Hobbit is no more ... in Albion!



All though the name might tell wrong, I am Sturm, GM of Praetorians, and would like to use this forum for a public announcement:

As from yesterday Hobbit has left Praetorians due to an argue about the Dragon loot distribution. Hobbit had the oppinion, that the bow shouldnt be given up for lotto, as he was sure it would end in the hands of "some lamer who dosnt deserve it". So he decided to delete his account and with it the bow.

I know this is fooked up, and Jerroum tried to talk with him, but nuttin helped.

So afain Hobbit has deleted his chars here and went to Hibernia. Sorry bout this, must be a shock to the scouts who still hoped for the bow.

As a last comment, I kinda understand Hobbits anger towards the scouts of Albion, as he has mailed me several logs... And believe me, none of the scouts in these logs deserve the bow.

Greatings to u all !

(Btw... what a fortune Mallus - u got the sword - u must be the luckiest dragon-drop-distributor alive :) )



so the rumour is wrong he sold the bow over ebay before deleting his char?

anyway very disappointing really...


just kill the dragon again, and maybe again after that. im sure a bow will drop again. Its just a item, what i find more strange is that he deleted his chars and went to hib. One of the char had to be at least 40ish to make use of the bow. It's a shame this happened jus from some bow ;/


btw we all know you're his irl friend...

~Raining Thunder 39 smiter

~Heartpiercer 12 scout aspirant =)

~Sturm 48 Armsman

destroyed he :rolleyes:



First off i want to reply to Aussie...u got the GM of Nolby Pride to msg Hobbit on IRC and yell at him, also saying that u deserved the bow most, and that u were irl freinds. U are really nice to have on alb m8.
I Talked to hobbit about giving the bow up for distribution amongst the scouts on that raid. But he refused, saying that he didnt belive in the way mallus distributed the loot in, so i suggested to him to give the bow to a neutral person and let him do it, he refused that too. I threw him out of praetorians the same day, and he deleted his char the same day.
im not sure what i was supposed to do more than that, im his irl freind too, should i kick the crap out of him because of this game? i think not.
It was his desition, no mine or praetorians, he desided to do his thing (which i disagree totally in), and thats that.
Now after he did that, im getting flamed from all sides. Thats not really fair i think. We tryed hard to get this sorted, but this has reflected on praetorians in a way i dont understand.
Let me give u an Xample: a guy works at a steelmill, he makes a bankrobbery some day, and the steelmill gets the blame...that wouldnt be fair eigther imo, but that is what happend here.
We still have freinds on alb, but it has decreased alot since the incident at the dragon, thats a shame, ppl i thought was my freinds before turned the back on me, and im kinda sad about that.
What can i do, what am i supposed to do about it?....i really don´t know, i really don´t =(
But we are all in praets keen on going hunting for drops as everybody else, just that we havent got anybody to do it with, and as it seems now, what i hear and what ppl say to me, that´s not about to change. That really sadens my heart, but i guess thats life on alb, hope to be proven wrong about that.
See ya all out there, happy hunting and GL =)


Sad story Jerroum :( I never blamed those problems on anyone except Hobbit, didn't even know he was a praetorian lol. I hope he doesn't do the same thing on hibbie land if they kill the dragon there, poor hibbies :eek:


Hibbies can't kill a dragon because they haven't got enough warriors. And they smoke pot too much :p


Poor hobbit then, he isn't going to be able to steal some uber items! :m00:


Kudos to Jerroum, you did the right thing and threw the culprit out of the guild. In my opinion this was the correct thing to do and you, and your guild's, standing with the Knights of Pendragon has risen as a result.

Unfortunately all members of a guild are representatives of the guild and their actions have to be taken as a direct reflection of the guild. If the members screw up the guild will suffer.



Hobbit is a pathatic loser. The bow was never his to destroy/sell etc. He was just a part of a larger undertaking. The bow belonged to Albion and the right people would have decided on a fair way how to distribute it.

Thank god we got rid of him. We don't need such people in Albion. And if there are more that share his opinion please leave also.

Thats all I want to say about this subject. It makes me :puke:


I cant believe what happened 2 days ago. A guild actually refused to join us in Llyn Barfog even though they were 5 ppl at SS.

Does it have to be like this? Are we exiled untill the dragon gets killed again and someone else screws "the realm" ?

I am truly disappointed by the ppl I have been playing with for half a year now.

Ït's a game FFS, not a competition. I think ppl tend to forget that sometimes, and when they do, they turn into real assholes !!!

Well, I hope u guys out there get your heads reattached to your bodies. This childish behavior is rediclious!



I don't judge guilds or groups only individuals. Hobbit in this case. I don't see why you shouldn't get a group in Llyn B because of something someone else did. Thats just plain old stupidity.


I'll go if u want.... Who cares bout some lame bow gets eliminated... Certainly not ur fault (nor ur guild)...

I'm rdy anytime (almost ;) ) altho i'm a complete n00b in LB

cheers :)

Aule Valar

well its pretty odvious now how the drops are distributed, so for the next raid people ought to understand whats gonna happen with the loot if they do get it
as for hobbit, its good that hib have him, weakaned enemies are better enemies, and with fools like that wandering around they ain't gonna have a chance (well at least if all those aoe messers forget to come :s )


Originally posted by Raining Thunder
I cant believe what happened 2 days ago. A guild actually refused to join us in Llyn Barfog even though they were 5 ppl at SS.

