HOuse patch delays



I am so sick and tired of waiting how about you guys



Play on USA servers so had em for ages and ages and getting Trials of Alantis next Tuesday woohoo

Unless FFXI rocks my boat


Not bothered, they're a waste of money and time.

Madonion Slicer

Truely cant see the point of them so not really bothered.


feek houses and feek Toa , give RvR expansion


You can have a merchant placed outside your house which u can use to sell goods you have captured or made thus increasing your wealth ten fold if your a good item hunter

You can set up portal merchants inside your house so you can portal to almost anywhere in the realm and when u die you can /release house so you release to the house thus making travel easier

Oh and if your a crafter you can add all the crafting items you like in there and a merchant with all the necessary materials you need

There is loads of other stuff like making trophies out of mobs you killed and putting them on display rarer the kill the more exciting the trophy

There is quite alot of stuff which makes it good but I see your point

old.pala hellraiser

Originally posted by Damon_D
feek houses and feek Toa , give RvR expansion

I'd love an RvR expansion, great idea.. so..

what he said :clap:


all the new expansion r just crap to get gold from u...

waste ov time

Madonion Slicer

"You can have a merchant placed outside your house which u can use to sell goods you have captured or made thus increasing your wealth ten fold if your a good item hunter"

Diogel Broadcast Channel

"You can set up portal merchants inside your house so you can portal to almost anywhere in the realm and when u die you can /release house so you release to the house thus making travel easier"

Maybe some use but come on like anyone goes anywhere except Gothwaite, Sauvage, Avalon City and Diogel all less than a few mintues on horse, or the handy teleport for 10s.

"Oh and if your a crafter you can add all the crafting items you like in there and a merchant with all the necessary materials you need"

DIOGEL has everything.

"There is loads of other stuff like making trophies out of mobs you killed and putting them on display rarer the kill the more exciting the trophy"

And all the time they put into those items would of been better spent fixing the games increasing bugs.

Sorry but i do feel this Housing add-on is a waster of development time and money.


if you buy crafted items & dont have your own crafters then you really have no choice you will need to install Foundations as all crafting zones in SI and old zones are almost always empty of crafters either that or just rely on drops :)


Don't know if I'm looking forward to the housing that much. Can see the benefits of it (like the stuff Lonewolf mentioned), but it'll probably cost you a fortune in the long run. I doubt they'll supply you with all that stuff without putting your rent up, if you see what I mean. ;P

Really looking forward to ToA tho' tbh. :)

But as for the being fed up with waiting, I'm defenitely agreeing with you.
It's not just the housing.. it's the waiting for everything.. Biggest pain I think is waiting for normal patches to be translated from English to French, German, and English.. :rolleyes:

Tbh I don't think Mythic should've franchised the UK servers at all to start with. I think they should've done it themselves as there then wouldn't have been any problems with waiting for patches etc. due to the need of stuff being translated.
Cos obviously (judging by the amount of UK ppl who play on the US servers) there aren't any problems with lag or such from the US to the UK. Only problem I can see is the time difference. Tho' if they were servers dedicated to the UK (in the way the ones GOA are running) they'd most likely be populated by Europeans, at which point the time difference wouldn't be an issue.


Originally posted by charmsdark
Don't know if I'm looking forward to the housing that much. Can see the benefits of it (like the stuff Lonewolf mentioned), but it'll probably cost you a fortune in the long run. I doubt they'll supply you with all that stuff without putting your rent up, if you see what I mean. ;P

you can have every item & npc and your rent stays the same (edit: that can fit in what ever size house u got)


Originally posted by charmsdark
Tbh I don't think Mythic should've franchised the UK servers at all to start with. I think they should've done it themselves as there then wouldn't have been any problems with waiting for patches etc. due to the need of stuff being translated.
Cos obviously (judging by the amount of UK ppl who play on the US servers) there aren't any problems with lag or such from the US to the UK. Only problem I can see is the time difference. Tho' if they were servers dedicated to the UK (in the way the ones GOA are running) they'd most likely be populated by Europeans, at which point the time difference wouldn't be an issue.

i have no problems on US servers no lag & dispite what they say on VN boards the csr's are great and sort problems out very quick if you get any.

Just waiting for Mythic to introduce the charge for moving chars and i am moving all mine over to my US account, it is something they are looking into, they had a poll about it a short while back can only wait and hope :)

time differance isnt that bad can still get good groups for rvr and epic raids


Being a bit of a technophobe what I don't understand is how they can find bugs in Foundations. Surely they just receive the software from Mythic as it should be? Bad enough having to wait for translation...but with bugs on top it's a pain in the ass.


Originally posted by Madonion Slicer
"You can have a merchant placed outside your house which u can use to sell goods you have captured or made thus increasing your wealth ten fold if your a good item hunter"

Diogel Broadcast Channel

That requires that the buyer and seller both be there at the same time.

Originally posted by Madonion Slicer
And all the time they put into those items would of been better spent fixing the games increasing bugs.

Sorry but i do feel this Housing add-on is a waster of development time and money.

It's an increase in content. It's mostly fluff. It's an increase in fun for a lot of people. That's what the game is about.

