from reading all the hundereds of posts on various forums regardign T2 setup / performance, i think its generally thought that the spec of your machine is more important than your net connection.
i connect via ISDN so cant talk from personal experience, but 56kers seem to be able to get a decent game without giving too much away to the low pingers out there. just try to stick to servers with say, a max of 32 players and you should be ok. i suppose it depends on what you call a high ping. if you are talking about a 300 - 400 ping then i would go play red alert or age of empires or something. i wouldn't consider any fps with a ping above 200 max.
Carl1ng, if you can play any other online game, you will be ok. This game HAS THE BEST netcode out of any other games, all reveiws say that. I was playing the other day on a yank server when BW hadn't updated, i was pinging at 400 and could still play pretty well.
Ping totally isn't important in tribes, thats why i won't bag the netcode. I play on 50 player plus servers most of the time, but from what i see is that it's no different from playing on a 32 player server, my ping hovers at around 200 but it makes little difference to my normal 30-60 ping i play on in other games. Under the sad allias of 'british airways' iv'e been cleaning up against the best of um, dispite only playing the game for a week, and having a frame rate that drops to about 10-14 on most maps, couple that with a 200 ping Who cares about code Spinfuser Owns it, now iv'e got the speed to hit down, it's as easy as tfc/quake rockets, just a shame i can't emulate my railgun
I know how to lead allready I still prefer my rail though But T2 is different, the Jetpack is the offender, your totally screwed in a 1v1 fight without an energy pack. Dam shame imho because i would love to explore other areas of the game But i ain't gona get owned by some scout, it's totally an unblanced area of the game The scout the strongest fighter, lmao. In most pup games, if not all iv'e played, all one team needs is a good scout and thr game is won Whats the point in all the vehicles, turrets ect... if i scout can just get in quick take it, and can't be caught for dust Don't tell me this don't happen, iv'e been doing it all day, and it's the first time iv'e ever tried to be the role of a capper, it's so dam easy. Even for a guy like me, thats only been playing for a week.
The scout is the strongest fighter in pubbies, but if you play as a team, and you get a heavy, with 2 scouts to defend him, you are golden. You can go in and completly rape0r them
I can imagine that But i can just imagine a scout in TFC being given a rocket, thats all though it's a different game, it's not far off. Maybe scout could be limited or summut It's 'all too easy', to coin a phrase. And despite the fact, i was using the name 'i need a tribe', i still got no takers even though my score was double anyone elses, and my kills were treble
I have 2 capping setups, 1 is with E-pack, other uses sensor jammer. Those maps like Recalescence where the flag is inside what seems like a maze, there are turrets everywhere. The only way past em is sensor jammer.
"Sounds like maybe you weren't thinking of "team" rather than your score??? "
Im a midfield man by trade, maybe thats why i stop there flag stealer so much, both when he has it, and when he's on route I was just making a point about the FACT iv'e never played as a capper in ANY other game iv'e played over the years, but in tribes IMHO on MOST maps it's sooo f$%#king easy
Btw i also cover are stealer on his way back, many times have i stoped 2-3 people chasing him and won the battle.
I just can't play a game where i feel totally out of it defending a flag, im far more effective in a mid field role, if per chance i don't actually manage to stop the capper on route, he's pretty much wasted before he reaches are base
Iv'e found a great new way of doing things 'shocklance' Just ski in behind them, and let fry Works every time Best so far is 15 shocks in 30 mins
Got the game now and its not 2 bad on my 56k con but it could be better any one know of any good sites that will help get it running better or give me some console commands.
thanks ppl
Fiddle around with the network options, it has all sorts of things to tweak in that, i raised 1 bar and lowerd another just to see what happend (not knowing what i was doing) and it improved ping by about 10-15 ms. (isdn)
Don't sweat it, no network tweaks needed, like i say, im playing on a 200 ping, isdn n'all. I was kicking yanks butt today, on a 450 ping i don't understand it myself, but hey who cares I can't realy take tribes all the serious, it's not making out, to be the game i thought it would be Everybody seems to bleeding defend Dam crazy, and another weird thing iv'e noticed, why the hell don't the teams get mixed around after every map, christ it's a flaming joke, all the team that totally owned on the map before , are allways put back on the same team
Correct me if I haven't grasped the pertinent point of your egocentric diatribe (no pun intended). You say though that you have managed to cap effortlessly against an uncoordinated, undisciplined defence on pubbies and have therefore concluded that T2 is in fact not what you expected?
