High-end armor prices (AF102)



Since i can now make all AF102 armors it's time to put up some prices. the AF70, 80 and 90 items i posted in another thread already. This thread only has the highest AF. There are no recraft prices posted, i will calculate them on request.

Also a hint to all those who will want nice highlevel/high quality gear with spellcrafting on it, when it comes out: please be on time getting that kit. When 1.54 comes it will probably mean all crafters are swamped with work, and the smart player already has his 99-100% gear in vault :)

Now for the prices:

Studded armor[/B]

Slot	AF	Cost
Gloves	102	65G
Boots	102	65G
Helm	102	200G
Legs	102	200G
Sleeves	102	135G
Jerkin	102	330G

Total:		995G

Chain armor[/B]

Slot	AF	Cost
Gloves	102	130G  
Boots	102	130G  
Coif	102	380G  
Legs	102	380G  
Sleeves 102	255G  
Hauberk 102	640G

Total:		1660G  

Plate armor[/B]

Slot		AF	Cost
Gauntlets	102	135G
Boots		102	135G
Coif		102	400G
Legs		102	400G
Sleeves		102	275G
Breastplate	102	690G

Total:			2035G

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