


Hippies-----u bunch of mooses

Well done for coming out to play last nite.

However I just want to ask: Why dont u hibbs coem out more ??
Always plotting & planning, never come out for some good old fashioned ganking in emain.

If u dont like it coz of the running all the way to amg or mmg, then bring the fight to Odins, I will welcome the change of scenery.:p


Last nite there was no coordination. Maybe 3 or 4 full groups of Hibs were at Crimm just standing around. It was obvious Albs had better range, better numbers, reinforcements coming and after a while they also mustered the courage to storm. 2nd time we got a chatgroup and got some stealthers in asking em to recon what Albs were up to... but before we could organise anything people were already charging Crimm again, so I could do nothing but join em and we all got ganked yet again, lost a ram but still wasted a few Albs. By that time we can't have been more than 20 peeps left, while we had plenty high levels in the realm who were mostly xp'ing in Cursed Forest and just didn't wanna come.

So we gathered a third time with even less peeps. Initially to go and defend nGed and Bolg, but then we thought hey let them defend Crimm, we're not got gonna bother suiciding again; let's just take their keeps instead :p So we attacked Benowyc without rams and without tanks; just 16 peeps consisting of casters and healers, and managed to get inside and get annihilated by a bugged lord ( ; Had a lot of fun even though it was a last resort coz there was just too few Hibbies around to try anything else ( ;

And hats off to the Albs for defending a conquered Hib keep at prime time ; ) It's easy to say they have too many peeps, but if Hibs can't muster more than 30 peeps to come and defend their own keep at 23:30 CET, then we can only got ourselves to blame.

Ensceptificamuralya Sombarlaechn
Lvl 47.4 Warden
<Clan Bearhawk>


It was free rps for albs, so don't say we didn't come out to play. Cause that is a typical alb syndrom, not one time when I have been part of keep takings in albion have any albs come out to play, always ended the same way, oh well better go to sleep and maybe next time they come out to play



Think we came out 2 play the last time u tried for a Relic ?

Try for a Relic if u want us 2 play in Hadrians, who gives a toss about keeps ?


albs came out to play once when CF went and took that snowdonia keep, but they got bored after the first wipeout and didnt come back so i went to sleep :(


Originally posted by c0ngo

Think we came out 2 play the last time u tried for a Relic ?

Try for a Relic if u want us 2 play in Hadrians, who gives a toss about keeps ?

Well it's not for the keep itself, more like if keep has been taken that is a good place for some nice rvr...


Hadrians isn't actually that bad a place for RvR now to be honest.

Bit of a pig for albs to get to but no worse than emain 4 u lot I spose and not that many non grey agro mobs there at lvl50.


Originally posted by Enscept...alya
...after a while they also mustered the courage to storm.

Erm no, we just did what you've been doing for 3 months, wait for a nasty guard pop.. hows it feel? ;)

And to Congo, I got whacked by 2 purple pixies just down the road from Beno last night so.. :rolleyes: Its a shame Hadrians is the way it is and I guess thats why they just fixed the mobs in the area last beta patch stateside.


Which char was that with though Konah ?

If ur talking about the cave fairy things they're very nasty at lower lvls with an insta heal but they're green at 50 and die very easily.

Run up to beno quite a bit recently though and can't remember the last time I got agrod by anything above a green.


Originally posted by K0nah

Erm no, we just did what you've been doing for 3 months, wait for a nasty guard pop.. hows it feel? ;)

Well I was wondering when you would; we killed 4 guard pops before you decided to use em to your advantage ( ; And erm it hurt pretty bad :p


Nasty guard pop - not 2 mezzed guards heh

Congo - heading away from Beno back to Pennines along left hill just behind a tree, as I said - not one but 2 PURPLE pixie things - maybe they drop summat nice and hi lvl too come to think of it... They're near my grave btw ;)

Various other nasties in that vicinity which are easily handled by lvl50's not so by 45's or less. And lets face it when ur RvRing u dont wanna be fighting mobs and the enemy at the same time really do you, certainly not if xp is still a concern.


Yeah Konah, I agree sup lvl50 the Alb frontier is nasty but at 50 it's not so bad for RvR really.



there were plans mate, we had made them already, and a chat group but it was full...our plan was to keep the albs busy in crim while a few groups reconned tinland - I know that Axiom was there :D


Originally posted by Enscept...alya
if Hibs can't muster more than 30 peeps to come and defend their own keep at 23:30 CET, then we can only got ourselves to blame.

This is exactly why we need the alliance thing sorted out, and an attempt made to get ALL guilds in an alliance. I hardly RvR any more because I never know what's going on .. not being in an alliance.


Are you guys all aware that on US they are working on altering Hadrians Wall and Odins Gate to make rvr more attractive there??


That is months away for us, though.

Keri, just join the Celtic Fist alliance. If they took us, they'll take any old band of gimps.


yeah elf :D back from holiday and still the highest ranking low level in the game ;) someday I will XP I swear...

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