Having devoted most of my Tribes experience to defence I would say congratulations for pointing out this really quite insightful observation.
I'm currently working on DT's defence strategy for all these new T2 levels. Based on your revelations I suppose our "running around like complete newbies shooting cappers with targetting lasers" strategy is gonna have to be shelved in favour of something slightly more organised.
I look forward to introducing you to some of these ideas at sometime soon - hopefully you won't have lost interest in the game by then. If it turns out to be half as much fun as T1 then that would be your loss.
(and yes we are still recruiting)
obligatory plug - we have to add this to all posts, or Karma shouts.
I would suggest you add something more constructive to the thread, rather than a personal attack on myself
Btw my i was just airing my thoughts on the game in general, compared to other games iv'e played over the years, in the terms of, teamplay, personal enjoyment, and community, so far of which, only the actual personal enjoyment existists to me not a bad thing but could be alot better.
PS ill do you a favour and not shout back at you I had enough of childish arguments over 25 years ago when i was at school
Hey scouse, I beg to differ with you. I beg to differ on the account, that you said that 'yanks suck'. Let's have a good game against eachother, and we'll see who 'sucks'. Ok, I'm a yank, I signed up for this site because it seems to be the most universal one out at the moment. And just because i'm a yank, doesn't mean i stink, just to let you know. I love the energy pack, it does almost everything you need it to. The only time that I don't use scout armor (in the whole game) is if enemy vehicles are coming at my base and I have to take them out, then I run in and switch armors. On the other hand, I've also been wanting to join a T2 team, but that hasn't happened yet. I just haven't found one really yet. Ok, the biggest reason that I found this site, is that it had the best ping for elite force. The only problem, is because I live in the US, the same ping for this game just can't compete with others. Ok, I have officially taken out all my frustration about the anti-yank material on the internet sites so far, lol. Also check out , it is an aussie site, and i had to settle some disputes there. Ok, sorry for wasting your time, but if anyone's looking to start a team, I'll be there...
Hmmm, not really a personal attack Kurt (there's plenty of examples of far less amicable posts that fit into that category).
If you will make comments on a highly team oriented game however that smack of 'I'am the greatest then expect to get some light-hearted feedback.
As for more useful ideas:-
1. Personal score is irrelevant if your team loses
2. Try and encourage ppl to coordinate actions in pubbies (this won't be very successful, they're still manic in T1 even after all this time, but its worth a try)
3. If you want to experience more team based Tribes, find some clanned ppl and 'bother' them. If you see any DT on then we'll always have time for ppl who have a team-based approach.
Kurt_Angle, BadJelly is right - there's a *world* of difference in Tribes (and I am assuming in Tribes2 aswell although I've not played in any clan matches yet the game dynamics (scuse the pun hehe) seem almost identical) between a disorganised public server rabble and a rock-hard, tanked-up, experienced clan defence.
The lone "scout on speed" capping technique is nigh on impossible in a proper clan game without major team support for capper/s.
Personally I'm rarely bothering with scouting on public t2 games at the moment but concentrate my efforts on base/flag defence and a general support role - I may get low kills for it but it's far better for the team overall and personal frags really aren't important in T2. Dunno if you've noticed but in CTF T2 individual frags have *ZERO* effect on team score - all that matters is flag captures and with organised teams you'll need to be organised back to get those caps.
It won't let me start my own thread, so I guess i've been reduced to this. Every time I open up my Tribes 2 game, it has an e-mail error. Every time I try to launch a game, it says host/server error or something, I click ok, and can still join the game, but what's up with this???
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