Hibs get a Grip ffs


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
God sake can't hibs organise anything? mids are doing there best trying to get albs out of hib, and at no time do we even see flames on crim towers/keeps.

Can't you just get organised for once and retake crim.

Mids have suffered from low numbers since albs got the relics but weve been persistant and kept trying and we slowly getting our numbers back. But hibs just get your act together.

Seems like your whole realm just doesn't care and is to interested in farming the mids trying to help you try and get albs out of your frontier.
Everyday mids try and get organise hibs just set up groups to farm anyone inc... Can't you do anything constructive, so we can get an attempt at getting the relics back, so albs are no longer dominating the server from my point of view.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 10, 2004

i am playing hib myself nowadays .. and i agree here .. yesterday we had a hole and inner door down .. and got wiped .. you would xpt us to come back but didnt happend... i ws swearing all the time .. think most hibs enjoy the insta rvr ... simple as that..

p.s sorry for all the mid/excal i killed .. but i do try to leave em alone ..


Dec 23, 2003
took t4 during the day, t1 low level, hibs attack mids, hibs enjoying zerg fights it seems

get off your arses else your going to lose the other relic, dont think it wont happen, late 5am one night, ill say it now, i told you so

who needs instant rvr with agramon, its stupidity itself


Loyal Freddie
Jul 13, 2005
brad irvr is great atm in hib land im sorry to say .

well it is for stealthers :)

Ive not had so much fun playing this for a long time and i for one will be sad when irvr is gone :( .


Dec 23, 2003
Porkbelly said:
brad irvr is great atm in hib land im sorry to say .

well it is for stealthers :)

Ive not had so much fun playing this for a long time and i for one will be sad when irvr is gone :( .

Mr ****-Zerg himself said how he likes iRVR, if theres a better reason than this to change it please tell me


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
brad said:
God sake can't hibs organise anything? mids are doing there best trying to get albs out of hib, and at no time do we even see flames on crim towers/keeps.

Can't you just get organised for once and retake crim.

Mids have suffered from low numbers since albs got the relics but weve been persistant and kept trying and we slowly getting our numbers back. But hibs just get your act together.

Seems like your whole realm just doesn't care and is to interested in farming the mids trying to help you try and get albs out of your frontier.
Everyday mids try and get organise hibs just set up groups to farm anyone inc... Can't you do anything constructive, so we can get an attempt at getting the relics back, so albs are no longer dominating the server from my point of view.

We tried, we made a hole in Crim on Weds night and went for it, we failed because the albs put up a good defence when we got into the inner keep (/salute). It's that simple. And we were mindful that there were 3 fg's of Mid's outside.

And what has the relic issue got to do with it? Because we're the only realm left non-alb that has one left it's our job to get them back? Feel free to get a RR organised yourself, we can't take your relics back for you.

Btw, if you're posting to Hibs, maybe the Hibs section of the forum??


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2004
on weds mids tryed to help hibs to keep the coast free and dont leet in any more albs in to keep.. the time i was running there no mid attacked hib or even tryed to interfear the siege.. but ofc i cant talk for every mid.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I don't mind instant RvR so long as its not in my frontier. If other realms want instant action in there frontiers, best of luck to them.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
i hate this rvr, but seems ppl like it. But i want to move the rvr to agramon :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Bridges suck so the group I ran night of 12th roamed the area around crau away from most of the zerglings. occasional adds but was surprised how little the hibs added. very nice. <3

had a couple of nice fights. Rure grp always a hard nut to crack with those bainshees ofcourse.

overall was good after been away for 4 weeks and for me it now stands EU>US. Didnt see that comin did ya ;)

oh and I guess 20% relics on my merc when I can 2-3 hit support aint all shappy either xD


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
brad said:
God sake can't hibs organise anything? mids are doing there best trying to get albs out of hib, and at no time do we even see flames on crim towers/keeps.

Can't you just get organised for once and retake crim.

Mids have suffered from low numbers since albs got the relics but weve been persistant and kept trying and we slowly getting our numbers back. But hibs just get your act together.

Seems like your whole realm just doesn't care and is to interested in farming the mids trying to help you try and get albs out of your frontier.
Everyday mids try and get organise hibs just set up groups to farm anyone inc... Can't you do anything constructive, so we can get an attempt at getting the relics back, so albs are no longer dominating the server from my point of view.

I would tend to agree but I haven't logged in all week it was so bad last Sunday. I hope it has improved. It will not stay like this forever. Its a case of resting and chilling while we figure out what to do.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Eh...You cant seriously...?

kiliarien said:
We tried, we made a hole in Crim on Weds night and went for it, we failed because the albs put up a good defence when we got into the inner keep (/salute). It's that simple. And we were mindful that there were 3 fg's of Mid's outside.