Maybe they should have just spent their time deleting all the stuff that you don't use instead. Reduce the game down to Avalon City, Caer Diogel and Emain Macha. That would no doubt get rid of a lot of bugs. A much better use of development time imo :rolleyes:


remember reading on GOA webby that they normaly get the patch and any major fixes that followed shortly after and they just translate & what ever else they have to do to it.

all of this could have been avoided dont know if you noticed but since they closed gorre and only E&E beta test now all the patches take a lot longer ok before when gorre was open to all and patched you had over 1000 people on there testing ok a lot of them were only testing out new specs but even so at least that meant that the respec commands were never bugged :) not having a dig at E&E they do the best they can but with not that many of them they cant test everything properly

if foundations is taking this long ToA will take a lot longer i am guessing after Feb 2004 before we get ToA ( have to translate english & alantean)


Of course you making the assumption as usual that all the problems are GoA's fault and that Mythic supplies all the right patch files...

Madonion Slicer

Maybe they should have just spent their time deleting all the stuff that you don't use instead. Reduce the game down to Avalon City, Caer Diogel and Emain Macha. That would no doubt get rid of a lot of bugs. A much better use of development time imo

Pin was this needed to be said in the sarcastic tone i take it in, why is it every statement some says on these boards someone has to have an attempt at trying to turn it into a flame.

i would simply rather developer times was spent on things that will actually impact the way the game is played not on making things i can hang on the wall of my house.

But sure lets just flame the guy that disagree's as such is the way here at BW.


Originally posted by Madonion Slicer
Pin was this needed to be said in the sarcastic tone i take it in, why is it every statement some says on these boards someone has to have an attempt at trying to turn it into a flame.

i would simply rather developer times was spent on things that will actually impact the way the game is played not on making things i can hang on the wall of my house.

But sure lets just flame the guy that disagree's as such is the way here at BW.


This is something that will actually impact the way the game is played by many people.

If you don't give a shit about any of it, up to you. There are many other people who do not care about going to Emain, or sitting in the same place as everyone else crafting, or any number of other things which you may find a priority.

And don't say that I started the flame. It was a direct response to your initial comments in a similar tone.



You might want changes to RvR etc - the areas you consider important and not a waste of time - but not everyone has the same priorities from the game as you. Some people actually want more fluff and think the housing zones are worthwhile and useful.

Pin might have been being sarcastic but it got the point across.

Madonion Slicer

When and where did i say " I dont give a shit", i cant say i feel that strongly about any aspect of this game to have to swear about my point.

Not going to argue about you are correct that we all play for our own reasons where i might want to see issues in RVR or Classes fixed there will be others that thing housing will be the best thing since sliced bread.

My comments where my personal thoughts about Foundations, therefore no one can tell me i am right or wrong, this thread was for people to share there thoughts on the subject.


Originally posted by Madonion Slicer
My comments where my personal thoughts about Foundations, therefore no one can tell me i am right or wrong, this thread was for people to share there thoughts on the subject.

Your comments were responses to someone elses post putting across a different point of view.

My comments were responses to your posts putting across a different point of view.

And you called my post flaming because it contained a semi-humerous, tongue-in-cheek comment tagged on the end.

It's called discussion. This is a discussion board.


Anyway, in response to the original poster. I do not care, as it gives me more time to raise funds for a bigger house.


Patch 1.68 or possibly Frontiers (the RvR Exp.) could be a blessing in disguise :D

1.68 is likely to have a full style review in it if that doesnt happen to due to timing then it will come in Frontiers where they not only do a full style review but also a complete RA overhaul.

They actually plan to wipe the RA system clean and start from scratch.


Originally posted by Feac_
i have no problems on US servers no lag & dispite what they say on VN boards the csr's are great and sort problems out very quick if you get any.

Just waiting for Mythic to introduce the charge for moving chars and i am moving all mine over to my US account, it is something they are looking into, they had a poll about it a short while back can only wait and hope :)

time differance isnt that bad can still get good groups for rvr and epic raids

Oooh, being able to move chars to the US servers would be nice. :)


I wasn't going to bother downloading Foundations, then I moved to the US servers and got it with the copy of US DAoC I bought, took a look at housing just because it was there and now I couldn't live without it.

It really is VERY useful.


Originally posted by Feac_
i have no problems on US servers no lag & dispite what they say on VN boards the csr's are great and sort problems out very quick if you get any.

Just waiting for Mythic to introduce the charge for moving chars and i am moving all mine over to my US account, it is something they are looking into, they had a poll about it a short while back can only wait and hope :)

time differance isnt that bad can still get good groups for rvr and epic raids

there's a noticeable increase in ping - it's not a lot but it is noticeable (like playing tribes 2 on Blueyonder rather than a US server).

The problems with CSRs get blown out of proportion probably as much as RightNow problems do :) (although the recent hacking aftermath seems to have slowed RightNow RightDown - not had any reason to use it recently though so can't say how the response time is at the moment)

Populations are quite a bit smaller during normal euro hours - big raids tend to be later on, there's exceptions i imagine but the mainstay of the stuff is late at night/into the morning.

The moving chars poll I imagine was purely about from one account to another account on the US servers - i.e. if you have a joint account with yer wife you can split off the characters onto another new account.

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