Horses & Houses



There's been rumours circulating round the camp fires that in a future patch (i) 50th level Paladins will have their own horse, and (ii) accomplished proponents in RVR will be able to expend RP's or BP's to buy houses.

Any truth in this ?


All thats officaly know is that mythic is working on houseing, AFAIK payment for houses is not mentiont yet


the horses arent for paladins only, everyone can buy them as long as they got the BP for it

And guildhousing is comming as soon as mythic is finished with it =P


what about being able to buy pack horses so i can have a portable vault dungeon seige style :)

Or better still camels (nasty bites and generally nasty beasts) scope for jokes about my horse has the hump with me etc...

I dont need housing as i've claimed a tent at caer gothwaite :)


Bah its not fair, if i knew that i didnt waste so many BP's in end gems... i want refund!

I guess when time comes i have to move into the ghetto :)


They had houses in Asherons Call.

They had houses in Asherons Call.

They were released as small lots and you had to obtain “items” to pay for them. You then had to maintain them with cash and items, some items being hard to get and required some serious hunting sessions.

The best idea was that Guilds could have mansions and villa’s. They were very expensive to maintain, but impressive buildings, they needed the whole guild to contribute to their upkeep. What the mansions did was to give guilds a meeting place. The large mansions even had small arena’s where players could PvP etc.

The idea was nice, but it never really worked. Lots of houses and mansions were in the middle of nowhere.

AC had massive land masses compared to DAoC, so they had the space, I would question therefore where they would put these “houses”. There are no real areas of complete nothingness, OK maybe some parts of Midgard, so maybe they would be part of another expansion?

As for the horses, well the connotations are limitless. They could bring out a new cavalry class, Lancers or something, who could act as support for the foot soldiers. They could have stables in the houses/mansions above and could role the maintenance of the horses in with the houses.

Mind you, how many will be still playing when such things come into fruition?


Will the houses be for guilds only, or can u buy one solo?


Well in AC

Well in AC individuals could buy cottages and villa's, while guilds bought mansions.

They gave you some storage (before on AC you had to create mules using other characters to hold goodies) and an opportunity to keep up with the Jones's. Mind you, all the servers were American, and the American brat attitude someone spoilt the experience.

The downside of the guild mansions was that the head of the guild, or XP chain, owned the mansion in name. So rather than the mansion belonging to Strife for example it would belong to Psyche, which created ego trip issues. I hope that if there are guild houses that they carry the name of the guild.


I do like the idea of some form of new cavalry class - either as a stand along new tank type, or as a massively new component to a future patch or expansion.

In the latter instance, RVR would see cavalry charges, and casters / archers targeting the (killable) horses to try to bring them down. You could also integrate the spikes that appear near various keeps (eg. Sauvage) - any horse (or dislodged) horseman falling onto them would suffer massive tissue damage and blood-loss, or death.

Tanks who are currently spec in pole-arms, paladins, armsmen, and mercenaries would have combat bonuses. If Mythic wanted to be clever, you could have racial modifiers. For example while a Paladin may get +20% to melee combat while on horse, he may come from a racial group where horses are not common, so may only get +10% (say).


It would be pretty cool for guild houses to be implemented, though a little bird told me it was going to be very pricey, I heard close to 1 Mithra, but that seems a bit high...

In the houses you could have your personal horses which could anywhere, and the tickets were free. Also, perhaps the Guild Vault idea, that was supposed to be implemented a long time ago?

A meeting place is also a rather large part of it, but I suppose you can meet anywhere....

Also, if the houses could be placed anywhere, which would be very awkward, then you could do house-sieges instead of relic sieges :)

Personally, it seems a bit pointless. If we had things like bladders gate where you needed to rest for 8 hours or whatever, then people could pay to stay in your house :)


I beleive houses will be placed in a special "housing " zone with horse routes, as so not to clog up space ..
I think also that any one will be able to buy a house , but as they will be so expenise only guilds will be able to afford one.
Think there is a few tests of houses , saw a screenie of one , again cant remeber where :D
^^ Read this somewhere cant remeber where

Aule Valar

it was on the herald, and yeah houses gonna be in a new zone, tis a pity they didn't make some of those empty buildings in cam into houses


Housing zones or housing estates ? !!

Oh how I hope we dont end up having massive sections of DaoC turned into something like the set from Brookside ! Next they'll be telling all home-owners to get perms, have moustaches, wear shell suits, and say "Calm down, calm down !"

