it just me or?...



I have a feeling that alb is UBER gimped atm, Hibs and Middies are wanking albs in emain constantly. Im not thinking about masses here only (even if we are STRONGLY underpowered in rvr) im thinking, that it seems that alb is getting nerfed all the time, and hibbies are getting stronger. In this patch we are barely hanging on, in the next patch we are fish bait. Smite is "gone", mezz for sorcs will be nerfed, scouts and mincers stealth is /laugh....and so on. Is infil the only class in alb that still is kinda good or am i just whining?...
In 1.53 middies will be UBER gimped too, then alb and midgaard can whine together. (30% crush nerf). But i was thinking about they get nerfed at all or are they getting only stronger?
I would like to hear some serious facts on the subject, that will prove me wrong, i REALLY hope i am, but i just read so many places that thats the way its going
PLZZZZZZZZ show me im wrong =)

Hit ^_^

infils get gimped as soon they get to lvl40.
atleast mine got some join group bugg.
cant seem to get a group :p


End buffs = boost for alb/mid, especially mid as their's are 10 minute timed buffs.
Crush isn't nerfed in particular (where did you get the 30% from?), they just balanced the weapon tables. You get respec, Mids can spec slash instead if that's better.
Mezz isn't just sorcs it's a general CC nerf.
All stealthers except assassins got nerfed.
That said Hib does get a lot of boosts, and tbh they don't really need them.


if you want to look at how albsare doing, dont look at how we are doing in the larger battles that so often take place in emain - theese require too many ppl to listen to what to do - wont happen just yet.

Instead, take a look at albs in 8 vs 8 fights - dont you think we do well there?? I most certainly do.
Theese fight have less ppl who needs to listen and learn, and it seems that this is all that is needed to make us do well - I´ve been running around in gorge/uppland/odins a lot lately, and there albs are doing very very well from what I can see, even using good tacics is part of our battles there (now how did that happen :) ).

I have stated here on BW before that albs are too used to zerging instead of using strategy, and this is what defeats us in many larger battles, but if u take a small grp who u can learn (or who knows) to rvr, u´ll do perfectly well - just look at the smaller guilds or grp´s who know each other individually and who tend to battle outside the zergs. Try it for a while and u´ll see what I mean - as soon as your grp for this has grown to know each other, and the enemy, a bit, u´ll do well.


i agree gwal, some alb grps are cool i agree, but i was focusing more on future patches, in 1.50 we are just as good as the others, my questions relate to them.

P.S lets go to LB soon again, just for kicks =) had some cool trips there with u m8 =)


Albs are underpowered as long as we do not get an instant aoe mezz with some decent range. Aoe mezz or root is being nerfed for all realms, being less effective around the edges. So not only targeted at Albions.
Lately in Emain Albions have been moving more as one, and doing okish listening to one leader. I feel the person leading the emain cg should insist those wanting to join, should also follow the advice of the designated leader. Before mids and hibs start yelling zerg, this afternoon Emain was controlled by Albion with about 2.5 fg's. Hardly a zerg.
Just teamwork, and we will get far.
But yes, Hibs are strongest race so far, but that is mostly cause they get the bonus from having so many power relics. And strength relic is not so important, but fights in rvr are won at a distance... So we should try to get those power relics really.
Regards, Glottis


I agree with the smaller groups doing about equal (wouldn't say we do better, but certainly not drastically worse though we do still come out poor on the mezz front, just that we learn to get around it with tactics so not everyone gets mezzed).

However I do agree, whilst I wouldn't say alb in paticular gets any heavy nerfs coming, I do thing it seems hibs are getting alot of favourtism, deliberate or not. I think what has happend is in the past hibs have always come of as the weakest, Mythic have seen this and tried to balance but in the end they just totally over compensated. Now it seems not only do they have the strongest casters, but the strongest mezzers and even strongest tank to say they are 'spellcasting' realm.

