History of archer nerfs..


Tesla Monkor

[Taken from IGN Board.. this would be funny, if it wasn't true. ;) ]

Here is the first 10 months


and here's the rest.

Patch 1.51
/last attacker command added. With/face this command makes even troglodytes be able to hunt down archers in no time. Even if arrows miss they still point the way to the archer): Hurts all ranged attack classes. No respec provided. They did add dice and cards, indicating great prioritization skills.

Patch 1.52
RvR to-hit modifiers removed for every attack except bow attacks. Greys can hit purples in rvr as easily as someone can hit a grey - except for bows. Light tanks get melee improvements, archers get camoflauge -negates see hidden on a 10 minute timer after combat. Even party members in combat reset the camo timer. A true insult from Mythic.

Patch 1.53

Melee classes get more great RAs to survive in rvr. Archers, who have been forced to be melee classes get nothing.

Patch 1.54
1. Drawtime increases of 0.1 s (in addition to prior increases of 0.3 to 0.5 s)

2. FUmbles increased from 17 % to 22%

3. Bow misses increased from 12% to 15%.

4. Fist pump animation added so that archers root themselves once they kill a player in rvr.

5. Bows get hit with proccing armor backlash at up to 2300 range. Neither bows nor arrows get procs.

Patch 1.55
First aid no longer usable once you get out of combat. Affects all FA classes, but archers depended on it for survival against assassins. No respec allowed. the lame excuse was that it was never intended, so all you poor bastards who specced in First Aid, too bad you cannot read Mythic's mind regarding what "in combat" really means. Come on you should naturally know that 10 seconds means in combat.

Patch 1.58
Self-damage adds clamped so that rangers's pathfinding damage adds are cut in half. Confirmed by team leaders, ignored by mythic. No respec allowed.

Further undocumented bow miss/fumble increases. Again documented but never addressed by mythic. Miss/fumbles much worse for the highest level archers than for younger archers. gotta kill off the older archers because they are the ones who might actually kill casters.

Patch 1.59
Self-damage adds last longer now, but the 1.58 nerfs to damage adds makes this insulting. Team leads confirm that archers hit less than 20% OF THE TIME IN RVR. This means 80% of the time in RVR archers hit for ZERO!! This is the lowest of all classes. With proccing armor, archers can now get damaged and achieve zero damage 80% of the time. Mythic has done the impossible by making an attack class get more damage on average when they attack than what they inflict.

1.60 – stealth classes now require a longer time to restealth. Not that bad of a nerf. Affects all stealthers but archers, who are the main prey of assassins used stealth spam to detect assasins. They did add hats which were so important.

1.61 – Volley and longshot removed in dungeons because one archer managed to, gasp, kill a precious caster. Mythic snuck this in and only announced it when busted by the player community.

Mythic also helps buffbots a ton by removing caps. Non-botted archers cannot survive in rvr anymore.

Mythic also nerfs drawtimes again by a fraction of a second. Not a huge nerf but the cumulative effect of drawtime nerfs are nearly a full second now. More importantly, they installed mapping on the herald - woohoo!!

Mythic gets $32million to find even more creative ways to ream archers.

Stay tuned for more………


OLD! :)


1.61 – Volley and longshot removed in dungeons because one archer managed to, gasp, kill a precious caster. Mythic snuck this in and only announced it when busted by the player community.

Probably removed because some archer was sitting at their portal volleying the _enemy_ portal.

That comment above wasn't at all biased oh no ;) No vitriol in there, nothing twisted to make people feel 'awww the poor archer'.


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
Mythic also nerfs drawtimes again by a fraction of a second. Not a huge nerf but the cumulative effect of drawtime nerfs are nearly a full second now. More importantly, they installed mapping on the herald - woohoo!!

someone says this every patch - and it's been consistently disproven by testing - amazing what 'variance' can do for your results, eh? :)


Yeah, I rolled scout at US the day Daoc came out there, got to high RR and then nerfs hit. Now SB, even unbuffed one is more fun.


I don't get it, peeps whine about new patches all the time, so do I...

I have a Scout, yes, I started him back just 2 patches before U could get buffed by a lvl 50 wizz/theurg and go kill oranges easy ... that was nice :)

Still, yes, I t's good that the dmg add's have been capped, but now, when I hit a blue con with the best EB at lvl 42 (40LB) let's say I hit for 300dmg (crit) but the dmg add is only 20-25 ...WTF!? It should be like 60-70, 20-25%, not something like 6-8%!!!

and the miss/fumble rate is totally out of proportion!!! this means that we hit for ZERO dmg like 37% of the time!?
Sometimes I feel like travelling back in time to the first patches, and rebooting servers for good !!! :p

I want 1.36 BACK ! :D


oh, look. another archer whine..
one would think all archers would've shot themselves by now..
then again..they might not be able to *cackle*


Originally posted by Belsameth
oh, look. another archer whine..
one would think all archers would've shot themselves by now..
then again..they might not be able to *cackle*

U see Mythic, even a retard sees that archers are gimped. So you should be able to find one employee who reaches that intelligence level...


