Hmm Emulator movie



Er, how come no replies?
That's a pretty amazing movie or am I missing something?

But 4 gig!!!!
I'm guesing someones hacked the code, that beetle seems to have speed 15.


When the server was up, you could set your running speed.
/setspeed 510 -> double the speed of a horse. I also have a few screenies with me being morphed as the mid dragon and flying around in mag mell ;)


Help me here, what server?
Is this an offline code hack or what?


Originally posted by old.job
Help me here, what server?
Is this an offline code hack or what?

There isnt a set server, is more like the ability to set up a daoc server in your machine.


Are we talking a very illegal hack so you can set up your own server and play the game as a local LAN?

Sounds like a laugh, but this sort of thing is bad for DAOC, I hope it gets jumped on as much fun as it would be :)


If Mythic finds out it will be closed and the people responable for creating it will be sued. Mythic hasn't agreed to allow there source to be shared and used for private servers.

So whom ever released this file better be ready to pay out a fine.


Not illegal yet :great:

And im not so sure about a lan, but you can play it online. Plus playing with just your friends defies the mmorpg concept, assuming that the servers wont be dedicated, their player capacity will be too small to ever threaten goa and mythic.


If Mythic finds out it will be closed and the people responable for creating it will be sued. Mythic hasn't agreed to allow there source to be shared and used for private servers.

So whom ever released this file better be ready to pay out a fine.

Having worked on an emulator myself(super nintendo emulator), I have looked at some of the legal aspects of reverse enginering... Basicly most TOS of games/hardware 'stops' you from reverse enginering any software/hard... But, if you yourself never agreed on them, then they cant stop you... (for hardware its often the person that 'breaks the box-seal', software its often an 'ok' button in the installation)

The whole 'agreeing' to a TOS via a button is pretty much BS too, as a under aged person could be playing the game, he cant agree to anything... Legally he cant make 1 decission... I mean with DAOC it would mean his parrent would have to click the OK button each time he started DAOC... Due to the CoC / ToS at the start...

So in the end, I pretty much doubt that a game company can stop you... Unless your modifing code of theirs (which the caod/dol projects arent doing) or unless you are using code of theirs directly into yours...

If they do decide to sue you, its most likely intimidation, rather then that they can actually win... Most people working on such projects arent exactly the rich of the rich, and thus will often strike a deal before actually going to court, and even if they do go to court, its a $50k income family vs a $500m income company... The company can drag this through court so long the costs would be enormous...



Not a hack at all, a LAN version of DAoC in the making, ill let GOA anf Mythic decide on its legality.

BTW its been public since about november last year, at least I tried it first back in March, so Im failry sure they must have some tie in with Mythic.

In fact Im fairly certain one of the devs on that server is a member of the mythic team, might be wrong tho :p


If you are planning on getting into the emulator scene, now would be an ideal time to start following CoAD.
The first public release of the server was released a few days ago, and I imagine things are going to be moving quickly, just as soon as the scripting engine is enabled ;)


Well it's not illegal and can never be illegal either since it's written totaly from scratch without any code from DAoC. But I would bet that GOA or Mystic will not like it, but that is there progrative.


Originally posted by Eblessair

The first public release of the server was released a few days ago,

maybe it's just me being paranoid and I'm sure they're nothing to do with each other but I can't help but consider the possibility of a certain MrX being involved in it...

that said - they give you a server to download? so if they had stolen code they'd be found out pretty quick :)

So I guess it's on the level from that point of view... :)


Oh by the way...that page...slowest of all times! :D


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
maybe it's just me being paranoid and I'm sure they're nothing to do with each other but I can't help but consider the possibility of a certain MrX being involved in it...

that said - they give you a server to download? so if they had stolen code they'd be found out pretty quick :)

So I guess it's on the level from that point of view... :)

MrX was part of another project called "Dawn Of Light" which i've avoided like the plague.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Oh by the way...that page...slowest of all times! :D

Indeed, their main server died a few weeks ago, so they are running everything on a low spec machine I think.


Originally posted by Gandir
Well it's not illegal and can never be illegal either since it's written totaly from scratch without any code from DAoC. But I would bet that GOA or Mystic will not like it, but that is there progrative.

I bet the client eula/tos has something on connecting to servers not owned by mythic.

"sure you can have a server, you are not allowed to use our client though"

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