ok guys at lvl 1142 i am the highest tailer in realm and as i can now make 98% leather 102 fac and cloth 98% fac 49 it time to addvertise my self as avalibly to do jobs and craft here is full price list for all items
mjukleader leather
rawhide 1s91c
tanned 38s80c
curred 1g55s20c
hard 4g65s60c
rigid 13g97s32c
embossed 27g93s60c
imbued 40g00s40c
runed 62g64s80c
elderich 94g28s40c
tempered 141g42s60c
rawhide 3s62c
tanned 53s28c
curred 3g86s46c
hard 6g52s46c
rigid 19g61s28c
embossed 39g22s65c
imbued 58g79s65c
runed 88g25s69c
elderich 132g36s69c
tempered 198g57s96c
rawhide 7s20c
tanned 1g09s68c
curred 4g38s72c
hard 13g13s36c
rigid 39g48s48c
embossed 78g96s96c
imbued 118g37s14c
runed 177g68s16c
elderich 268g72s68c
tempered 399g78s38c
thick padded leather
rigid 47g82s24c
embossed 95g66s63c
imbued 143g37s12c
runed 215g20s08c
elderich 322g72s77c
tempered 484g20s18c
thick padded cloth
rigid 31g40s77c
embossed 62g73s34c
imbued 94g03s94c
runed 138g54s16c
elderich 211g53s99c
tempered 317g40s66c
these r the crafing prices a %wuill be added for bottom 2 in each list for the quality % basic cost for 96% items
97% = +10%
98% = +20%
99% = + 30%
but most will be min lvl 985 i hop but for chest armour.
and 100% items will be sold off as full sets at auction to the highest bidder these price will remain as r untill patch 1.54 and spelcrafting/alchemi at that time prices will rise due to the fack i hop to be able to alchemise them myself
anyone that ahs played on usa or been to there site will no that thay charg pirce like 97% 5x 98%7x 98%10x and 100% 15x
x being crafted price well ill never do that i just want my money bac and a bit extra to cove my skill crafting when i get the gold to do that
you can either post reply here or email me at raithian@msn.com
or call me in game on either ruathian / rauthan or nightspawn
mjukleader leather
rawhide 1s91c
tanned 38s80c
curred 1g55s20c
hard 4g65s60c
rigid 13g97s32c
embossed 27g93s60c
imbued 40g00s40c
runed 62g64s80c
elderich 94g28s40c
tempered 141g42s60c
rawhide 3s62c
tanned 53s28c
curred 3g86s46c
hard 6g52s46c
rigid 19g61s28c
embossed 39g22s65c
imbued 58g79s65c
runed 88g25s69c
elderich 132g36s69c
tempered 198g57s96c
rawhide 7s20c
tanned 1g09s68c
curred 4g38s72c
hard 13g13s36c
rigid 39g48s48c
embossed 78g96s96c
imbued 118g37s14c
runed 177g68s16c
elderich 268g72s68c
tempered 399g78s38c
thick padded leather
rigid 47g82s24c
embossed 95g66s63c
imbued 143g37s12c
runed 215g20s08c
elderich 322g72s77c
tempered 484g20s18c
thick padded cloth
rigid 31g40s77c
embossed 62g73s34c
imbued 94g03s94c
runed 138g54s16c
elderich 211g53s99c
tempered 317g40s66c
these r the crafing prices a %wuill be added for bottom 2 in each list for the quality % basic cost for 96% items
97% = +10%
98% = +20%
99% = + 30%
but most will be min lvl 985 i hop but for chest armour.
and 100% items will be sold off as full sets at auction to the highest bidder these price will remain as r untill patch 1.54 and spelcrafting/alchemi at that time prices will rise due to the fack i hop to be able to alchemise them myself
anyone that ahs played on usa or been to there site will no that thay charg pirce like 97% 5x 98%7x 98%10x and 100% 15x
x being crafted price well ill never do that i just want my money bac and a bit extra to cove my skill crafting when i get the gold to do that
you can either post reply here or email me at raithian@msn.com
or call me in game on either ruathian / rauthan or nightspawn