higher lvl player pushing lower lvls out



was killing in barrows to day with boramier and we had a camp in the advisors we have seen players there that have been killing them lots of times in teams of twos and allway gone off to kill other things if there are ppl there i know at vigs that if there two groups camping them most ppl go off but today we where pushed out by a higher lvl player who came up on his own and just started killing them and then got his friends up to kill them to i have seen that player there lots of time and he always has the camp so i think he just wanted to get the camp for him self :(


Hmmm probably some arrogant player who thinks he can just take what he wants. If I want to kill something that is being camped I politely ask if I can take some down.


Too bad it's the otherway around too sometimes... That a small group of higher lvl's get 'pushed out' by a group of lower lvls...

Man I had that a few times when 3 or 4 of us 'high levels' were camping the Barb room in barrows(when it was empty, doesn't happen often :p) and a group of 'low' levels entered and started killing without asking, it even happend once that they pulled to the same place we were standing...

I always ask (if a spot is camped) if the group there doesn't mind if my group pulls from the same area...

Really, sometimes I think people get more rude... Yesterday somebody came over to me asking for 5g (I was playing my lvl 21, so 5g is much then), I said 'no' and he begged a bit more... Didn't reply, then after a while he called me a 'puta' (now my spanish aint good, but I can guess)...

Oohwell, some people are just plain rude these days... Just happy I know quite a few good (and nice) ppl... And I can ignore the small few that might spoil the fun...


Best thing to do if that happens at the Advisors tazmina is to say put and maybe do a sneeky hit on one of their pulls.

Chances are on their next pull they'll get get 2 Advisors and die :)
A bit harsh maybe but it might teach them some manners.

Not sure I'd be able to handle 2 yellow Advisors even at lvl 50 cause one will cast as you attack the other and some still con orange.


u think its bad now just wait till all the ppl xping now in Keltoi get high lvled enough to go into Barrows ..........


money exchange...

Insurrextion read your thread.. :)


when some place is camped by another group u come back when its no longer camped, simple as that
too bad not everyone is this decent :x


even worse

a situation even worse happened to me and a guildmate at the very same location, advisors:
we came to the spot and began to hunt, when a few min later some guys showed up and said:
"sorry folks, this spot is reserved for us, please find another place to hunt!"

first we couldnt belive what we read, might be a joke i thought...but they where really pissed when we just laughed and didnt move away...they started to pull and leeched every advisor we where targeting.

the show ended up when they realized we would not leave. after a few vituperations and curses on us (on spanish !!! glad i could understand and reply:clap: ) they vanished.

well i know there are always stupid ppls everywhere and meeting those not too often dont takes me away the fun of the game. but as i read this posts here i thought my story would maybe match in here :)

greetings n have fun...
damn my name is already choosen in this forum :(

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