Hit a raw nerve aint I



Thankyou for your replies to my earlier post but i have to say that there was a considerable amount of moaning about the failed relic raid although someone tried to point out that there was none. Hmm, only being a lowly level 48 and not 50 i must be st00pid.
It seems that these days all people do is moan, thats what my point is yet all those that replied must of missed that. I play for fun, so why are people telling me that i SHOULD play for fun??
And as for going out and picking on sum infants, errr, what that all about eh?? The only bullies around here are the level 50's who think that they own albion and anything that goes on RvR wise has to go through them and if it doesnt they spit their dummies out and throw their teddy bear's in the corner
When i first started playing this game all those months ago it was really fun. There was always a good laugh going in groups etc, but now its just "pull quicker ffs, pull quicer ffs"
Thats what the main point of my post was so if i offended anyone (excpet those level 50's who think that are the David Beckham of DoAC, cos they offend everyone) then i do apolgise.

Thankyou for your time

<<100th Level Bad Boy>>


My point of view on the raid is:

+ Very good organisation since we (DVE team) all had their part of the job when rams were handed out. And those were up and ready to gank the doors in no time.

- Handing out the rams took quite some time (+- 1 hour)

- Too many high levels sitting around at cs at the same time =
getting "lower" levels curious about what is happening = someone yelling "RELIC RAAAAID" in main chat etc = more chance being stopped by mid/hibs, since all realms have "spies"

- Transport & getting troops over to Odins took another hour...getting VERY boring when your group is ready on time like it was planned at the start

+ Nice "guiding" to get us at the relic...don't think there was 1 mid who spotted us thinking "oh no..relic raid going on" (too bad for the many LD's) :(

+ Altough we didn't hear about the relic raid like 3 hours in advance, we did get 1 FG lvl 50's together in that time (being pretty small guild compared to some others..)

-+ About the number of people helping out at the relic....
I think with some more albs it would have worked..no doubt about it, but more people = more chance of leaks.
I have nothing against people helping out when they follow the guilds doing the raid...altough i must say a lvl 40 won't be of much use...unless its a support char (vs the ubergaurds + casters even a lvl 50 tank has a hard time). More "low-levels" = more rezzing = less pow for support classes = less healing for the people that can take some hits.

+ Mids didn't show up untill we were at 3th door, the rams did their job

- Still too many uberguards left for the "small" relicteam...the "keepteam" did a good job, but with 1 or 2 more keeps down it would have been a bit easier, since the guardpop + some inc mids got us whiped

So my advice for next raid -> more people (+2 FG should be enough)...take 1-2 more keeps before attacking the relic.
But that's about all the "negative" comment i can give...doors weren't a prob, inc mids neither & guard should be no prob next time when we get the extra people along

Grats to the organisers of the raid, next time it will work :p
(and to the moaning people -> IT'S A GAME...don't take everything so personal)


Originally posted by beerswiller

When i first started playing this game all those months ago it was really fun. There was always a good laugh going in groups etc, but now its just "pull quicker ffs, pull quicer ffs"

There is alot more of this but I think it's still isolated

4 out of 5 groups i get in generally are a laugh (or at least good tempered). Maybe people leveling alts has something to do with it, things not being so fun second time around ??.... dunnooo but I hope you get some good groups again, they are out there :)


Come with me to gobbo beach, I assure u a quick laugh and tons of mobs to play with at a time.

Rarely have I been told to pull quicker there ;)

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