Highly Expensive way to publicise GAME.net?



RIght, this is flawed, due to cost, but I felt I ought to suggest it anyway. It's not related to the servers so I've put it in a new thread.

In GAME stores, you have various console rigs set up for people to wander in and play on yes?
Why not do the same for PCs? And, critically, GAME.net.

If you were to have two PCs set up next to each other, demonstrating a selection of the latest games (plug sales) and containing hardware that you sell (plug sales) and connecting live to Game.net (plug sales), would this not aid sales of subs?

If people can try it out for a laugh live in the store then this might well kick start the interest in it?

Just a little suggestion really. I do accept though, that costs could be nasty...


Originally posted by (Shovel)
RIght, this is flawed, due to cost, but I felt I ought to suggest it anyway. It's not related to the servers so I've put it in a new thread too.

In GAME stores, you have various console rigs set up for people to wander in and play on yes?
Why not do the same for PCs? And, critically, GAME.net.

If you were to have two PCs set up next to each other, demonstrating a selection of the latest games (plug sales) and containing hardware that you sell (plug sales) and connecting live to Game.net (plug sales), would this not aid sales of subs?

If people can try it out for a laugh live in the store then this might well kick start the interest in it?

Just a little suggestion really. I do accept though, that costs could be nasty...

Yeh, but if a ~16 year old goes in and starts to play, it wouldnt be too nice for them. 'OMFG LUCKY KILL NOOB FUCKER DIE!!!111'

But if you meant just having 2 PC's on a network playing together i can see that working!


Hmmm might be an idea actually.

If you have maybe 20 pcs in various stores around the country already hooked up to game.net playing a set game each week.

Not only would this populate the servers with newbies for us subs to frag ^_^ but it would put the GAME stores with pc's a cut above everything else, maybe a deal w/ vendors to show off the latest gfx/cpu/etc so the hardware costs would come down?

Could actually be a very good way of getting new customers, and populating the servers.

If they were just connected to a specific server and left on for customers to play with.



Originally posted by (Shovel)
It's not related to the servers so I've put it in a new thread too.

erm, I guess not :D


The bad language might be an issue... can you get client side swear filters that the GAME machines could use to avoid the wrath of modern parenting?


Game can't control to a sufficient degree what occurs on the servers to risk being seen to condone said actions by having public terminals in their shops. The end.


Originally posted by (Shovel)
It's not related to the servers so I've put it in a new thread.

But it is related to the servers!!



What's the attraction in having an in-store PC that connects to an empty server?



This wouldn't happen, at least not quite yet, for a very simple reason. Space. There's just not the room in the stores as they are at the moment.


Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
This wouldn't happen, at least not quite yet, for a very simple reason. Space. There's just not the room in the stores as they are at the moment.

Just import some tardii ( No I don't mean hire wij, summo, cage and bodhi ). Problem Solved.


Originally posted by ECA
Just import some tardii ( No I don't mean hire wij, summo, cage and bodhi ). Problem Solved.

'The retail TARDIS - this type's not my forte...'

/me chuckles like an uber geek.


We have considered 'pods' or whatever you'd like to call them amongst other ideas for the store. The first step towards this is our currently progressing rollout of broadband to all our stores, once we get that sorted we can start to do a number of clever things, including rolling demos / videos of amongst other things PC products including GAME.NET.

Actual in-game playing would be great, as you suggested its got a certain cost implication, so if it happens, its more likely to happen in partnership with other initatives to share the cost of the hardware and setup... we'll see... :)


Game shops seem to have difficulty keeping an Xbox working though, a whole PC is just a road to terrible heartbreak and failure.


Not hugely, you'd probably want to set massive user account confines, disable start bar and just have the desktop with a shit load of extra large icons on it... maybe? Probably a minor quibble, and with the probable exception of yankeedoodle or whatever he was called, I expect all GAME staff could be trained to press the "reset" button...


Originally posted by (Shovel)
Not hugely, you'd probably want to set massive user account confines, disable start bar and just have the desktop with a shit load of extra large icons on it... maybe? Probably a minor quibble, and with the probable exception of yankeedoodle or whatever he was called, I expect all GAME staff could be trained to press the "reset" button...

Cheeky monkey!! I have you know young man i am a PC expert! I can point the mouse at the monitor and change the channel and everything!

Anyway, i have enough probs with winding up our clockwork PC tills!

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