HL/CS on Win2k



I personally use Win2k and have happily installed HalfLife again recently just to play CounterStrike. All the patches work fine and the game connects and runs no problem.

However, two of my gaming buds are having problems with Win2k and HalfLife. Both are computer literate gamers and have tried everything they can think of to get HalfLife/CounterStrike to work, to no avail.

Bud no. 1
Installs H/L. Installs Installs CS. Tries to connect to any HalfLife server and after the WON auth process, just after "connected to [serverip]" he gets an immediate "connection lost to [serverip]" (or "disconnected from [serverip]" - I can't recall which) each and every time he tries irrespective of what server he uses or what mod it's running.

Bud no. 2
Installs H/L. Installs Installs CS.
Now apparently H/L has problems with his config.cfg file. It either can't find it or, if it does find it, it can't write to it (and hence key binds and things are impossible to do) - this is despite config.cfg being where it's supposed to be (for both HL and CS) and it having the correct permissions on it.

So - any hints?


[This message has been edited by QorbeQ (edited 29 June 2000).]


Are they both logged in with administrator pivelages?

Silly question I know, but you never know.

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