High Mind Sorcs



Just a thought for all you high Mind Inconnu/Briton sorcs, ever thought about losing the staff and not using a robe?
Think the torso cloth is lvl 47 died black it is impossiable to spot the stripe down the middle, and would PoT/Crack make up for the lack of focus?


I doubt crack5 is enough to offset the increased mana-drain without focus, especially if you're chain-casting something.


some dude used to do it when he soloed (wou?) ask him if he still plays oO


Originally posted by sigh
Just a thought for all you high Mind Inconnu/Briton sorcs, ever thought about losing the staff and not using a robe?
Think the torso cloth is lvl 47 died black it is impossiable to spot the stripe down the middle, and would PoT/Crack make up for the lack of focus?

Power cost is 50% higher without the focus so it would run out very fast when you're allowed to stand there casting (with green/pink flashy sparkles going off all the time this doesn't happen really often).

But yeah, what use is the power when you're always running away/interrupted/dead? :p


I'm sure my Sorc has a Focus cloak in his vault, I'm guessing it would be a nice replacement for a Staff.


Originally posted by sigh
Just a thought for all you high Mind Inconnu/Briton sorcs, ever thought about losing the staff and not using a robe?
Think the torso cloth is lvl 47 died black it is impossiable to spot the stripe down the middle, and would PoT/Crack make up for the lack of focus?

I'm avalonian so I've never really contemplated this.

But if it's disguise you are after, it goes without saying that you need to finish your disguise off with a Sceptre of Intellect, the fabled caster staff with a mace model, wieldable in your left hand.

Maybe with no robes, or staff, and a mace in your hand you may fool the enemy, or maybe not.

The Sceptre is slightly rare though, it's from a drop table called 'Of the Woods', which can come from Welsh Hobgoblins, Forest Trackers, Grove Nymphs, Mud Golumns and others. There's a 0.3% chance of a drop from this table, and there are 10 items on the table, taking the chance of a drop down to 0.03%. In other words, to give yourself an even chance of getting the Scepter, you'd need to kill 3333 of these mobs. I'm sure I have killed that many, and I still haven't got a scepter.

I'm beginning to think that I'd if I'd RvR'd for the time I've wasted trying to get this item, the increased realm abilities I'd have would more than make up for the presence of a little mace on my side giving give me a thousand to one chance of fooling a hib/mid for a second into thinking I wasn't a caster.

/ramble off.



Originally posted by gunner440
some dude used to do it when he soloed (wou?) ask him if he still plays oO

Yes Wou is the guy you are looking for and he still plays his sorc on occasion (and does it well I might add)

And I doubt the loss of focus makes that much difference in the average few seconds a sorc lives these days. You won't be burning alot of mana before you are face down taking a nap.


Originally posted by Loth
I'm sure my Sorc has a Focus cloak in his vault, I'm guessing it would be a nice replacement for a Staff.

afaik focus only works on staffs.


Re: Re: High Mind Sorcs

Originally posted by TBF[Pazuzu]
Maybe with no robes, or staff, and a mace in your hand you may fool the enemy, or maybe not.

This scepter got no Focus, so is kinda useless.



Re: Re: Re: High Mind Sorcs

Originally posted by Fagane
This scepter got no Focus, so is kinda useless.


It's use is purely cosmetic. As a briton or incconu wearing black vest and cloak, wielding what looks like a mace, you may last just that little bit longer than a big gay avalonian, just long enough to cast a bit more CC. But if the enemy is watching spell animation colours like pin mentioned, then I suppse it's all pointless anyway.


My biggest regret on my Sorc is that I made her Avalonian but I was young then and innocent....

Anyways She wanders round in black vest because I prefer the look but I really do not want to contemplate the cost of amnesia without focus...........even with level 46 crack and serenity 2 I can easily blow a full bar of power on amnesia with 50 focus.


Originally posted by gunner440
some dude used to do it when he soloed (wou?) ask him if he still plays oO

He still plays, however not much his sorc but other characters in the realm of Hibernia ;)

I talk to him quite often and will point him to this thread ;)


Afaik the first "infi-sorc" was Fungus (rerolled). Briton sorc, no robe, all in black with hooded cloak and not wielding a stick.
It worked quite well for a time.

But nowadays after the first mezze the disguise is gone anyways - even if all enemies have spell-effects turned off since the sorc will pop in targetbox (or be 'last attacker') - taking the sorc bothers to cast a mezz :)


The power usage due to no focus staff would be very high... PoT and Serenity does hardly anything in rvr-fights...

And its like 80-85% power usage vs 120% ... (50 focus vs no focus)... Then add to the fact that you kind of give yourself away the moment you cast your mez... Mez-animation is by far the worst of all 3 realms...

So even though it might work due to 'looks', its not practical...


I mostly run with Sceptre of Intellect around, and I don't take a hugh hit in power usage. Staff is more for keeptakes. And power is only wasted if you die with it. Btw use the 2nd best amnesia that will cut the cost a bit ;)

In a battle the first seconds are the most importand, not only with mezzing, but also targeting ( MA, pets, interrupts,..).
So if you don't get targeted first you live longer..

Sadly my sorc is avelonian. But it works a lot better with my druid, he runs without shield ( celt), and I get only very rarely attacked the first sec, so I can get some heals off before someone notices me ( not that it matters, got 2x insta root and heal ;)

Anyway, everything that makes me live longer is worth it :)


give some 1pts ra in 15min timer which changes yer race and rr in enemy eyes :D

/hides :x


Originally posted by Wou
it works a lot better with my druid, he runs without shield ( celt), and I get only very rarely attacked the first sec, so I can get some heals off before someone notices me ( not that it matters, got 2x insta root and heal ;)

a nice idea :)


ofc if clerics had MoBlocking they would have more to worry about^^


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
takes more skill to play an avalonian ;)

Takes more skill for a chocolate fire guard to do its job ;p

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