I don't think they need nerfing though, but albs and even mids need something in return to bring us back on a level.


On the positive side wizard earth spec line is greatly improved (fixed) in 1.52 and cast time on fire nukes are lowered so we'll be be more balanced with elds and RMs.

Haven't looked that much into other changes but smells alot like nerf.

I'm not sure but I think purge will cost 3-4(?) realm skill pts so you would need about 100 rpts to get it :) Anyway hibs will suffer a great deal more from this than albs as I see it. But then it's maybe a shame since I've seen the sorc population (going RvR) growing quite alot recently.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong :)

And, btw, I don't think we doing bad at all.


1.52 = hibs own 8v8 confrontations .

Ar Insta mezz . and group purge imo are the two master factor to hibs rise in fortune . where our tanks prefer to save asap for IP , and get purge later . where as all hibs have to do is have a druid buy grp purge . that gives hib tanks "which are already considered to be best tanks" a head start in ra department .

thus in a 8v8 bard speeds in insta ae mezz's whole alb 8 Not many of alb taks have purge , so we fucked . if by some stupid reason our sorc manages to pull of a ae mezz on hibs . all druid has to do is press 1 buton and thats 7 more people freed from mezz . bards imo are only made overpowered with that one spell and it has and will in Eu change the face i rvr .
also it doesnt help whe they got so many healing classes and also the caster 9 second stun . not much fun in a 8v8 fight with hibs and when you hit a bard/druid they start running and another druid/bard thats ussually in same grp is healing him faster than u can hit him .

i just hope 1.53 comes asap and our tanks get Prevent flight . that is going to bring our tanks into the action big time . i also HOPE insta cc is nerfed . not just bards but all realms . cc imo shiuld all be castable and not insta shit :) , or if no insta ae mezz at least give a populer alb class it . maybe take away the minstrels SUCKY ASS ae mezz and give them same spell but insta with a lslightly larger radius ,

but i dont think Alb/Excal will ever rise to the occasion and become a fearfull force without zerging again because we have to many rp farming faggots and to many people who dont listen and follow simple easy advice to help us succeed . fuck us albs dont even seem to give a shit about our frontier or relics . today hibs took 3 keeps . i did a /who for. suavage and got 1 return . i didnt see anybody in our frontier except for the grp i was in "all guildys" and a cleric trying to Solo his epic at the blue man which we helped him with . that was hours ago and the keeps still havent been retaken . if we lose our relics we deserve it . if we cant defend our own frontier then we got no chance of being able to defeat and overcome the hibs/mids .


Originally posted by gwal
Instead, take a look at albs in 8 vs 8 fights - dont you think we do well there?? I most certainly do.

If u have a Sorc/Air Theurg + Minstrel + Cleric (with more than 15 in rejuv & who actually heals) u have half a chance. If u dont, well.. dont bother trying 8v8 vs hibs or mids cos u will get owned.


well u should do /who pennines at 7 am wednesday, u would c

1) Parlain
2) Sighfi
3) Noret
4) Fin

and then next msg was Albions took Boldiam

Yes we took keep with 4 of us, was easy....

so it dont need big group to take keep from pennines, it just needs attitude

after that keep we took 2 more....f.ex Beno, which even smelled Hibbies, they have been trashing there 3 days in a row and WE labs been just saying, well hibs have beno, lets go to somewhere else...and yes there was some retake trys, but when hibs defending keep albs get poop to pants and they do something else...


Originally posted by ZiroWiz

I'm not sure but I think purge will cost 3-4(?) realm skill pts so you would need about 100 rpts to get it :) Anyway hibs will suffer a great deal more from this than albs as I see it. But then it's maybe a shame since I've seen the sorc population (going RvR) growing quite alot recently.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong :)

The reduced cost of purge, to 4 points, comes in patch 1.53 and is for pure tanks only. (Armsmen and Mercenaries in Albion).

