I don`t want to see any flames in this thread (yah right), but are the hibs only attacking mid keeps? Or do they attack alb keeps as well?
MY impression, as I said, MY impression, for as long as I`ve played this game is. Alb vs Mid, a LOT. Hib, just a side-realm, no one really cares what they do. But lately Hibs have been starting to run around in the northern part of mid frontier taking small keeps. So maybe they`ll start to join in for real soon. Just hoping that they start whacking some alb keeps as well, if just for the varation.
That was my impression and some thoughts. So now I wonder, is my impression wrong?
MY impression, as I said, MY impression, for as long as I`ve played this game is. Alb vs Mid, a LOT. Hib, just a side-realm, no one really cares what they do. But lately Hibs have been starting to run around in the northern part of mid frontier taking small keeps. So maybe they`ll start to join in for real soon. Just hoping that they start whacking some alb keeps as well, if just for the varation.
That was my impression and some thoughts. So now I wonder, is my impression wrong?