Homeless again on Prydwyn :(



Hi All, I resubbed with GOA prior to the 15th, when I logged in I was homeless, not a surprise really as I hadn't played in years. Although my vault contents were at the vault merchants in the market the deeds for the house and porch were not with the repo bankers, nor was any of the house fittings, decos, merchants, vaults, bindstone or tools, I lost about 20 plat and despite /appealing got nothing from GOA.

Come the move I logged in my toons, pooled my money, claimed back my vault contents from the NPC's and sold stuff, raised enough to buy and kit out a new house :), this time nice and close to the entrance and caer Market place, logged in the day before yesterday and my house was gone!

The vault contents are again with the NPC's but yet again no deeds with the repo bankers, so I have lost another house, porch, CM, vault, bindstone, forge, etc. Down another 9 plat. I've /appealed but as yet nothing from Mythic but with only a handful of people on Pryd I thought I would get some action quite quickly.

How long do appeals take, I know they are dealing with a major problem with the Excal cluster but the weather in Albion has been pants latley and I'm wet, cold and hungery :( So I think my cause is more important than a Hibby with no clothes :kissit:

Seriously, anyone else homeless and waiting on a /appeal, have you been sorted out yet ?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
i really really wouldn't bother with housing at the moment, its been going tits up every so often since Mythic took over.

so just leave your stuff where it is and wait for Mythic to sort the zones out before you start buying stuff.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Yeah give Mythic a chance to sort things out. We will all be moving to Ywain soon anyway so why rebuild your house?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Even consignment merchants seem broken atm... So hold your horse

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