Actually, I do agree with the archer whines mostly, tho I suspect paranio acounts for at least half of them.
Seeing another archer whine doesn't make me feel sorry for them, or make me even slightly sympathetic to their "cause".
it merely makes me wonder if they might have a hidden specline that's autotrained up to level, as Self Pity seems to be VERY high on every archers skill list...


Remove Archers from the game altogether..............they just add to the lag monster and serve no useful purpose.




hunters are fine.

(pic is with full sc suit, capped etc, taken 2days ago)


Originally posted by froler-mid

hunters are fine.

(pic is with full sc suit, capped etc, taken 2days ago)

This pic says shit! Full sc suit and what lvl? 35??? I cant even 1-shot a green con anymore and thats with 62 bow. My cap on a critical shot is 932. And if this really was a hunter, then he was buffed aswell! We dont do extra dmg you know?
Of course Hunters are fine... when they follow Mythics path and turn into another light tank. I refuse to do that. I will stick to my sniper specc as long as possible and then switch to my Bonedancer (till he gets nerfed - by that time hopefully SWG is out).

Edit: This is more likely a scout. They have access to slower bows, higher range, dmg add and speccable shield. Also this was either a critical hit on a critical shot or the guy who got shot conned green.
If I get a crit hit on a crit shot and can hit with a 2nd crit I can kill a RR5 lvl 50 skald in sc suit with 2 shots. Be realy, how high are the chances for that??? I'll rather win 5 Mil € in the lottery than ever be that lucky with my bow.


Originally posted by old.Jeriraa
This pic says shit! Full sc suit and what lvl? 35??? I cant even 1-shot a green con anymore and thats with 62 bow. My cap on a critical shot is 932. And if this really was a hunter, then he was buffed aswell! We dont do extra dmg you know?
Of course Hunters are fine... when they follow Mythics path and turn into another light tank. I refuse to do that. I will stick to my sniper specc as long as possible and then switch to my Bonedancer (till he gets nerfed - by that time hopefully SWG is out).

Edit: This is more likely a scout. They have access to slower bows, higher range, dmg add and speccable shield. Also this was either a critical hit on a critical shot or the guy who got shot conned green.
If I get a crit hit on a crit shot and can hit with a 2nd crit I can kill a RR5 lvl 50 skald in sc suit with 2 shots. Be realy, how high are the chances for that??? I'll rather win 5 Mil € in the lottery than ever be that lucky with my bow.

It's a hunter, and it's....Remi, if you look in his sig he's lvl 50. The stuff about not being able to cap on a green is bullshit and you know it. ;) You don't cap often, true, but they do happen on targets with dropped/bad armour or casters with their shields down(not always though). Shortly put, caps happen, but to post a pic like Remi did and say archery is fine is inaccurate and false. To cap on a shot rarely happens when you look at the total number of arrows fired. Even with buffs.

Oh btw, you can't crit on a Critical Shot, Jeriraa.

Originally posted by froler-mid

hunters are fine.

(pic is with full sc suit, capped etc, taken 2days ago)

I do dat liek, ALL teh time. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by old.Jeriraa
This pic says shit! Full sc suit and what lvl? 35??? I cant even 1-shot a green con anymore and thats with 62 bow. My cap on a critical shot is 932. And if this really was a hunter, then he was buffed aswell! We dont do extra dmg you know?
Of course Hunters are fine... when they follow Mythics path and turn into another light tank. I refuse to do that. I will stick to my sniper specc as long as possible and then switch to my Bonedancer (till he gets nerfed - by that time hopefully SWG is out).

Edit: This is more likely a scout. They have access to slower bows, higher range, dmg add and speccable shield. Also this was either a critical hit on a critical shot or the guy who got shot conned green.

Remi, infiltrator, lvl50, capped melee resists etc.

Acitek is a hunter, prolly buffed when he ganked me.

i was mezzed, not full hp. Thing is i usually get shot for 300-400dmg. and i didnt like this dmg i was shot for now :D

And Scouts dont get dmg add :D


Oh btw, you can't crit in a Critical Shot, Jeriraa.
Are you sure? I am not but I'll gladly let you proove me wrong. (I really dont know if you can or not. I *think* I remember having done it but that might aswell have been a few patches ago since I have never been really active in RvR since 1.39.)