Heaven save us from red-brick hell !


Originally posted by RD_MuDgEtH
It would be pretty cool for guild houses to be implemented, though a little bird told me it was going to be very pricey, I heard close to 1 Mithra, but that seems a bit high...

Not sure about this but 1M = 1000 plat
So a BIG guild of 100 ppl should get 10 plat per char, sounds verry steep to me


The only thing i know is that there will be 3 or 4 types u can buy no more, and there will be made a new zone (i think pretty close to CS) where u can buy a house. But u can change the way your house looks, change the roofcolour, put banners on it, etc...

I think it will be pretty cool, and it would seem more logical houses are paid with guild realm points or bounty points, not Gold etc, so only guilds who work hard can afford them...

more info here and a pic here


i wouldn't like to try to navigate steps like those after a night on the ales in Cotswold Village ! ;p


Houses I am all for, and it will certainly be interesting to see when they come in. However, one of the sad things about horses, on the other hand, is that they will make a whole set of classes obsolete: the musicians. Minstrels, skalds, and bards will no longer be the essential parts of an RvR group they are (well, at least skalds and minstrels, bards are still needed for the AoE mezzing) and really have no vital role in a group. Why choose a minstrel for your group when you can have a real tank, a high-damage dealer or a healer instead?


I think there will always be a spot for Minstrels, with their crowd control abilities, power songs, and speed. Its all about creating balanced groups.

You could still have your standard RVR Emain dysfunctional group, but with horses you could combine it with 1FG cavalry to make a pretty efficient zerg unit,.


Um, why would you need speed if you have horses? With horses in the game, the definition of a balanced group would change. As for power song, yes, all minstrels love to do that for a group, and besides, sorcerers already have mana crack in the US, rendering the minstrel song next to useless. I foresee a lot new sorcerers appearing as the Albion love patch comes along, and then who will need the minstrel CC when sorcerers are superior in this regard as well?

The only use for a minstrel would be the new ablative chant. Thank God we will still have something unique.

And why combine a normal FG with a FG of "cavalry", of course everyone will be using a horse and not run on foot?


bahhhhh only place for a house would be in frontierzones


Bel -

Those who are not on a horse would need speed still m8. Remember, not every1 would be able to ride a horse into battle, assuming Mythic would place racial restrictions or class-based restrictions on using horses in battle. So for those people, they'd need minstrel or sorceror speed to keep up with the cavalry.

To the extent that sorcerors outperform minstrels and make certain of their abilities redundant is a result of Mythic tinkering with the Sorceror class. If Minstrels suffer as a result of coding cavalry regiments into RVR, that's a secondary effect, not a primary nerf on the minstrel class. I think its important to make that distinction.

Your last paragraph - see above - not every1 will be able to ride a horse into battle. I can't see Cabalists being able to concentrate on pet control while riding a warhorse at full charge through a contingent of heavily armoured Midgard lancers.

As far as houses go, I am supremely indifferent. I think that creating new horse engines and code will have much more of an impact on RVR efficacy, tactics, strategy, and character generation and progression.

Mythic would balance the power of a full cavalry charge will new impale-damage coding, falling damage, and perhaps mounted animals for hibs and mids. Just a thought.


This is AFAIK:
Housing will be in a zone accessible from the capital city (say in midgard the entrance will be in that useless room below where the realm porter is in Camlann, and near the guild making guys)

Horses will be like normal horses, going to predesignated areas but without the cost.

Housing will be limited but you can rearrange items inside there etc.

Housing may be guild-only

This is what i want:
Kegs of potions eg. health/end/pow in your house

A way of returning from anywhere straight back to your house (end of all the ding treks back to trainers)

Houses with keys

*notice the similarity to UO, but please no housing in the middle of the countryside, as someone said earlier in this thread(cnat b bothered to quote) it will turn dartmoor into Yeovil.


I'm not turning this into a "nerf" discussion, since it would affect all musicians in all the realms, I am saying that minstrels will lose one of their important roles in an RvR group. Maybe this can be seen as a nerf, but I was only a bit saddened. It's like the amusing Mid Healer I encountered who said that the new spread heals were a direct nerf to the Healer class :rolleyes: -- I didn't intend to come off that way.

As for horses for other realms, I don't see why only Albion should get them. There are horse routes in both Midgard and Hibernia (and Hib even has differently sized horses for Lurikeen and Firbolgs!).

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