Honnourable Alb.



I can't remember his bloody name now either...began with an F I think.

Anyway I play Mids on excal, I have a 50 skald and a /levelled BoneDancer active at the moment. I think either I have been very unlucky with the Albs I have met or they are in general zergers and cowards. Seems whenever I used to get ganked in DF it was an inf or scout and whenever I meet one 1v1 in any frontier they rarely meet for battle, rather run off to their nearest safe point...I kinda had a bad impression about Albion till this morning.

I spied two Hibs sitting at the ruins near htk in Thidranki with my bonedancer, a champ and a bard. I cast my dot on the bard so he couldn't heal then turned to the champ and layed into him. Anyway half why through the fight I see an inf just standing watching...I kill the Hibs, but somehow my pets died and I am nearly totally out of mana...just a fat gimp in cloth armour now and easy prey for the inf but to my suprise he cheers at me then runs off on his way :0

Anyway, this post is in the hoping he reads this board and to say my opinion of Albs has gone up a lot after this incident...I even let a lone minstrel live earlier :D

By the way my BD name is Bragol.


nice story :)


all BD's deserve to be exp killed.. zerged !!! LOL

kidin asie :) he prolly scared to attack u , cos heidnt know u was lowon pow and knew u woulda pwn him with ya instad crap thing :(

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Nowt to do with honour. Like Yoda said, he was probably too scared to attack you. Bard, Champ and Infi vs. BD? That just isn't even fair.


Aye, might be the case....but this guy watched the whole fight. He could have backstabbed/pa'd me in mid fight when the champ was nearly dead and have plenty enough skills left to kill what was left of the champ and bard. Instead he unstealthed himself and watched. If he was worried I might kick his ass he would be like most stealthers and stay stealthed.

Bone dancer is a damn silly class though lol. I am not a bad player by any means and due to my level 50 alt I have good sc gear. However I regularly own groups of 3 and 4 people at the same time. Me and another BD killed 7 hibs including 2 mana chanters the other day in Thid. BD has an awesome arsenal of spells. DoT casters, root tanks then life tap away...4 seconds instant at 1500 range :0

However you will be pleased to know that BD very very rarely get group invites, so they are forced to solo or group with other BD. Frankly when you hit level 50 rvr they're a rarely seen class.


Probably have better luck finding him in the BG forums.

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