It is accompanied (again for pure tanks only) by the reduction in cost of Determination to 1/2/3/6/10 points, IP to 8 points, and the introduction of the Prevent Flight RA.

I can't wait! :D


well done fin - I was in hadrians wall laast night, just after our 3´d keep fell to the hibs - all of a sudden about 28 ppl were there and they didnt even wanna try to retake beno :(


Originally posted by alithiel50

The reduced cost of purge, to 4 points, comes in patch 1.53 and is for pure tanks only. (Armsmen and Mercenaries in Albion).

It is accompanied (again for pure tanks only) by the reduction in cost of Determination to 1/2/3/6/10 points, IP to 8 points, and the introduction of the Prevent Flight RA.

I can't wait! :D

Mmmm PF and Det 3 for me :)

The hibs will be pretty nasty in the 8vs8 scenario :( group purge + insta aoe mezz far outweighs the pathetic quickcast aoe mezz of a sorc (not to mention a bard/healer will take more hits to drop)

However..... the reductions to mezz make it have less impact - so having it on insta super version is less good than it is at the moment... still very powerful. You need a mincer or a sorceror to hang back from the fight and de-mezz people as fast as possible... not sure if it can compete though :( ... the aoe reduction is nice too - half duration at the edges.

Also group purge is once every 30m - so they can roll over one group... then the next one comes along and they're screwed.

Unfortunately this all means that people will be less inclined to play their sorcerors... (although Bullseye the TL was looking chirpy and hopeful instead of depressed and jaded like he usually does the other day... fingers crossed...)


I noticed something i find weird:
Alb is the only realm that has no insta aoe ranged cc?


Big tip to all players!! Use mouse view!!! Dont be a gimped quake noob use arrow keys to navigate sight!!


Originally posted by falcor
Whats prevent fight? never heard of that

Passive realm ability.
14 points (ouchie! mucho TL feedback saying to make it cheaper though)
Any attacks you do on someone's back have a 35% chance to proc a half-movement snare which stacks and doesn't break on damage.

sooo.. if that caster turns and flees at sprintspeed just after you burned all your endurance to get there... they don't get very far (unless they're lucky)

or if that tank decides to ignore you and charge past you to get at the nice easy to kill casters that go 'smoosh' when they hit them.. they get stopped in their tracks.


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
I noticed something i find weird:
Alb is the only realm that has no insta aoe ranged cc?

yep :)

bullseye was pushing to have all instas reduced in range (seems sensible to me - shouldn't be able to sprint forward, smack an insta and run back again without being hit) which would make things about even...

quickcast range 1500 mezz versus instacast range 1000 (or 700 even?) mezz

quickcast takes longer and can be interrupted by another mezz/whatever, but has more range than the insta 'I win'

if the insta guy gets the drop at range 1000 they win, if the quickcast gets the drop at 1500 they might win :) if the enemy doesn't speed into range fast enough.


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
I noticed something i find weird:
Alb is the only realm that has no insta aoe ranged cc?

yep :)

bullseye was pushing to have all instas reduced in range (seems sensible to me - shouldn't be able to sprint forward, smack an insta and run back again without being hit) which would make things about even...

quickcast range 1500 mezz versus instacast range 1000 (or 700 even?) mezz

quickcast takes longer and can be interrupted by another mezz/whatever, but has more range than the insta 'I win'

if the insta guy gets the drop at range 1000 they win, if the quickcast gets the drop at 1500 they win :)

if they both see each other at same time... it's down to speed of yer guns - can the sorc quickcast aoe mezz before the bard speeds into range?


Originally posted by old.FIN
well u should do /who pennines at 7 am wednesday, u would c

1) Parlain
2) Sighfi
3) Noret
4) Fin

and then next msg was Albions took Boldiam

Yes we took keep with 4 of us, was easy....

Just noticed the 3rd name on that list.....

Of COURSE it was easy.... you could SOLO a keep door with Noret's buffs! :p

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