House camping - info



There's some concern that there may be a bug that allows you to prevent someone else entirely buying a lot, Thorarin tested on Gorre but we couldn't reproduce it.

Fagane - if you could pm me the details I'll check we were testing the right thing and if not will run some more tests.

In theory the only way someone can prevent you purchasing a lot without buying it themselves is to make the stone untargetable - to get around that just use "target nearest object" - f7 by default.

Of course there's nothing stopping them from guilt-tripping you into not buying it ;) or pleading for mercy etc. Macroing an idle-bot around it is a completely seperate issue and whilst a bit silly and against the CoC is not gonna stop you from buying a plot of land if you want it.

Happy house-hunting.


You cant reproduce it cause the bug dosen't exist :rolleyes:
Try to click the plot whit the other button of your mouse..


Originally posted by Ialkarn
You cant reproduce it cause the bug dosen't exist :rolleyes:
Try to click the plot whit the other button of your mouse..

well duh that's the point of _testing_ you see... to verify if these bugs do exist or not.

It was there in the US. it's not here in europe. Hence the post.

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