Originally posted by froler-mid
And Scouts dont get dmg add

Yeah, yeah... just was so upset about that pic... I meant a ranger... on the other hand they dont get shields do they? :D

Gonna post a pic proving that I cant 1-shot a grey con soonish. Just to show you that pictures say shit.


There you go:

Picture says it all! Reil is my brothers lvl 35 Healer hence grey con. She BLOCKED the 1st crit shot. The 2nd is still 236dmg away from my cap. Of course I was buffed only with selfbuffs.


how often does an archer get crit shot off in real rvr? except for scouts with slam. Hardly ever coz the zergs always running past, its pointless in rvr.


Originally posted by old.Jeriraa
Are you sure? I am not but I'll gladly let you proove me wrong. (I really dont know if you can or not. I *think* I remember having done it but that might aswell have been a few patches ago since I have never been really active in RvR since 1.39.)

Yeah, yeah... just was so upset about that pic... I meant a ranger... on the other hand they dont get shields do they? :D

Gonna post a pic proving that I cant 1-shot a grey con soonish. Just to show you that pictures say shit.

I _know_ you can't crit on a critshot, the critshot itself is a longer delay normal shot with a fixed 100% crit attached ontop of it. It's considered to already have 'critted'. If you have ever gotten a crit on a critshot you are the only archer(and luckiest ;)) who has ever done that. :p

And about a grey con and oneshotting, you aren't going to cap on someone just because they are grey con, it's AF/weaponskill dependant. So if they have good armour and buffs you won't necessarily cap. (depends on your weaponskill etc. ofcourse..)


thats nothing i was hit by Jehannum for 900dmg twice in a row at level 47.


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor

Patch 1.55
First aid no longer usable once you get out of combat. Affects all FA classes, but archers depended on it for survival against assassins. No respec allowed. the lame excuse was that it was never intended, so all you poor bastards who specced in First Aid, too bad you cannot read Mythic's mind regarding what "in combat" really means. Come on you should naturally know that 10 seconds means in combat.

Always been "NOT usable in combat" and therefor cheaper then Ignore Pain. Even if you dont have your weapons up you are still in combat when someone hits you. This isnt a nerf, its a FIX!


Originally posted by Tranquil-
And about a grey con and oneshotting, you aren't going to cap on someone just because they are grey con, it's AF/weaponskill dependant. So if they have good armour and buffs you won't necessarily cap. (depends on your weaponskill etc. ofcourse..)

Bow 62, Dex nearly 300 with selfbuffs.


afaik you cant crit on crit shot, not that you get to use that ability thou,
You prepare to shoot [target] ( 3sec to fire Target in range)
Your target farted you switch to normal shot.
You miss.

Crit are the crapiest ability in daoc....
and Archers dont do more dmg on sitting targets.
the classes depends on ranged dmg, but they are not allowed to deal any ranged dmg.


fixing archers is hard job to do.
mythic dont want same sniping what early patchs, they can do/did insane ammount dmg from long range.

fixing archers as it is now?, need do something! but what? :rolleyes:
was only 22 whit mu hunter, well its still 24 :) but shooting yellow haxa and miss/fumble 3 arrows, miss 3 time in row whit spear made my day, every swing was taking time over 4 sec,
all everytime styles have defense penalty.
evade 1 that moment, studded armour, green pet :D
need try now some xp whit blue pet and evade 2 but dont believe its "easier"


if archers are nerfed so bad why do they have still quite high rankings for RP? and people still play em.

but i they should nerf see hidden, and try and make the stealth spec more apealing


They don't have very high RP per week. It's the people who farmed all day long while archers were emain gods that uphold the archer position on total RP rankings.


Originally posted by old.Jeriraa
Bow 62, Dex nearly 300 with selfbuffs.

Doesn't matter if the guy wasn't 'grey enough' or had high enough AF etc.


hehe Atrox, your post gave me a good laugh :)

And of course there are still archers with high rankings and good rp earnings. But every class, balanced or not can do that with either uber buffs from bot or just running with teh zerg.
Doesnt mean they are or are not balanced if you play normally.
Also the play times are a key indicator ( duh, i know ), so comparing rp amounts isnt really saying that much.



Archer damage is fine, the only real issue is hit rates, when you couple in engage (99% chance to block arrow), bladeturn (100% chance to block arrow at 50), evades (Seem to get a bonus vs arrows for some reason, easier to evade arrows than melee hits oddly) and the general misses and fumbles it becomes unbearable.

Which is why I went melee spec.

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