the zerge is there, and people should be re-warded accordingly imo..just like taking a snapshot of everything within clip range, and giving a bonus for every 5 enemies over the number of friendlies like...very nice idea imo.

doesnt have to be a huge bonus..but something at least.


Loyal Freddie
Nov 19, 2004
Neffneff said:
i actually like the sound of more RPs for higher risk, venturing to albs bridge for instance can be high risk when the zerge is there, and people should be re-warded accordingly imo..just like taking a snapshot of everything within clip range, and giving a bonus for every 5 enemies over the number of friendlies like...very nice idea imo.

doesnt have to be a huge bonus..but something at least.

aye, that's good for stealthers alright... if I go there I just get insta-twatted :p


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
bad thing is that xp-killers would walk around 24/7 tho..


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
WullieTheRed said:
aye, that's good for stealthers alright... if I go there I just get insta-twatted :p

that's the point of the bonus..rewards you for the risk..risk, yer get it?

the moment a stealther un pops in a place like that, its more than likely insta death. thing bout stealthers is...cant kill anything while stealthed.


Loyal Freddie
Nov 19, 2004
aye, that's true Neff, but you have the opportunity to unstealth when you wish, giving you that chance to get at least one kill... where as I have no option, just perma-unstealthed... the only choice I have is to uselessly burn charge or IP... etc... yer get it? :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
from your doorstep

"DOORSTEP" I knew if I kept using this term it would catch on.

I also invented the term "FFA/FREE FOR ALL" raid.

someone gimma a gratz!


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
for some reason censi..whenever i try to picture you appear as a hippy in the middle of the peace moment, building a commune of inner well-being.

just a thought :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Neffneff said:
for some reason censi..whenever i try to picture you appear as a hippy in the middle of the peace moment, building a commune of inner well-being.

Religion "Censianity"
Location "Villa-de-Censi"
Known cells "Post Mortem"

5 Rulez of pwnage
1, Do as I say and not as I do!
2, Allow me to hang out of your young asses like Vipr does!
3, Call me Cheif, Boss & Gold leader!
4, Enjoy watching Crown Green Bowls!
5, Never zerg (unless im with you)!



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
I honestly wanted to laugh but it just wasnt funny.

And its Chief.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Void959 said:
I didn't read the previous thread so don't know if this has already been suggested, but one thing I've always thought is that RPs should be based on the ratio of the group sizes, not just group size of the killer. It could be proportional to the square of the ratios for example, so if an FG kills a soloerl, they'll get (1/8)^2 = 1/64*1000 = about 15 rps (factor in RR also), whereas if a soloer beats a duo he'd get (2/1)^2 = 4*1000 = 4000 rps. In practice this would need some modifying, there would need to be a hardcap on this to stop a soloer getting 64k when he kills an afk exp group ;) and possibly a lower power like 1.5 used, but I do think it would go a long way to encourage soloing, and discourage all but the most rubbish FGs from ganking soloers, 300rp for something that takes 2sec and zero challenge still seems lucrative to too far too many groups.

I think this has potential. 300 rp's for a fg killing a soloer is still way too much given there's zero risk. I guess the worry with a system like this is it would make finding a group doubly harder..

Sorry don't want to group with you, you'll reduce my rp's by 1/4!


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2005
illu said:
....and 50% more for kills inside enemy keeps, and in enemy lands :>

ermm...not all st can up walls :p so less here!!!! imo

Maybe also triple RPs killing a person from a FG if you are solo (hmmmm this might encourage the whole stealther add on fg, fg add on stealther thing)

I think this sounds very nice...ADD!!! xD


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2005
Ging said:
Religion "Censianity"
Location "Villa-de-Censi"
Known cells "Post Mortem"

5 Rulez of pwnage
1, Do as I say and not as I do!
2, Allow me to hang out of your young asses like Vipr does!
3, Call me Cheif, Boss & Gold leader!
4, Enjoy watching Crown Green Bowls!
5, Never zerg (unless im with you)!


>less cannaby and gif me it :)


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Zahr said:
And no rps for a fg killing a solo :)

Lose rps imo <o/

-10 for duo'ing.
-50 for trio'ing
-100 for 4/5
-200 for 6
-250 for 7
-500 for 8 :] (cya at rr3 pip :D)

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