House Vault Bug?


Part of the furniture
Aug 14, 2004
Righto today I logged in and went to me house vault, went to get my goodies out of it and it wouldnt let me.

What I mean is it wouldnt display the vault window so couldnt access anything whatsoever, so I thought maybe its just a glitch so I logged out and in again and still the same.

Ok lets check access/friends levels just in case somehow these have been changed, as I thought no they have not all levels are exactly as they have always been. My account and bot account can view/add/remove, and everyone else can view/add.

Right I will try my bots account, maybe he can access the vault instead surely. No he cannot, same thing it doesnt display vault window or anything.

I tried picking up the house vault and then re-adding it to its hookpoint to see if that maybe did anything, nope nothing happened.

This vault was working absolutly fine yesterday but now its bugborked :(

I rightnowed it just now, anyone else had this problem before?


Part of the furniture
Aug 14, 2004
ok another total gimp thing to add, when corresponding with gms or whoever via rightnow can I reply to the noreply address?

I mean I got a response and was asked for more info, and on the email there is a section for your reply to go into.

I did reply with that email but should I have made a new mail and just stated the rightnow number on it?

just the whole noreply(at)goa bit throws me :p


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
To reply to RightNow, log into RightNow and update your question in there. The noreply address goes into a black hole and no-one will ever recieve it.

Don't make a new email as it could go to a different person rather than whoever was dealing with your query before, and also means that whoever deals with the second query needs to collate the details from different sources to see what has happened so far and cross reference with your personal details from the initial query.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
I, and with many others also have this problem.

The upper half of the cm cant be shown with my main char, but some alts can, also when using market explorer to check other consignment merchants, i get the same problem, on some of them. Going to rightnow it aswell.


Part of the furniture
Aug 14, 2004
Requiel said:
To reply to RightNow, log into RightNow and update your question in there. The noreply address goes into a black hole and no-one will ever recieve it.

Don't make a new email as it could go to a different person rather than whoever was dealing with your query before, and also means that whoever deals with the second query needs to collate the details from different sources to see what has happened so far and cross reference with your personal details from the initial query.
yea thanks :)
After I replied I thought I better check on rightnow and have a look, I updated the question there as well and have henceforth been doing so to get things sorted :)


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Namefake said:
I, and with many others also have this problem.

The upper half of the cm cant be shown with my main char, but some alts can, also when using market explorer to check other consignment merchants, i get the same problem, on some of them. Going to rightnow it aswell.
That's a different problem to the one that Outlander has. There's a general problem with displaying all of the items on CMs on certain characters which we're working on currently.


Part of the furniture
Aug 14, 2004
Nice Person said:

I have found and corrected the problem. The Cloudsong book that was in there had, lets call it a printing error!

I have removed it and put a new version in Outlanders inventory.

Thank you for the report and once again sorry for the inconvenience.

Yours sincerely,

question entered into rightnow 1:18pm - fixed at 4:57pm(cet) :D

great stuff :)



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Requiel said:
That's a different problem to the one that Outlander has. There's a general problem with displaying all of the items on CMs on certain characters which we're working on currently.

I have this problem on my chars, my botacc's chars and also my wifeys chars.. Do we have to file a report to rightnow and name all toons names or something? Seeing as you did write certain characters?

There is also a problem with assassins atm, two things:

First, when I put poisons on my malice, it takes off HP from my pool, like if I would remove the wep and then put it back again. Doesnt happen all the time but sometimes, quite annoying. Common problem?

Also, when I drag the quickicon to the Qbars for Malice for example, for arrogance, after I applied a poison and try to use the said icon, it says; You cannot use enervating poison bla bla this way. As if it hotchange the link from arrogance to the newest applied "charge" on the weapon which happen to be a poison. Anyone else had this problem too? Known bug? Need to be rightnowed? etc?


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Shike said:
I have this problem on my chars, my botacc's chars and also my wifeys chars.. Do we have to file a report to rightnow and name all toons names or something? Seeing as you did write certain characters?
No it needs fixing globally, we can't fix characters individually.

Shike said:
There is also a problem with assassins atm, two things:

First, when I put poisons on my malice, it takes off HP from my pool, like if I would remove the wep and then put it back again. Doesnt happen all the time but sometimes, quite annoying. Common problem?

Also, when I drag the quickicon to the Qbars for Malice for example, for arrogance, after I applied a poison and try to use the said icon, it says; You cannot use enervating poison bla bla this way. As if it hotchange the link from arrogance to the newest applied "charge" on the weapon which happen to be a poison. Anyone else had this problem too? Known bug? Need to be rightnowed? etc?
That's how poisons have always worked. When you envenom a weapon the game de-equips it momentarily and then re-equips it. Ths means that your HP pool goes down and then needs to 'heal' back up once the Malice bonus is reapplied. The icon issue I'm not sure if that is a general bug thatappeared in this patch or whether it's a longstanding issue. Either way it needs to be tested and passed on to Mythic, so yes, report that to RightNow so we have a case history to test and quote in our report.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Requiel said:
No it needs fixing globally, we can't fix characters individually.


Requiel said:
That's how poisons have always worked. When you envenom a weapon the game de-equips it momentarily and then re-equips it. Ths means that your HP pool goes down and then needs to 'heal' back up once the Malice bonus is reapplied. The icon issue I'm not sure if that is a general bug thatappeared in this patch or whether it's a longstanding issue. Either way it needs to be tested and passed on to Mythic, so yes, report that to RightNow so we have a case history to test and quote in our report.

ah oke, I just changed template, never really noticed bouncing HPpool before, probably because I didnt have con on weps, or possibly an overload of HP in temp.

Cheers for answering!

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