High level mobs



Is this a bug or what? I've found out thats it is actually impossible to do damage to certain monsters with anything other than melee above a certain level. What this level this is im unsure. But our guild did a Llyn Barfog hunt the other day and about 5-6 days ago we attacked Golestandt for a laugh.

In Llyn barfog my nukes worked on all epic mobs except Legendary Afanc and King of Barfog. Same goes for Golestandt (and i guess Legion and Behmoth).

Well the thing is it seems as though even high level mob that cant be nuked can be melee'd for 2-3 damage sometimes less. But something weird is if you have EB you can do 2-3 damage + 35.

Just a suggestion. Next time you fight a really high lvl mob that cant be nuked, EB everyone. Even casters should try hitting with melee as the EB gets through as the main bulk of damage.

TBH i think this is a bit of a bug. As a caster nukes should get through but they dont, weird.

Ill try and get some pictures of what i mean, but im sure others have seen what im talking about. I nuked King of Barfog about 100 times, and NOT one nuke got through even with 50+13 fire. So i went to melee and was hitting 1-2 times every 5th hit etc.


Ive no idea if its a bug or intended to be that way - but youve just realised the method used by everyone taking on the Lynn Barfog epics.

EB everyone, get everyone (except rezzers) to melee the mob.

Doing 1 or 2 damage with your staff isnt surprising - even high level tanks do little damage directly. But the dmg buffs make up for it :)


Found a related quirk.. if you are a theurg and cast a pet at the mob, it'll cast normally then before it appears a message says 'Your pet can't reach the target from here' even if the high level mob is like inches in front of you.

If I get that then I KNOW I'm in for some melee.

It's just started happening on the Princess and that eipc mob ulgrath or whatever his name is.


Don't forget to use bleed styles, especially on those mobs that you hit for 1-2, it's suprising what a 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 bleed does actually ;) (Like get your small group drops from Legion :p)


I know the King atleast can be affected by spells, I hit him with smite for like 3 damage or so, but the thing is Epic mobs that give 'special drops' should be harder to take down then regular mobs so to speak, so I would say it isnt a bug

Hit ^_^

wrath of mordred is kind of evil too.
use one main tank and rest suppert him whit healing and bt and stuff.


Hit that wont help, he 1 hits thru BT on buffed tanks (almost atleast) And u can almost just hit him from behind cause he parrys all attacks from the front, and in 1.49 he was bugged atleast, didnt drop anything, maybe he does now


The have quite nasty level range, so they can spawn as very easy ones - DK has killed Mordred couple times with just 1.5 fg - sometimes 2 fg hasn't been enough... EB & damage shield are sadly the best thing Wiz & Theurg can sometimes supply... Cabas & Sorcs should try debuffing them, it does help a bit when they don't resists ;)


Originally posted by belth
Don't forget to use bleed styles, especially on those mobs that you hit for 1-2, it's suprising what a 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 bleed does actually ;) (Like get your small group drops from Legion :p)
Bleed rocks on Legion, I was hitting him for about 8 direct, then a 6-5-4-3-2-1 bleed and about 10 from dmaage adds (theurg+pala). The bleed is a big part of the damage there. :)

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