Hmmmm....SI patching



The irony of this whole SI stuff is like when John Leslie was accused of all that stuff, everyone was screaming blue murder and it was top news

Couple of weeks go by and everyone forgets about it

Lets just look at the facts for a minute, your moaning whining, complaints aren't going to achieve anything, hell they may make u feel better but they aren't going to speed up SI being sorted.

You have to be a little naive to think that GOA don't realise ur pissed off, in fact u can guarantee they are pissed off to, but the fact of the matter is, THESE THINGS HAPPEN, yeah its annoying and yeah its a real pisser, but nothing is infallable, nothing really goes super smooth, even in America when SI came out there were issues which needed patching but they were sorted quickly because they are the actual developers of the game with access to everything, GOA isn't

As for subscription page issues yeah ok it could have been done better, but the fact of the matter is, that most companies couldn't handle 9000+ people refreshing a coding based database backend internet page in all facts it would just crash the server so GOA have had to limit it to be able to get some people on, and even if I am incorrect GOA aren't the bank and they don't have bottomless pockets of cash like any company they have to break even, and make some money to improve services and maybe a new improve server has not been approved by management, its not the DAoC teams fault there might be someone high up preventing updates, I dunno just speculation

All this talk of alienating new users is a bit of a hypocracy because through all this abuse, and ranting, new people are going to come into these forums and think "Fook this this community is a bunch of tossers!" And I don't really think any of us wants that I know ur all top stuff but new people won't have any idea

All in all, yeah it didn't go smoothly but all this crucifixtion of GOA isn't going to speed up the process, and some people have had the amazing idea of actually doing something else while waiting for the subscriptions to slowly pass through, what a great idea

And yes I agree you have paid ur money and yes as a consumer ur entitled to play ur product when u buy it, but then again thats clearly being naive. Everytime a consumer buys a product they run the risk of having problems or not being able to use the product, faulty hoover, microwave which doesn't defrost, a game which needs patching to prevent crashing throughout the game Unreal 2 is a perfect example crashes more than a drunk driver seriously needs a patch AND CHRIST I paid £35

All I am trying to say is have some patients, yes we are all pissed, but GOA are doing their best to sort this problem out, you can probably guarantee that some of their engineers and possibly Kemor himself are staying for extremely long hours at a time to resolve the ongoing issues as well as keep us informed of whats going on

Its like when you spill a bottle of milk, there is no point crying about its spilt now

Shit happens, and anyone who knows the MMORPG business world is living in a fantasy land if they think any MMORPG or expansion has had a smooth ride, all the ones out UO, AO, DAoC etc etc have all had their fair share of bad times for users.

All I trying to make u understand is your GOA's bread and butter and they are doing their utmost to resolve the issue, give em a chance, there is nothing i really make u say to make u feel better but we are all human and we all make mistakes

And yeah I have to agree refreshing the subs page for 10-13hrs is a bit obsessive ;)

Faith will set u free

Peace, hope this calms a few fires


I am just impressed u read it all ;)

Love ya FliM THINGYMABOB:clap:



You are very wrong on many of your obervations. I have watched this debacle unfold with great interest, being in the software business also. I can tell you now that people will not just *forget* about this. If GOA was any normal business they would have no future, period. The customers in Europe unfortunately are tied to GOA as they have been awarded the contract to host the game. Do you think that is the customers had a choice and there were multiple hosts, they would stick with GOA?

Any reasonable savvy company would have had a plan in place to work around all these issues, escpicially given that they were 100% predictable issues.

Having played the US servers you would not believe the difference in attitude and professionalism between Mythic and GOA. Even in the beginning I was amazed at a username/password system that beggars all belief, by the lack of customer support facilities, by the woefully inadequate and cumbersome website.

GOA has no future (if it was planning one) in the future hosting of online games. That is the bottom line. They had a chance with DAOC, and blew it big time. Although customers cannot vote with their feet just now, because they have no option to play elsewhere, every up and coming online publisher has a choice, and then even the smallest amount of research will show them GOA is a shambles.

I have no idea what area you work in, but if you feel this year has been OK, and customers will just forget, then you show yourself in poor light. You have a lot to learn my friend.


I also read it :D but i'm at work and bored AND GAME haven't deliverd my copy of SI yet i PRE-ordered it.

