Hl windowed



Yus, for once I'm at a loss of knowledge (and lack of will to go trial and error ;))

I've discovered the joy of windowed D3D in UT - and now I want windowed d3d (or gl) in Hl - which is a bugger, because Hl being HL, the only way to window it is with console commands (that activate it, then they show up in the video display configuration screen :() anyhow...

the command for window'd mouse is _windowed_mouse ; which is fine. but the command for it in a window escapes me (_vid_default_mode_win "#" doesn't seem to effect it)

anyone offer me the commands? (or any other way)

Atomic Rammer

In case u're wondering, to get the new checkbox in vid modes menu that kez mentioned u have to run hl.exe -win

This is cool for mini-gl users coz before they could not alt tab back to the game from windows without crashing windows (hard reset i think needed). Downside is that u dont actually get to play the game in a window, just the menus using mini-gl

So now u can press escape and u go back to the hl menus in a window and use alt tab safely. Resume game puts it back into full screen. Yay. I can tamper with me binds files in game now :)

Kez, I cant quite work out what u're asking m8. The command for it in a window? what exactly is 'it'? When I put me machine into D3D the mouse was trapped in the window in game. Dont u get that?

U know that new check box that comes up u mentioned, well theres another one below it called use mouse, is that what u're after?


hmmmmm, nevermind, it just doesn't appear to work out of spite. The fact that the 2 checkboxes mentioned (use mouse, and windowed) don't appear until after I've put the right facking cvars in is the bitch thing, because I can't remember which ones it is ;) Stupid skanky HL.

Nevermind :(


Aha, you're what we call in the business.... a "genius" -win was the bassie command that lets meh play in a window, now I can, although now I can only choose between buggy d3d, or skanky slow GL, ah well.


Oh aye, lovely skanky PCI banshee, looking to upgrade to a geforce or something ;)

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