Hibs own emain (at 5am at least)



What a horrible rvr night :p

/salute to the gang of hibbies in emain thats ganking me all the time ... (bwehh suppose im just tired)

/kiss eyaslashy



Hi that was us

actually turned out a very nice night of rvr after I bravely went up to emain all on my own and took on 3 albs( 2yellow cons one blue, teoz and two others, can't rem their names as they didn't salute like /teoz afterwads :D ) and killed 2 of them before I thought my fun was over and it was time to sleep, then instead I scrummage a res and spend 2 more hours killing mids and albs in nice manageable groups. Was a great night for rp farming lol, we even killed a bunch of stealthers loads of times with almost no deaths on our side (until the end when some of us logged) which was pretty impressive since you hunters and SBs seem to always oneshot our casters.

Thx everyone was a great night,

and dunder we only had speed 4 so was surprising we caught you at all let alone twice ( or was it more?), you should sleep more, no fun in gloating if you're not on top form



Very true... i was umostly unluckly both times though.. firs i heard my m8s were attacking you so i rushed to help just to see em all dead...

second time i was runnign lone zonewall when all of a sudden youer all over me.. there is a part of the zonewall where it goes further up gain and right at that 1 voulnerable spott you where and i noticed you far to late,.. well.. a horrible night for me.. ill get some sleep next night i think.. (btw cant play on days as my fecking other cpu got virus and i nitend to fix that...)


Hey Dunder, hear you're getting too nice in your old age.

Cornell was telling us in /gu that he went ld, and logged back in to find you staring at him, waving, then running off.

/salute Dunder, what a nice guy :)


Yesterday has got to be the best RvR day EVER, a day that shall forever be known as The Siege of Dun Crauchon, like the Dragon & Legion slayings, this was truely an occasion that deserves mentioning on Prydwen's news page.

I ran out of arrows THREE times

/salute to hibbies
and i bought some more arrows for albies


Have to say that RVR has changed so much since DF. In the past an 8 or 16 man zerg group would last a _long_ time in Emain. Now it's toast unless you are really lucky as the numbers are nearer 60 than 16.

I have to agree with Blood re RVR, this last few nights have been awesome indeed, last night in particular. Whenever one realm attacks DC, all 3 end up there. If the Albs would leave us alone when we attacked the Midgardian hordes, maybe we would get in :p

Also gonna gave Aevar a salute for Yggrda last night.

Oh sod it /salute all realms for the fun.



Originally posted by vidx
Hey Dunder, hear you're getting too nice in your old age.

Cornell was telling us in /gu that he went ld, and logged back in to find you staring at him, waving, then running off.

/salute Dunder, what a nice guy :)

I just thate being ld killed.. its so darn lame.. No challenge in killing someone that just went ld, MAN i hate when ppl do it... (ond dont gimme no crap for this its just the way i play)

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