I'm semi-not sober so please stick with me as I mumble some complete bollocks(multi moan-question post).
1.) Why is it people are continually moaning about albs as they seem to have the larges percentage of players of all 3 realms.
Firstly I'd say that if these numbers were never published and I had to guess from seeing numbers of all realms in emain I wouldn't have personally thought Albs had more than either realm.
Secondly, why moan at us?
When I bought this game I made the decision there and then which realm to go for, I knew shite all of numbers per realm and based my decision on what I'd personally want to play.
Infact it wasn't until I was around level 35 that the differences in numbers were brought up, and by that ammount of time spent playing(first char remeber = alot of time to get to 35) there was no chance that I would start all over again in a new realm just to try and balance things out.
2.) Aggro. This is how I see pulls going (2 sides to each pull, obvioulsy there are probably more but just stick with 2 for now).
You pull, mob aggro'd goes to the player that aggro'd it, adds seem to go randomly to other players in the group.
Now I for one don't partically like the idea of leaving a minstrel/sorc to mezzing these adds when the adds are attacking a caster(1/2 hit kills).
If you attack a mob you risk the chance of breaking mez(as theres no way to tell a mobs mezzed until u realise it isn't attacking) and pulling aggro onto yourself and away from the casters.
Or you leave the mob and hope it gets mezzed, but in 50% of cases(against high mobs) it resists and ends up killing a caster.
Thing is the mezzers moan at me, but can you please understand my way of thinking.
3.) Instant heals. Now this is probably a touchy subject, but IMO 75% of cases insta heal is completely useless in PvE.
For example you have 3 purple con mobs and one attacks a caster, the healer will attempt to save the caster by using the good ol' cleric killer, resulting in 3 mobs that are basically impossible to peal away from the cleric meaning not only do we lose the cleric but probably the caster that he/she was trying to save and more than likely the entire group.
I just want to know the mentality behind this.
I am currently tired and have just been zerged by some mids in DF so if I seem a bit out of place do excuse me
1.) Why is it people are continually moaning about albs as they seem to have the larges percentage of players of all 3 realms.
Firstly I'd say that if these numbers were never published and I had to guess from seeing numbers of all realms in emain I wouldn't have personally thought Albs had more than either realm.
Secondly, why moan at us?
When I bought this game I made the decision there and then which realm to go for, I knew shite all of numbers per realm and based my decision on what I'd personally want to play.
Infact it wasn't until I was around level 35 that the differences in numbers were brought up, and by that ammount of time spent playing(first char remeber = alot of time to get to 35) there was no chance that I would start all over again in a new realm just to try and balance things out.
2.) Aggro. This is how I see pulls going (2 sides to each pull, obvioulsy there are probably more but just stick with 2 for now).
You pull, mob aggro'd goes to the player that aggro'd it, adds seem to go randomly to other players in the group.
Now I for one don't partically like the idea of leaving a minstrel/sorc to mezzing these adds when the adds are attacking a caster(1/2 hit kills).
If you attack a mob you risk the chance of breaking mez(as theres no way to tell a mobs mezzed until u realise it isn't attacking) and pulling aggro onto yourself and away from the casters.
Or you leave the mob and hope it gets mezzed, but in 50% of cases(against high mobs) it resists and ends up killing a caster.
Thing is the mezzers moan at me, but can you please understand my way of thinking.
3.) Instant heals. Now this is probably a touchy subject, but IMO 75% of cases insta heal is completely useless in PvE.
For example you have 3 purple con mobs and one attacks a caster, the healer will attempt to save the caster by using the good ol' cleric killer, resulting in 3 mobs that are basically impossible to peal away from the cleric meaning not only do we lose the cleric but probably the caster that he/she was trying to save and more than likely the entire group.
I just want to know the mentality behind this.
I am currently tired and have just been zerged by some mids in DF so if I seem a bit out of place do excuse me