Nerf GAME and there shite delivery service. :eek:


Grim ur entitled to your opinion and an educated and valid one it is

Shambles or no shambles every company has problems one time or another and if your lucky enough to work in a company which hasn't had problems then cootees to u

However GOA DO have the licence and GOA AREN'T going to lose it and at the end of the day like anygood company they will learn from this first experience growing and learning from their mistakes and correcting them for a new expansion which may/may not appear

I work for an American Mortgage company, very legal and important work and seriously based around customers

We got hit by the SQL slammer virus the other week due to our American counterpart not upgrading their servers with MS's SQL patch to prevent the virus and nor did we, result was we lost a day's business

Yeah it was stupidity on our Server/desktop's part and yeah it could have been prevented but the fact of the matter is these things happen and we have learnt from the mistake and u can damn guarantee that it won't happen again

This is the first expansion that has come in so GOA have had no chance to do a dress rehearsal on the accounting screen with 9000+ applicants thats the truth

So yeah ur points valid but smell the coffee not every company is perfect, takes a little consumer faith to get them through

Thanks for ur input

Oh and I play in America and yes it is a different world I completely agree but GOA have to step through Mythic hoops to get things solved hence things take a little longer

As for forgetting u watch I'll give it two weeks from today and ur won't see another I HATE GOA thread in this forum just everyone chatting about SI

Individuals are intelligent opinionated beings who are stubborn and complicated, a crowd is predictable and easily pleased


Originally posted by GrimReaper
Although customers cannot vote with their feet just now, because they have no option to play elsewhere, every up and coming online publisher has a choice, and then even the smallest amount of research will show them GOA is a shambles.

I completely disagree, if people are not happy here then you can always play the USA servers.

Ok so the implementation of patches could go smoother, but when I realise im paying about 16p per day for this game Im more than happy to except a whole days downtime for patching.

From what i see this is GOA's first attempt at MMORPG hosting, and i think they are doinng a great job (theres always room for improvement tho)


Could always ask for ur 32p back?

Rather pointless really for a good 5+ Months of playing I don't think its that harmful to wait 2-3days to play DAoC?



Your example is a valid one, and any form of attack, unforseen problem, is to be expected occasionally, and we all understand the consequences.

GOA is in the great position of having seen the game launched in the US, can see the systems that are working, can predict the peak times that cause problems with exceptional traffic (SI, PVP), have access to websites that have been carefully designed, can see first hand a customer support system that works, and yet they still offer a service that is poor.

Mythic had to develop the game and launch it, and its service from day one has been ten times better than GOA's. Bottom line is, we should have actually had a better service than the US, yet we are plagued with poor websites, inadequate in-game support, an ever problematic payment system, and very little communication from GOA.

There really is no reason why it should be this way.


Playing the US is not a real option....

No localisation
No transfer of characters
Trans-atlantic pings are poor
5 - 8 hr time difference difficult socially

They are not doing a great job, we should at least have the same service as the US.


Hopefully this problem will enable GOA to go to management and justify more investment in systems and staff

We can but hope, good debating Grim nice one


another reason the SI release has'nt gone well is because its half term the kiddies and students are off school if it was released a week earlier or later i think it would have been better because u would'nt have 9000 ppl hammering the account tab


Originally posted by -Lonewolf-
Individuals are intelligent opinionated beings who are stubborn and complicated, a crowd is predictable and easily pleased

A crowd can quickly be enraged and turn into a bloodthirsty rampaging mob which is neither predictable nor easily pleased.

Originally posted by -Lonewolf-
And yes I agree you have paid ur money and yes as a consumer ur entitled to play ur product when u buy it, but then again thats clearly being naive. Everytime a consumer buys a product they run the risk of having problems or not being able to use the product, faulty hoover, microwave which doesn't defrost, a game which needs patching to prevent crashing throughout the game Unreal 2 is a perfect example crashes more than a drunk driver seriously needs a patch AND CHRIST I paid £35

And if any electrical goods manufacturer introduced a product which detrimentally affected their ENTIRE customer base (your analogy not mine) how much future confidence would that engender? I for one do not think its naive for a consumer to buy a product in the hope that it actually works. On the contrary, to be honest I think its pretty reasonable to assume that when a product is marketed, launched, sold and "consumed" that the purchaser rightly has a fairly high expectation that that product will perform in accordance with the terms and conditions of sale and purchase. To then berate customers for complaining when that product does NOT live up to that reasonable expectation will not go down well with many.

Naive to expect consumer goods to live up to expectation? I dont think so...what I do think is naive however, is that based on the previous patch debacles and calamities that ANYONE thought that this was going to be smooth. What is clear is that GOA have not handled this well nor have they handled previous patches well, there have always been issues associated with every single one of them, even when those issues have been well known in advance and could have been prevented from appearing in the EU version just by taking note of the associated post patch comments and developments in the US. Im not saying that this was the case with SI merely pointing to the fact that over a year into EU retail, with many patches and now an expansion, the GOA track record speaks for itself.

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