Hmmm Thats why bm's are gimps.



I just change from hib to mid, On hib my main was a blademaster and he was cool 'n all but he wasent good. And i know why, when the bm attack he almost never uses his both weapons in the attack ( it dosent matter if they are the same speed or something like that ) He almost never use his weapons at the same time. it dident say that I missed with the weapons it just said that u dident attack with it....... well after a moth i got bored of hib and changed to mid. My first char where a Troll zerker. And efter lvl 6 i stared to notice it... the berzeker hits allways with both of his weapons in a attack. the bm dosent.....Offcourse can the zerker miss with his weapons but he allways try's to hit it.... the bm is just lazy or something and most of the time hit's with one weapon.....

A question : What does Merc do? allways both or ?



I swing with both weapons a hell of a lot, especially unstyled. I would say its best to play a class fully before you post comments like this.

As for the zerker, it's an acknowledged fact that they are the best of all dual wielders, and their 'special ability' can also be used 4 times in the space of one TW.


I have played the class fully i have played with a bm 4 a long time... i got lvl 33 . ok i havent had a lvl 50 bm what what i have notice so does the bm hit with both weapons much less then a zerker.


Dual Wield and Celtic Dual do the same thing:

Skill gives you more chance to hit with the second one.

Left axe is different:
You always hit with both weapons - but your damage is halved.
More skill gives you a damage bonus.

With max dual wield you have a 65% chance of hitting with second weapon...
so everything else equal you do 165% of normal single swing damage.

With max left axe you get a 65% bonus to both weapon's damage...
So you do 50%*1.65+50%*1.65=100%*1.65=165% damage of a normal single swing.

Where LA outclasses DW and CD is that it's styles are rocking :)


Thx Fingoniel. thats the answear I whanted.

well bm still arent good...

My friend (thain) fough a lvl 50 bm ( Cjkace ) and he has screene's that the bm was hitting him 4 about 60... and the tripple wield did about 30..... i mean thain was hitting back 4 about 260 with his axe..... isnet that kinda of a gimp.


isnt celtic dual style damaged added on both hands? when it kicks in that is..

zerker dualwield is not that much dmg on offhander u know.


Originally posted by Nerc
Thx Fingoniel. thats the answear I whanted.

well bm still arent good...

My friend (thain) fough a lvl 50 bm ( Cjkace ) and he has screene's that the bm was hitting him 4 about 60... and the tripple wield did about 30..... i mean thain was hitting back 4 about 260 with his axe..... isnet that kinda of a gimp.

The blades might be more than twice as fast hitting (in addition to 'dual hitting') your Thain friend, armors have different absorbances (+bonuses), resistances can be different, so it can very well be that Cjk had better total Dps and might even be able to eat your friend for lunch in a one-on-one situ.


Dual wield does damage with both weps when you hit with both :)

I have lvl 27 BM havent fought players yet, but hit 50% of the time or more with both weps :)

I love my BM :)


I think the LA rocks thing started for a few reasons. Firstly, a zerker (probably a Troll with 100 base STR) with LA will hit with both weapons from lvl5 to lvl50. Secondly Doublefrost was a rocking style (nerfed in 1.50).

CD and DW give a 25% base chance to hit with both weapons, increasing at 0.5% per spec point. So a lvl5 BM will only have a 25% base chance to hit with both weapons, increasing to 50% (someone said 65%, so I may be wrong) at lvl50. Also, many LA styles are reactionary, and as a zerker is hitting with 2 weapons each hit, there is 2x the chance of parry/evade each round, so 2x the scope for reactionary styles.


Actually you can only reactionary off the last hit, so there is the same amount of chance for a reactionary.

eg. if the zerk attacks and you parry main then get hit by the off, you can't use a parry reactionary successfully.


Originally posted by Nerc
Thx Fingoniel. thats the answear I whanted.

well bm still arent good...

My friend (thain) fough a lvl 50 bm ( Cjkace ) and he has screene's that the bm was hitting him 4 about 60... and the tripple wield did about 30..... i mean thain was hitting back 4 about 260 with his axe..... isnet that kinda of a gimp.

As I said the Berserker is by far the best of all Dual Wielders due to the styles being way above Celtic Dual. Celtic Dual is actually gimped as it's styles suck, with every style after 30 being reactionary.

Level 33 is not high enough to make a comment about Blademasters being 'gimps' and direct comparison from one realm to another makes no sense either. Compare Bards and Minstrels for example. Or heroes and armsmen?

As for triple wield doing 30 damage, I'd like to see that screenshot. When I triple I routinely see between 40 and 60 damage PER blade, and my blades swing every 3 seconds. So if I hit with both blades then I do between 80 and 120 extra damage every 3 seconds for 30 seconds, irrespective of armour type.

I'm not one of those people that signed up to a class because it does UBER damage. My perception of a BM was always one of the best defense of any class. Unfortunately parry is not as effective in RvR as it is in PvE, but even so I will be getting MoP3 and Dodger 3. My philosophy is that he who doesn't get hit, doesn't get hurt, which is at odds with Mythic's standpoint.

The only thing Blademasters need IMO is a higher base parry skill as opposed to other classes and for Mythic to make parry work the same as in PvE.


isnt celtic dual style damaged added on both hands? when it kicks in that is..

Nope only applied to one hand. One of the reasons were are screwy, cd styles are pretty awful as well and they dont scale properly at all (although most styles dont) Doublefrost is an amazing style we have nothing that is anywhere near how good it is although it gets nerfed next patch but by 1.52 its back the way it was

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