


So I've bought SI.
So I've levelled my necro to 50.
So I've played him in RvR.

What do I think?

Well the class in principle is very cool - DAoC's first true hybrid tank mage. While the abomination doesn't have quite the same nuking power as a cloth caster, it's a brick in melee as well. Earlier this evening I was the last man standing at AMG, and faced off against a zerker, skald and hunter at the same time. While I didn't win, I did manage to get the zerker down to about 10% health (thought I was gonna get him :p), and the fight lasted a good 20-30 seconds. Count it, thats quite a long time.

However, I do have a number of concerns. Information on the necromancer is sparse. No-one really knows how to properly buff one, or why certain problems happen. If anyone could direct me to answers to any of the following it would be appreciated. Also feel free to post bugs you've found with the class as well.

1) Mana draining - You see an enemy, run towards him, and spam your nuke button to try and get the first cast. If you're a cloth caster, you're fine. However, if you do this as a necro, your mana bar drops straight out, and you're left with nothing. As it stands, mana is charged when you press the button, NOT when the spell casts. I've been OOP so many times due to this already, and is perhaps the most frustrating of all the bugs.

2) Buffs - as mentioned before, no-one really knows how to buff a necromancer. Is it worth putting dex buffs on both the pet and the shade? Just on the pet? Just on the shade? I'll stick my neck out here and say that mythic really need to standardise buffing for necros. Whether someone clicks on you, your pet, or your name in a group window, the buff they then cast should land on the pet. This buff should display at the top of the player's screen as if it were in effect on themselves.

3) Heals - linked with #2, there is currently no way for a necromancer's pet to be healed in-combat without directly clicking on it. If you click on the necromancer's name in the group window or mini-group window, the heal will land on the shade. I'm amazed something like this made it into the final release of SI to be honest.

4) Negative Effects - linked with #3, because the pet is usually buffed in RvR, there is currently no way to tell whether you are affected by any negative effects. As with buffs, negative effects should display along the top of the player's screen, so that they can be acted upon.

5) Stay Command - At the moment the pet simply does not stay even if you've told it to. It will run out of spells, then run off to melee. If placed on "stay" mode, the pet should stay put!

5) Pets freezing - This relates to LOS. While at present, the future LOS upgrade is not included in 1.57, you need only take your pet to a dungeon to see how its' LOS can be blocked and cause it to "freeze". You press the spell button, the console reports the spell is being cast, you're charged for mana, but the pet just stands there.

6) Pet pathing in dungeons - The number of times I would run through Avalon, only to pop out of shade form, or turn around to find my pet in the middle of a bunch of aggroing mobs, was insane. Pets will follow you, and then run off at a tangent following frankly insane waypoints. The pet will either follow the new waypoints until it can get off them and follow you again, or it will simply run back and forth along them until you move into a position that allows it to do so.

7) Spells sticking - as mentioned in the necro TL report (way back in december 2002 by the way, whats going on there??) casting a chain of spells too quickly will often cause the pet to become "stuck" in the queue, and stand there gormlessly until you add another spell to it. The pet will then cast both spells. This causes serious issues with heals, and slightly less serious issues with buffs. Either way, my mana is again being wasted.

8) No damage indicators. Simply put, the damage the pet takes and recieves is not reported at all to the player.

9) Invisible walls - around architecture, necromancers in shade form will often find themselves running up against invisible walls, often in doorways. They have to release the pet and re-summon to pass.

10) RvR aggro - Enemy hits pet. Pet registers aggro. Pet goes through aggro list, often running out of its own range (the pet can run considerably faster than the necromancer) to get to a target that it has not been instructed to attack. My suggestion would be that necro pets will only ever attack another player if they are instructed to "attack" them, or if they are told to cast a spell on them. Unless either of these commands are issued, the pet should follow the necromancer or obey other instructions at all times. (note: placing the pet on "passive" can help here, though it opens up a whole new kettle of fish regarding spells not being cast)

11) A small personal request - allow pet commands to be attached to keys in the same way /stick and /face etc were in previous patches. Even with 10 quickbar slots, it's not enough for necromancers who have to have total control over their pets at all times.