And what has the relic issue got to do with it? Because we're the only realm left non-alb that has one left it's our job to get them back? Feel free to get a RR organised yourself, we can't take your relics back for you.

Btw, if you're posting to Hibs, maybe the Hibs section of the forum??

Hehe you cant seriously mean that you didnt understand what he meant ?

Albs have enough numbers to defend their frontier from mids and defend from hibs in hibland...but we hope that if we can make a joint effort to raid albland 24/7 (hibs/mids). That albs will get worn down and we can nap the relics back together.

When it is burning on every keep in albland day and night albs might get bored of repairing!:)

The iRvR then...yes it is nice to have iRvR for alot of people (those who doesnt like/have time/cant find full groups to join) but wouldnt it be even more fun with instant rvr without albs having capped damage and 2 shotting everything in sight ?



FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Porkbelly said:
Ive not had so much fun playing this for a long time and i for one will be sad when irvr is gone :( .

Hahahahahah :DDDDD

Well if it's ok for Porkbelly m8s, then keep it going!.

I'm sure him and his other 15 supameights are having a whale of a time either a) in towers b) camping a bridge or c) generally being arsebuckles or d) all of the above.

But it's ok because he's DEFENDING THE REALM FROM THE FORCES OF EVIL, and he pays his subs so he can do wtf he wants!!! :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 29, 2004
rps rps rps rps rps rps rps rps rps rps rps rps rps rps rp srp rp rpr pr pr p rpseprspop realm points..........................................

thats why they dont wanna go away from that freakin crap bridge.

the bridge is pure freakin evul. delete it I say. DELETE!!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Porkbelly said:
Ive not had so much fun playing this for a long time

You do know that's not allowed by the DAOC Youmustplayhowwewantsowecanpharmyou Mafia don't you? :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Vladamir said:
Hahahahahah :DDDDD

Well if it's ok for Porkbelly m8s, then keep it going!.

I'm sure him and his other 15 supameights are having a whale of a time either a) in towers b) camping a bridge or c) generally being arsebuckles or d) all of the above.

But it's ok because he's DEFENDING THE REALM FROM THE FORCES OF EVIL, and he pays his subs so he can do wtf he wants!!! :eek:

Ur actually quite right:) I know it pains you...but its still true....but hey, make an own game...where you can make the rules and invite likeminded:p


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
ebenezer said:
Ur actually quite right:) I know it pains you...but its still true....but hey, make an own game...where you can make the rules and invite likeminded:p

I wtfpwn at Pong!


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
lies u can spam ae root like the rest of the drood populace!


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
brad said:
God sake can't hibs organise anything? mids are doing there best trying to get albs out of hib, and at no time do we even see flames on crim towers/keeps.

Aint that asking them to cross realm :<

Naughty brad telling them what mids are doing !


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Gratz Hibs on taking back Crim!!!!!!!!:cheers: :)

Now the fun should begin.

P.S. from what i saw you were very organised so good job guys. Even though your my enemy, your still apart of the community so makes me smile knowing things will get better.:cheers:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
brad said:
Gratz Hibs on taking back Crim!!!!!!!!:cheers: :)

Ye, we did our outmost to annoy Albs in their frontier. =)
Was alot of fun! =)

And very nice Hibs that you took your chance. =)



Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
charmangle said:
Hehe you cant seriously mean that you didnt understand what he meant ?

Albs have enough numbers to defend their frontier from mids and defend from hibs in hibland...but we hope that if we can make a joint effort to raid albland 24/7 (hibs/mids). That albs will get worn down and we can nap the relics back together.

When it is burning on every keep in albland day and night albs might get bored of repairing!:)

The iRvR then...yes it is nice to have iRvR for alot of people (those who doesnt like/have time/cant find full groups to join) but wouldnt it be even more fun with instant rvr without albs having capped damage and 2 shotting everything in sight ?


Ofc I could understand what he meant, I just thought it was a misdirected comment to suggest that mids were necessarily 'helping' us.
How were we to know on Weds night that the mids were there to guard us rather than wait for us hibs to take out most resistance in keep then walk up and swipe the lord? I didn't - my proposition is unlikely but it could have happened, I've seen all realms proverbially shoot themselves in the foot by taking an opportunity keep when not needed.

Albs are always talking about a hibguard alliance, stop enforcing their position.

Anyway with Crim back in Hib hands it's all academic. :eek6:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Wholdar said:
Ye, we did our outmost to annoy Albs in their frontier. =)
Was alot of fun! =)

And very nice Hibs that you took your chance. =)



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