Honor in killing greys ?



I have got 1 little question :

Is it honorable in the DAOC-etiquette to kill a solo grey who is running in the frontier land from FS to Exa ?

I always thought, if u see a grey and he is alone and he is minding his own business (and not attacking u though), you just wave at him and let him live ?


I was shot yesterday by a level 46 sniper... 2 hits = i died ?

So the question is, if i encounter a grey middie/hibbie next time,

must i wave or must i smash his head in ?

Because i am quite confused now :)



I dont know about honour, or if it comes into it, I think it`d be on the person.....

If I was the nme, and I saw u, I`d of ignored u unless u spotted me, and even then maybe Id just /bow or /sal...........

I dunno, depending on my mood......

But, and a big but, the nme is the nme, regardless of colour, lvl, type or anything
I suppose in a way, it all depends on wot the hell your doing at the time....

I mean, if scouting or wotever, then no, leave him be or something, if going purposely to cause confusion and/or cause a big distraction, then Id kill every last defender I could see....

This is my view anyways, maybe completely wrong or outa line, I dunno but still, hope I may have shed some light on it:D


kill anyone from another realm that you can.

simple as that.

even if he is lvl 1, and you are 50, smack him.



don't go to the frontier when you dont wanna get killed


For all the guy that ganked you knew, you were running wood supplies to Excal ;)
You enter the frontier, you're meat for anyone with a bigger & pointier stick than you. If they decide not to kill you, then you're lucky =)


Originally posted by TheAussie
how do you know he was 46 ? :)

I asked a RVR-m8 and he told me :)

edit: english grammar error correction *g*


Sniper shooting on a grey tank..... another 2 rp's :clap:


A solo grey I wouldnt bother to hunt .. but if he came right at my face , then I would gank him. And of course two grey i would try to do :)

Never exp killing tho,


i dont come across grays often :p but my opinions on killing them r .

1/ a good enemy is a dead one
2/ high lvl mids/hibs always seem to gank grays on sight so i c it as retribution
3/ some grays can give good rp's
4/ that gray you just let live has just rez'd the red/purp con aroud the corner and he just killed you .
5/ as said above that gray con might be a scout or carrying suplies for defense .


no honor at all.....if 20 greys come running towards me of course i'm gona kill as many as i can...if 1 comes towards me i ignore him maybe give him a wave etc...if 2 come i do same but keep a eye on them if 3 come i kill :)

as for hunting a solo grey, Motorhead did this with my alt along with 2 other lvl 50s i mean its lvl 16 ffs what harm is it gona do u and its got 4 rp :p


I think if you were 31 and he was 46, you were just green to him :)

5 lvl gap per con after 40+, so 41 would be yellow, 36 blue and 31 green.


And might I add... Killing grays / greens is FUN!!!! :clap:

No honor, just plain FUN!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

And usually brings out the higher levels, which makes it even more fun !!! :clap: :clap:


Originally posted by Nol
hey aussie - now many RP am I worth?

something like 253

reason why i killed you so much : Tried to 1 shot kill you :cool:
but you had always ±20 hp's left ;(

btw you con bleu to me


if i meet a lonely grey.. i kill him good!
if i meet him again.. i kill him good!
and again.. i kill him good!
same again.. i kill him good!

if hes still comming.. ill leave him alone i guess.. aslong as he doesnt give over 10 RPs or so :p


ooooo that's not too bad...you and legendz should synchronise though, I get killed once per night where I give rp's...rest of the time I got rez sickness :D

It's my plan you see, the more I die, the less arrows you have to shoot my buddies with ;)

I never see you, so don't know what you con :p (purple)


Depends on how I'm feeling and the situation, if they are running around yggdra killing people XPing then they die grey or not.

If they are camping a alb/hib tk and I'm about to sucide I'll leave them, whats the point in cutting someone's fun short for a few realm points.

More often than not a grey in your own frontier has to die, but elsewhere, I dunno.


killing greys thats expings is a hobby of mine... noting is better then stealth in a greys face give him PA and walk away without loseing stealth... but its more fun to kill a grey caster in a group of 10-20 ppl and calmy walk away :) as they start to yell....

so yes i kill greys, i exp kill, i kill ressed ppl and i have no shame :p

lvl 48 shadowblade


Killing grays is getting a hoby of mine, try to 1 shot kill em. Anyway kill a few grays is always good to bring out the higher lvls and these give some good RPs.



Many thanks for not Exp killing my little alt btw.... I doubt many would have been so kind as to wait ;p

Vana - lvl 50 Theurg
Verdi - lvl 2x Vana's pet



I find it more challenging to kill higher cons but now and then there is a grey amongst the crowd, never intentional though. Intentional XP killing is for complete tossers, no matter what the excuse. Nothing they can say justifies what they do, regardless of realm or reason.


A person who is grey to a level 46 is red/orange/yellow to lot of others. Good enough to take out a full group of lower levels or rez a few higher levels. If I see you I would kill you. However I would never intentionally exp kill anyone. I have been in groups and yelled at those in my group not to exp kill someone.

In summary if you grey you are still fair game and still capable of doing either damage to my realm mates or making it difficult for me by rezzing higher levels. In any frontier I will kill you. You are also still capable of reporting my position to others.

As has always been said. Go into your frontier, expect to be killed . If you are not killed then its a bonus.


Depending on the circumstances some grey cons I leave alone.

The ones I will always kill are those that I discover in my Realm, while I'm on a raid in one of the other Realms - whether it's taking a keep or meeting up in Emain and those that play stealth classes :twak:.


well, once grey gave me around 100 rps and sometimes oranges give me less than 50, so why not kill greys?
as for me, killing greys causes the same hemorrhoid as killing yellow mages, so i don't bother to kill them :p


Many thanks for not Exp killing my little alt btw.... I doubt many would have been so kind as to wait ;p

If i fight grays i always wait before the fight is over or i take the agro away from them before i kill em.


One thing I cant stand is high lvl mintrals/scalds camping DL, the speed spell out, mez and blast some grey before running back into the trees, I have seen it done and had it done to me.
I once caught a purp mistral outside DL on v low health and try to make it to the trees, i got ahead of him while stealthed and before he got to the tree and ready to heal i hit him with an arrow for just enough dam to kill him.
Got very little RP's but i got a lot of /sends saying thanks , but i when I walked off i stealthed and came around again behind a tree near the body, just big enough for me to hide in.
After 5 mins a red Briton appeared and ressed him, they both sat down, before the Minstral could even heal I killed him again, and hit the red Brit for all i could with my bow before he ran.
For another half hour I played cat and mouse killing the minstral twice more and nearly killing the Briton, eventualy a mob aggrod on my while stalking the brit and forced me to run and I was run into the ground by a purp mob and a red Brit.
I got nothing for killing the Minstral the last few times except a bit of revenge.
Its pitiful to pick on greys at xp spots when they a low on hps, end and mana. So i got a bit of retribution and picked on a purp.


Tbh it isn't a question of honour or whatever, alot of level 50 ppl come to the Gorge and Kill grey Hib xpers. They aren't doing it to be lame, they are just advertising the fact they are there to lure out higher level Hibs.

I do the same on my occasional trips to Yggdra/Uppland.

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