Hmmm just was wondering....



With more chances to get respec stones in 1.61 i think the whole idea should be removed and give us unlimited player realm ability respecs maybe once a week or so,reason being because many arguements are caused over one stone:( then others sell it when it was suppose to be for their use to respec when another could of done with it.

I really hope they sort something out,these things cause friends ingame to become your enemies or leave your guilds which is a sad thing to see.So what does everyone think,we should get unlimited ra respecs every often?(also skills too)


well if the people are childish enough to argue over a respec stone, do they really wanna be friends anyway?


LEt's answer this in a different way then usual:

Excellent idea! I wish i had come up with this marvel of the mind. Gees man, you should apply for a job at Mythic because this is the greatest idea i've seen so far. :clap: :clap: :clap: :m00: :clap:


Yeah Matt's I said the same in every singel discussin there been about the subject..just make it like the name change registar..10g a pop change RA or spec anytime u want..why ??? BEcause this game is about having fun aint it..and being stuck with a specc you do not like , that has been gimped/ do not any longer fit your play style / you gimped yaself because of a freaking not why dont all peopel see it like that ??? I's being UBER even on the expenses of peopel who made a mistake so importent.. I think not..


Well it seems unfair if you in a small guild who can't bring the amount of people required to a big hunt therefore do not have much chance to get one,some people have spent lots of points in broken ra's(mastery of arms,void etc) that isn't their fault it's the idiots who produced them for each class.

As for skill respecs if something changes on a class like sorcs/mins did this patch they got nothing(typical) and when the la nerf comes they will get a respec or many mid players we be even more annoyed,it seems when a class is nerfed you get respec and when boosted you do not.

Some players only level one lv50 who take quite long to do so then realise they are upset with their spec in rvr(i.e should see the feking slash resists i get:( but the slash styles only reason i stay).


Just as a question, do you think implementing this would make you play the game for longer or shorter?

If you have a time based RA respec would you play for longer because you can balance out your RAs to max the effect or are you gonna realise that even with the best mix of RAs your toon still doesnt work - and so throw a paddy - and so leave.

It makes perfect sense mate, and would be very helpful..but to get it implemented you need to sell it to Mythic as a way of prolonging the game.

The other downside is that you will have many classes which are in effect identical. At least at the moment if youve picked the wrong RAs then you have to do something to change them - which makes you spend more time on infinitum...which is what Mythic likes.

But yeah, would be nice :)


Also maybe make you be able to buy a realm point with a certain amount of bps or some items for your class using bps(like if you are a pala you can buy a plate helm that is 100 qua af102 with nice stats and can't be sc'ed for 5000bp but is very good :p) i dunno maybe ways of making the bps more useful too should be brought up.


It is incredible that any business would not respond to its customer feedback on an aspect of the game that is very likely to shorten the duration that people play the game.

Allowing regular respecs, every patch / via a quest anything other than their developed method of depending on being very lucky and grouping with upto half a realm, will just ensure no-one ever gimps their long played character, can try out alternative specs and playstyles extending the customers interest and payments. The inclusion of more mobs that can drop stones in 1.61 almost seemed like a begrudging and reluctant compromise.

Its madness, but thats Mythic, great talent but I think all the time they have spent with this mmorpg has finally driven all the logic, common sence and ability to look at customer opinion.

Turel Haven

It'd be nice if you could buy Realm Ability Respecs with BPs... It would fit in with their use, and actually make them useful o_O

Maybe the cost for a Respec could scale as you buy more to stop people chopping and changing every few days?

Say, 1000BPs for the first, 2000BPs for the second, 4000BPs for the third and so on.


this game is meant to be a challenge else there is no point playing it. if they give respecs willy nilly that wouldnt be a challenge and maybe the smaller guilds want challenges like this. its not up to mythic to decide how the game is played, its upto how the people play the game (know what i mean?) for example people arguing over the stones - thats not mythic telling us to argue, its people arguing because they want to.

sorry i cant explain it better


Would introduce some odd changes in RvR, someone gets called a gimp, off they go to respec and come back totally different and pwn the guy, guy whines, guy respecs, come back pwns the other guy, would just keep going round and round, i guess it would give a fair bit of instability

Roo Stercogburn

I think its a concept thing.

You create a character and take it through training to become what it finally is. It's a Massively Multiplayer Online ROLEPLAYING Game - not Massively Multiplayer Level 50 R0XX0R PWNS J00 Game.

I understand the 'fun' argument and agree to a point, but it does invalidate the entire PvE experience. If you are going that far, why not just eliminate PvE and have insta LvL50s <waiting for someone to mention Planetside>.

I suspect that Mythic hoped their players would have a little more depth than merely wanting to respec and respec and respec til they find Pwnz0r spec.

I don't think char specs should be flavour of the month, week, minute, or whatever they would become.

I have no problem with respec stones being hard to get and before people go on about me not needing one I've stuck with a supposedly gimped spec on Roo through thick an thin because I like the way the char PLAYS not because I think it owns.

I think Matt you're slightly missing the point of respec stones.