Does it have to be like this? Are we exiled untill the dragon gets killed again and someone else screws "the realm" ?

I am truly disappointed by the ppl I have been playing with for half a year now.

Ït's a game FFS, not a competition. I think ppl tend to forget that sometimes, and when they do, they turn into real assholes !!!

Well, I hope u guys out there get your heads reattached to your bodies. This childish behavior is rediclious!


LOL http://users.skynet.be/Aussie/raining.jpg LOL
what were you saying? childish? assholes?

Aaaaaaaaaaah ok :D ^^

edit : mirror mirror mirror


Still pissed ?

OMFG Aussie... are u still pissed about something gone ?

Off course I know Hobbit, why should I deny that. But as Jerroum said; do u want me to beat up some1 because he thinks the scouts of Albion dont deserve the Bow ? I personally are beginning to understand Hobbit to some degree. If all scouts have been flaming him like U are me, then I do believe the Bow has found its right place in eternity! :(

As for u Aussie. I didnt adress my comment to U, but somehow U just have to make a statement everytime I write something here. I dont think I have ever done U wrong, but with the way U keep annoying me, there must be something. And I do believe U are childish. Do U post all your logs on the internet ? U must have made it into alot of /ignores. :rolleyes:

Seems like every ex-praet I meet hate us who decided to stay through the rough times.

I guess some know what loyality means - some dont!



U should join hib imo..... we in hib have fun .. we are not l33tist ppl like some albs in ur realm. Seriously come to hib. U wont regret it.


atleast the grass is more green over there (literally speaking ;))


Sure, if your a member of a guild you gotta keep in mind that what you do and say affects the guild as a whole. But like Jerroum clearly states, "It was his desition, no mine or praetorians". To blame Praetorians as a guild, Raining or Jerroum for what's happen' is just pathetic and wrong.

I think Jerroum clearly stated his and the guilds opinion by throwing Hobbit out of the guild, I dont see what one can demand more from him, or Praetorians.

What is done is done, nothing people say or do against Praetorians can change that. I dunno, but maybe it's time to move on.

Just my two cents.

// Gage.


I have no quarrel with Preatorians what so ever. I like some of those people a lot. They are nice players and good ones also. So please people don't judge them by the action of one person that happened to be in that guild.



It seems to me he got far to involved in the game.. it was a bloddy item... a Drop.. in a computer game...

I think every bloddy scout that helped kill the dragon deserves a chance to have tohe bow.. or at LEAST to know that somebody else is using it...

killing the dragon was a JOINT effort between the whole of albion really... I dont think Hobbit can say who deserves it and who dosnt, as proven by actions...

The system of drop distribution may not be to the liking of everybody.. but if he had or if anybody had a better way then i am sure Mallus would have listened and ask the people...

Iidnt know Him, i dont hold a grudge against his guild... But i do feel sorry for every scout out there that was hoping for a sligh chance of getting the bow....

IMO the fact that he reacted so badly only shows an imaturity on his part... if he disagreed with Mallus... then he should have organised a dragon raid himself... It was my understanding that the drop dristubition system had been organised before the dragon was killed, if that is the case.. then he shouldnt have come if he disagreed with it...

/em Feeling sorry for Pfy the Highlander "Gimp" Scout who could have really used that bow to do more then 10 damage :( :D


Disclaimer: All of this is IMO ;)

Edit: Spelling :p

- Pathfinder -

One less tool in Albion. Kindly keep 'em off prydwen, though :)



Seems like every ex-praet I meet hate us who decided to stay through the rough times.
i hated u the first day i met u in beta...
even though u'r an asshole,i still enjoy playing with ya , u funny bastard :clap: :clap: :clap:


Didn't realise the Praets were still going to be honest but I wouldn't let one persons actions make any differance to the way I treated you.

Hobbit was completely in the wrong as far as I'm concerned but it does look like u guys have done as much as you could to try to sort it out.

Talking of Guilds I thought were dead I actually saw a RB tag last night :)
WB Wolfen good to talk to u again.


Originally posted by old.Paranoid

It seems to me he got far to involved in the game.. it was a bloddy item... a Drop.. in a computer game...

I think every bloddy scout that helped kill the dragon deserves a chance to have tohe bow.. or at LEAST to know that somebody else is using it...

killing the dragon was a JOINT effort between the whole of albion really... I dont think Hobbit can say who deserves it and who dosnt, as proven by actions...

The system of drop distribution may not be to the liking of everybody.. but if he had or if anybody had a better way then i am sure Mallus would have listened and ask the people...

Iidnt know Him, i dont hold a grudge against his guild... But i do feel sorry for every scout out there that was hoping for a sligh chance of getting the bow....

IMO the fact that he reacted so badly only shows an imaturity on his part... if he disagreed with Mallus... then he should have organised a dragon raid himself... It was my understanding that the drop dristubition system had been organised before the dragon was killed, if that is the case.. then he shouldnt have come if he disagreed with it...

/em Feeling sorry for Pfy the Highlander "Gimp" Scout who could have really used that bow to do more then 10 damage :( :D


Disclaimer: All of this is IMO ;)

Edit: Spelling :p

/em readys his handbag ...


hmmmm one comment to make....keep killing dragon :p :clap: :clap:


Practise Sword on Ebay

Can u plz tell me how i can sell my practise sword in EBAY, price what i would like to have is about 700$, i need to pay my rent..

Stats: lvl 2-3?
rest r 100% though, and never needs to repair =)

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