HjÅlp! I Need Somebody!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Here's a report I sent rightnow concering some troubles I've had with LD'ing lately on Avalon....from past experience, I reckon I might have just as much luck getting some help here...



I have recently started playing on Hibernia / Avalon. I used to play Albion / Prydwen. I've had some strange problems on the server - I link dead far more often than I used on Albion / Prydwen. None of my friends that moved with me from Albion / Prydwen to Hibernia / Avalon has the same problem tho.

I go Link-Dead alot when I zone (every one out of 2-4 times). For example, when I am about to zone into a dungeon, I Linkdead. When I restart DaoC and enter my char, it's logged inside the dungeon. It's not only when I zone either, some time I LD at random. Yesterday when I was in guild house, I went Link-Dead every time I tried to use "show hookpoints" inside house. This does not happen on Albion / Prydwen.

When I log 2 DaoC clients at the same time I LD about every 10 minutes. Some times I have good hours where I dont LD so much. The funny thing is, while lag goes red and my screen will freeze on 1 client, if I press buttons to cast spells or move around, I can see myself in the other DaoC window doing it (if the other char is in the same location, of course). Neither of these problems have occured to me playing Albion / Prydwen. I don't know if all these are linked to the same problem, but that would be my guess..

Do you have any idea what could be causing these problems? Personally, I can't see what it is.

Connection? No, it's not the connection. If it was, both clients would LD when I dual log, not just one. Connection wouldnt cause me to LD when I zone into another zone either.

Video drivers? I have the newest drivers, and why would video drivers cause me to only crash on Hibernia / Avalon and not Albion / Prydwen?

Game files? Same as above, why would they cause me to only crash on Hibernia / Avalon? Nonetheless, I tried doing full file check when starting DaoC and it didnt help.

Good luck trying to figure this one out :)


Hjålp plz! :(


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
TOA somehow made it harder to run 2 clients on 1 pc. So either just stick to the SI version (and find a good driver for it as some do crash as well) or get a 2nd pc to run your 2nd account in TOA. You will still LD sometimes. I had same that sometimes my 2nd client was totally gone, no error, no press esc because you went LD no client had closed totally. So best guess : get a 2nd lowbee pc to run yah buffbot account.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
This also happens in SI client. It also happens when I dont dual log, altho it seems to happen _less_. It dont happen when I play Albion/Prydwen tho.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
It might be because your going from a less populated server to a server with a higher population. /shrug


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Noone else that went from alb/pry to hib/ava has same problem tho, so dont see that as the reason oO


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
What bad you have done since you been have such a cruel punishment and got send to German Server


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Just tried reinstalling Windows completely along with Daoc, formatted my hard drive etc, didnt help.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
It's not just you and it's not just hib/avalon.

Both me and a guild mate who also duel log have exactly the same problem on mid/pryd. This never used to happen. I notice it occurs most when zoning after a death and on using the djinn porters around toa, it's an almost guarantee one of the clients will LD in the latter case. But is is only one, never both, very odd and very annoying.

To try and stop it happening so often I zone/port each account seperately, this helps a little. There is something in the patch notes though about changes in 1.69...

If you do find a fix/get an answer from GOA I for one would love to know.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Do u run a network? When i double dual log it only happens that i LD intermitantly on 1 pc and 1 acc, only recently sorted crashing whilst using Djinn stones and releasing back to certain zones which was network related.

Although like u've said why would it happen on Avalon and not on Prywden, perhaps its the route in which ur ISP connects 2 Avalon and potentially more or less hops via a different route than 2 Prydwen.

Failing that i guess crap/hardware and increased server populations... Dunno tbh

Doubt u'll get a decent responce from the GOA monkeys tho, another GOA legacy just like half my unsolved rightnow reports.


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
You can stop worrying about your PC - its not you, it is a problem that Mythic have been aware of for a while now, as indicated in the following:

Camelot Herald Test Patch Release Notes said:
Dark Age of Camelot

Test Version 1.70g Release Notes - April 27, 2004


- (SI and ToA Only) Changes made in 1.69 inadvertently caused players running two instances of DAOC to go linkdead or experience other problems. To address this and restore the original level of functionality, we have added a new "sleep mode" to the client, to allow it to run while using very low CPU usage when in the background or minimized. Setting it to "Background" will not render when the window is not the active window on your desktop, and setting it to "Minimized" will cause it to not render when the game is minimized. You can adjust your settings in the Options Menu or ingame using the "/clientsleep" command.
So it looks like something we are going to have to put up with until we get the patched version of New Frontiers in 3-6 months time. :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Daedalus said:
When did you defrag last?
he just mentioned hes done a full rebuild m8.

A couple of things here, sounds like your system is taking too long sending info from your client to the servers, hence the LD.

Replace any network card drivers with those by the manufacturer and not the MS ones, many people found this helps.

Set up your machines virtual memory to 2-3 times the size of your physical ram, again this seems to help a lt of people. If using windows XP, most find a windows managed swap file to be less than adequate when running 2 accs.

Check the Tech Help section of these forums, you may find other useful hints.

Also when sending in any techy question of this nature, always put in your machine spec and conn speed, as those are always factors to be taken into account.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Another thing to try is make sure that your network/graphic/sound cards are on their own IRQ.
I had a similar problem when I upgraded my motherboard and the shared IRQ's were everywhere...it's a bit hit'n'miss,but disabling some items in the bios that you do'nt use, can free up some IRQ's for windows to reassign.
It cleared up immediately once I'd sorted it out.....whether your's is the same problem is another matter :/


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Thanks for the help.

I don't only LD when I dual log, I also LD when not dual logging.

My machine is a 2.8ghz P4 with 1 gigabyte ram.

I've just reinstalled windows + newest video drivers + newest ethernet drivers and DaoC itself.

It seems the client is still sending info to the server while I'm LD'ing, because I can see the character going linkdead moving about in the other window if I'm dual logging, altho on window of the one going LD, lag is red and everything stands still like it normally does on LD.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Everytime we've had reports of this sort of thing, checking network card drivers or router firmware has resolved the problem.
Quite a few people have experienced problems like being unable to connect to one server while being fine on others or LDs on one server and no problems anywhere else and as I say, in every instance, updating the network devices has solved the issue.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Requiel said:
Everytime we've had reports of this sort of thing, checking network card drivers or router firmware has resolved the problem.
Quite a few people have experienced problems like being unable to connect to one server while being fine on others or LDs on one server and no problems anywhere else and as I say, in every instance, updating the network devices has solved the issue.

Ok thanks - I will try updating router firmware, and if that doesnt work, I'll try installing a new ethernet card.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Just installed an Ethernet card and it works (was using onboard earlier). Thanks a lot for the help Requiel, get a job in Rightnow imo.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Another trick to use when logging two accounts in is to start one, then reduce it's Priority to BelowNormal, login the second account and then return the first account's priority back to normal.

Sometimes the first account LDs while the second one is logging in. Moving the priority fixes that. :)

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