I seriosly think you are overrating the importance of speccs Sharma a bit tbh, most speccs work as they are unless you specc like a total gimp (but then you are most likely a new player or didnt listen to peoples advices), its the player that decides if the character is a gimp or not.


on the topic, well, I for one really really dont like PvE at all anymore, just makes me wanna puke nowadays and hence, I will have trouble finding a way to respecc if I really wanted to do that, there should be a way to respecc with BPs or RRs or something yes. And people arguing over stones... well, if they are so darn silly that they leave guilds and become enemies with others, let them, its not like its the end of the world tbh, it is however nuts to argue over a silly drop in daoc imho.


I liked Planetside's system a lot, during the Beta. Fair enough 'speccing' is managed very differently, however you could respec one 'line' in Planetside every 24 hours. Means if you don't like a certain ability, you can drop it and try something else for a while.

To be completely honest though, I don't see why a similar system in DAOC wouldn't work. I seriously don't see people changing their spec every week. Most people would find a spec they enjoy and stick with it.


Would be nice if in hib you could fly up to 50 as a mana eld/chanter then at 50 once youre past all the "u got Pbae m8?" crap you could go onto a nice luvly light/void/enchantments spec :D


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
I think its a concept thing.

You create a character and take it through training to become what it finally is. It's a Massively Multiplayer Online ROLEPLAYING Game - not Massively Multiplayer Level 50 R0XX0R PWNS J00 Game.

I understand the 'fun' argument and agree to a point, but it does invalidate the entire PvE experience. If you are going that far, why not just eliminate PvE and have insta LvL50s <waiting for someone to mention Planetside>.

I suspect that Mythic hoped their players would have a little more depth than merely wanting to respec and respec and respec til they find Pwnz0r spec.

I don't think char specs should be flavour of the month, week, minute, or whatever they would become.

I have no problem with respec stones being hard to get and before people go on about me not needing one I've stuck with a supposedly gimped spec on Roo through thick an thin because I like the way the char PLAYS not because I think it owns.

I think Matt you're slightly missing the point of respec stones.

It's not a case of the spec that "owns" all,i know from all the time i been playing daoc that there is no best spec,what i was meaning that if there is a broken ra like void or mastery of arms it's not the persons fault if they knew nothing of it, it's the game designers for putting a stupid thing in that does nothing.

Anyway was just a thought:p


Aye Roo if you think I play this game because I want to be uber..well then you dont know me.. I play to have fun..but being 1 point short of the next aoe insta mezz/ goodweapon style..or having mastery of water beacuse the game feeking lagged when you cliked to train you RA's , does not make it a better ROLEPLAYING game...If it was roleplaying would have the abillty to adapt..the one thing I realy like with could re-train your char at any time..or do you think that a REAL viking would by mistake train in lang distance swimming instead of weilding his axe better.. nahh I dont think so Roo


i reckon its a good idea tbh.

let us buy respecs with bounty points..

every respec you buy increases in cost.

say first respec is 1k BP`s
2nd make it 5k BP`s
3rd 10k BP`s
4th 15k BP`s

etc etc

that way someone that is rr5-6 can get 3 respecs also means that it cant be abused because if you respec several times you`ll be using alot of BP`s and 10-15k BP`s aren`t exaclty easy to get.

thats for skill respecs could make RA respecs alot cheaper. well maybe start off at 1k BP`s and double in cost each time you respec. so basicly

1st 1k BP`s
2nd 2k BP`s
3rd 4k BP`s

and so on and so forth.


And force peopel who maybe dont like to RvR to rvr beause thats the only way ?? or a char strictly made for PvE to get killed several times to get a respec.. nahhhh let us buy some decent equip or what not.. maybe xtra ra points with em..but respec's should be easy accesses for ALL type's of players.. The sooner Mythic realises this the better


Seems like a good idea, wonder what the people on VN where Mythic actually read it would think


Think 98% of the players also on Vn think respec's should be easier to get.. some wants quest's , some bp's to be the source, I say aslong as ANY type of player.. also strictly PvE players can get one easy.. then im for the idea...high RR players have advantages enough.. no reason to give em another


think what emma wrote looks realy good.. BP's are rather useless atm

Roo Stercogburn

Hmm I think I'd still be against it being incredibly easy to retrain - I think for example it would be abused by people that level a char then sell it and things like that.

However, if you were going to make such a system the way I'd suggest is that 1st respec you lose half a level off your char, 2nd respec you lose a full level, 3rd respec you go down 1.5 levels and so forth.

This would work for RvR and PvE players.

You are effectively retraining your character.

It shouldn't be without pain.

Means you get about 20 respecs before it becomes more viable to level a new char.


Well maybe make it so you can choose to "pay " with xp or bp ??


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Well it seems unfair if you in a small guild who can't bring the amount of people required to a big hunt therefore do not have much chance to get one

So true , also there are a lot of people without guilds , people like my ranger who is in a one man guild :p "The Lone Ranger" well he is lvl 43 and over a year old , can never get a group , hence the guild name :)

Teh Krypt

Ok im not going to read all the thread as I don't have time atm.


I think what they have in Planetside is an BRILLIANT idea.. you can respec then can't respec again for 24 hours.


Originally posted by Teh Krypt

I think what they have in Planetside is an BRILLIANT idea.. you can respec then can't respec again for 24 hours.

:great: well that suums it up nicely


free icecream and line respecs in 1.6d for everyone...

Edit: 1.6d = 1.6i, how could i forget... damn me DAMN ME ALL TO HELL....

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