


I'm semi-not sober so please stick with me as I mumble some complete bollocks(multi moan-question post).

1.) Why is it people are continually moaning about albs as they seem to have the larges percentage of players of all 3 realms.
Firstly I'd say that if these numbers were never published and I had to guess from seeing numbers of all realms in emain I wouldn't have personally thought Albs had more than either realm.
Secondly, why moan at us?
When I bought this game I made the decision there and then which realm to go for, I knew shite all of numbers per realm and based my decision on what I'd personally want to play.
Infact it wasn't until I was around level 35 that the differences in numbers were brought up, and by that ammount of time spent playing(first char remeber = alot of time to get to 35) there was no chance that I would start all over again in a new realm just to try and balance things out.

2.) Aggro. This is how I see pulls going (2 sides to each pull, obvioulsy there are probably more but just stick with 2 for now).
You pull, mob aggro'd goes to the player that aggro'd it, adds seem to go randomly to other players in the group.
Now I for one don't partically like the idea of leaving a minstrel/sorc to mezzing these adds when the adds are attacking a caster(1/2 hit kills).
If you attack a mob you risk the chance of breaking mez(as theres no way to tell a mobs mezzed until u realise it isn't attacking) and pulling aggro onto yourself and away from the casters.
Or you leave the mob and hope it gets mezzed, but in 50% of cases(against high mobs) it resists and ends up killing a caster.
Thing is the mezzers moan at me, but can you please understand my way of thinking.

3.) Instant heals. Now this is probably a touchy subject, but IMO 75% of cases insta heal is completely useless in PvE.
For example you have 3 purple con mobs and one attacks a caster, the healer will attempt to save the caster by using the good ol' cleric killer, resulting in 3 mobs that are basically impossible to peal away from the cleric meaning not only do we lose the cleric but probably the caster that he/she was trying to save and more than likely the entire group.
I just want to know the mentality behind this.

I am currently tired and have just been zerged by some mids in DF so if I seem a bit out of place do excuse me :).


hehe.. almost falling out of my chair from sleep depravation here, but I'll try to answer here..

1) well.. what do you expect? they're stinking albs! (I'm a midde, what else do you expect of me but to hate albs? and hibs also while I'm at it ;) )

2) you do actually see wich mobs are mezzed by the ZZzzZZzz's over their head.. remember /effects all for this, been playing in malmohus lately and /effects all are a must have so you can see wich mobs are mezzed and v.v.

3) that is what I would call a stupid healer thingie.. been playing a healer myself and instaheal is useless on casters, if they get aggro, the taunters need to get it away before he dies.. the clerics/healers/healing-thingies should NEVER use instaheal in those examples you have there since it would only mean that they'll get themselves killed.. get some healers that know how to judge the timing on those heals and they can be major lifesavers..

going to simulate a real life test with self mez and see if I can see any ZZzzz's above my head.. for now, Sortbane over and out!


Hmm, the ZZZZ's dont seem to tell you if a mob is mezzde or not, only that a mez spell has been cast on them, weither they resist or not.
Maybe this is wrong, but i'm sure I've always seen ZZZZ's above a mob's head even whe nthey resist it.


1) on excal albs have 60% or so more level 50s who rvr than the other 2 realms, its a fact. check out daoc statistics site.

2) who cares

3) same


1) numbers have been proven via the xml files that GOA provide us with

2) tell em to go solo to 50 ^^ ;)

3) instants have saved my grps countless times, :)
press the death button(s), and train the unwanted mobs away until they run back to camp :p


this isnt really the right place for this but i cant be arsed to find a thread where its suitable so i'll put it here.
alb may have more ppl in rvr than other realms, but also alb only has about 3 or 4 sorcs (only alb class with an aoe mezz) in emain at 1 time where as nearly every mid/hib grp has a healer/bard so we get out mezzed almost everytimewhich results in us getting nailed


Well i think it goes without saying that we have 60% more L50 but we dont have 60% more rp than other realms (Or anything like that)

Lets not get into another lack of aoe mezz rant again please. It seems like every post i read (literally) is on this issue.

We have least number of aoe mezzers in alb. Why? Because mind sorcs have crap all offence and lets face it, people dont just like to help kill they like to kill for themselves. Not eveybody likes a 100% support role....Just look at the diminishing number of clerics because smite was nerfed (and still to face further nerfs)

Nothing to do with us, its down to character balance. Nerf mythic :p


Originally posted by Northstarr
this isnt really the right place for this but i cant be arsed to find a thread where its suitable so i'll put it here.
alb may have more ppl in rvr than other realms, but also alb only has about 3 or 4 sorcs (only alb class with an aoe mezz) in emain at 1 time where as nearly every mid/hib grp has a healer/bard so we get out mezzed almost everytimewhich results in us getting nailed

indeed, make more! :p


Some facts to back it up with.

891 (100%) Level 50 chars (Excalibur)
347 (39%) Albions (Excalibur)
222 (25%) Hibernians (Excalibur)
322 (36%) Midgardians (Excalibur)

570 (100%) Level 50 chars (Prydwen)
222 (39%) Albions (Prydwen)
100 (17.5%) Hibernians (Prydwen)
248 (43.5%) Midgardians (Prydwen)

But then it all depends how dedicated those lvl50 chars are to defend the realm.

As for instaheals, lifesaver if you play with tanks who knows their styles (taunt, stun and others...) albeit a good tank kills mobs fast ;)

/helis - the friendly healer


And the rise of AoEmezz capable chars was when ppl realised they were an effective weapon against the zerg so ppl started PL an mezzer alt ... its all about measures and countermeasures, as it is in war ;)


The ZZZzzzZZ dont tell you the mob is mezzed, but the ZZZzzzZZ added to the fact that it's stopped moving does :D

Oh and a good tank keeps aggro while the mages kill it fast :p


I'm alive again (well kinda), I'm not arguing that albion doesn't have the most numbers I didn't say that. What I'm saying is why do you other realms moan at us as if its our fault or that we are going to do anything about it ?


it's "war", you don't see opposing forces thanking eachother for attacking in certain ways.. everyone wants to win in their way. Our 3 realms have their strengths (albs has a bit more attention to details in classes ;) ) and we all use them to the fullest.

Even if most peeps wants a "fair fight" it's impossible coz there will always be someone breaking the pattern.

Anyway, now the zerg tactics works best so everyone uses them, the reason albs are better are 2.

* better leaders?
* more players

Mids have great leaders, all ~300 of them every night.... dunno about hib/alb.

/helis - the friendly healer


Mids have 300 leaders, albs have 400 ;)

we see a troll, 50 people back off to not be first in line to die...



heh.. we are the opposite..see a hib/alb everyone screams CHAAARGE.. when they get close enough, 2 fg's changes their minds and go for DF instead if it's open.

when 60% are dead, the healers get /send Rezz over here plz..


But as a healer, you can't do a thing because you're getting ganked by some con-grey infiltrator.. :S

Other than that, it's great fun with RvR... meet alot of new "friends"..

/helis - the friendly healer

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