- Fedaykin -

some good points raised here, not having SI for 3 weeks i wouldnt know wha necros r like :(

things to consider before rolling a necro though

Kurik BHM

Aye... completely agree with u on all points... still loads of issues with necros.... im also amazed they released SI with all this shit

Repent Reloaded

level 50 necro's sound phat.... cant wait to see the first of the level 50 bonedancers... tis gonna be nasty.


animists + amg = time to find a new game.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
5) Stay Command - At the moment the pet simply does not stay even if you've told it to. It will run out of spells, then run off to melee. If placed on "stay" mode, the pet should stay put!

If you use Stay with Passive, it will not run off.



That is true apathy, I used that in barrows when I was doing advisors. The only problem there is that when the mob closes to melee with the pet, the pet will (as far as I can tell, he twitches sometimes) just stand there and take the beating. This luckily doesn't affect the necro's lifetaps which are what do the most damage in melee. The only problem with this is that it's impossible to use in open combat - I just don't have the space to put all the pet commands on quickbars (and learn them) or the dexterity (face it, even if you're good, you still screw up sometimes when you have lots of bars to switch between) to use more than a couple of bars at once.


6) Pet pathing in dungeons - The number of times I would run through Avalon, only to pop out of shade form, or turn around to find my pet in the middle of a bunch of aggroing mobs, was insane. Pets will follow you, and then run off at a tangent following frankly insane waypoints. The pet will either follow the new waypoints until it can get off them and follow you again, or it will simply run back and forth along them until you move into a position that allows it to do so.

Seems to be a genaral pet problem in avalon city.

I had the same problem with every cabalist pet to the point i just gave up using pets

I would send pet to a mob in the east to see the pet wandering of to the west.

Avalon is full of floor holes, LOS issues and pathing probs.


I know where you are coming from. I reorganised my GUI layout a week ago and it took me a while to get used to clicking on the buttons. Just takes practise and having your windows in the best place for you. :(



3) Heals - linked with #2, there is currently no way for a necromancer's pet to be healed in-combat without directly clicking on it. If you click on the necromancer's name in the group window or mini-group window, the heal will land on the shade. I'm amazed something like this made it into the final release of SI to be honest.

Nothing new here, same counts for all pet classes. Only players show up in mini making healing pets rather difficult, especially in big fights.

Unfortunatly necro's are far more dependant on their pets then other pet classes, so they're hit harder by this "oversight" then other classes and it becomes indeed a problem. Not much use of having a necro's name on your mini when he is invulnerable in shade mode, maybe replace it with the pets name then :p ?


Re-read what I said :p I already know you can do that, but I want to have the pet commands on the keys around my WASD setup so that I can reach them easily without taking up slots that I really need for my spells (necros have JUST too many for one quickbar, very frustrating, when you have to have three (at least) pet commands on it already - attack, defensive, and passive.

The healing is perhaps the most difficult to get around in RvR. The pet's health is shown in the group window (it declines when it's hit) but if you click on it and heal, it does fuck-all and just drops a heal on the shade, which does nothing. It seems they got half-way through coding the class and then just didn't finish it.


Even with my lowbie Necro I have seen all the effects (Or most) that you describe, its very frustrating being in a heavy mob populated area and turning around to see that your pet has made a beeline for some particulary nasty and bafing mobs for no reason other that " It looked like a nice place to wonder off to".

Not come across the LOS problem that I know of, frequently been unable to cast despite paying for it with pwr and frequently the pet stands there looking stoopid.

Shame really the class has a lot of potential, pity we need to get it fixed after 2 weeks :( tho


the necro is a very buggy class, it gets worse with the VERY crude LoS fix that gets put in.
you've basically said what was said in the TL report. its getting fixed slowly, like the invisible walls are now sorted on US servers.


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