Hibernians where are you?



Why arnt Hibernia getting involved?

the relics are owned by mids and albs.

We fight in hibernia and they hardly ever appear to defend their land.

Come on you ugly ones give them middies something to cry about and take their relics.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


you have a 30second run to the porter to get back to emain
we have a 10min run back, and the possibility of dieing before we even get there

i imagine alot of hibs are getting tired of the run..

ps. there are two other relics kicking about which belong to hib ;)


about 1/2 mins with top minstrel speed eble :p


woha 30 seconds, can u gimme the loc to the bindstone then eble :), running for 5 mins to the wizzies and then have to wait 10 mins for them to arrive, thats 15 mins so we should be the ones complaining! :D


But you dont have to sit there controlling your char, you can go eat watch tv or whatever as long as you put that damn medallion on.


Um so you albs and mids are now spending your time in between complaining that there are too many hibs, by complaining that there aren't enough of us?

Ah well we can't please you so I suppose we'll just have to kill you all.


There might be a lot of you but you just sit there doing nothing try going for a relic maybe youll be successful or are you planning something special for christmas?


we already got just as many relics as both mids and albs got.. but WE have our own relics.. do U?

u mids and albs keep invading the hib frontier ALL the time.. EVERY day.. and still we have all our keeps.. without any hib there u say? ooh u gotta suck then..


seriously kaor, where do u think the main rvr area is on all the us/eu servers? and if we're invading ure land how come we never try to take ure relic when we get thru, we try to take crim cuz its not that fun chasing u back there everytime :) (and when the mids took it 90% of the hibs went exping instead ;))
also if we are invading ure land without ever trying to take ure relic, isnt that the best opportunity to take ours? if we're busy invading without doing any harm u can easily take the excali relic.
go ahead and flame me but the "albs are invading our realm" reason is getting abit thin now :), ppl are here to get some realmpoints not to raid relic keeps.

hope u understood what i meant :clap:


First post your telling us that we never come out to defend our keeps, yet as you're last post stated your not there to take any keeps just to get RPs.

So why would we be defending keeps that aren't being taken? Makes NO sense at all that :p

Currently there are close to 70+ hibs in emain that aren't on anon so we're not defending eh?



Halfmad me and occulta got 2 different oppinions, check our names first.


you have a 30second run to the porter to get back to emain
we have a 10min run back, and the possibility of dieing before we even get there

i imagine alot of hibs are getting tired of the run..

ps. there are two other relics kicking about which belong to hib

correct me if i'm wrong but we are talking about relics here???

the relics are owned by mids and albs.

We fight in hibernia and they hardly ever appear to defend their land.

Come on you ugly ones give them middies something to cry about and take their relics.

i mean everything in that post points to relic taking....?? cept for the defending the land bit... 2 way battle our of emain is geting stupid tbh should invent a 4th realm so it could be a 3 way battle.

and as for u Armolas wtf u going on about??

Um so you albs and mids are now spending your time in between complaining that there are too many hibs, by complaining that there aren't enough of us?

u what? care to explain what thats meant to mean ? :)


Well another relic just swapped hands and Hibernians who i hoped would be the ones trying for it werent around.

Once again it was between Middies and albs.

Hibernians go away and think up a decent battle plan so you can have a decent fight to talk about for once instead of just a bit of melee in....where ever you hide.

I agree that emain is over used and think that we should take up fights more in Odins and Adrians.

I would also like someone Albion or Midgard to try and take a hibernia relic.

How much fun it would be to see them try and take it/them back.

I gotta say that if you lost your relics you would never get them back as you are so poor at raids etc.


yes master Eleasias i bow down to your greatness !

maybe you could take your greatness and do sumthing with it except for geting RPs? :)


atleast this hibbie is playing his skald alt, and some others playing alts on other servers too

need a break from exc, its quite fun being the one PORTING to emain, and then running around with OWN speedsong, rather than GETTING a ride to emain, or WALKING there all alone for 15minutes :/


Ask a stupid f*cking question like this, where do you think we were you git? Someone had to co-ordinate the middy battle plan in IRC. Think those luri's popping on your keep walls were for fun?

If you arses bothered to get out the wall, maybe you would have seen the relic going past. Don't blame it on us that you are too frikking stupid to realise that you have your own frontier to protect and instead you spend all night zerging in ours. Everything went exactly to our crossteaming plan, hibs irritate albs enough for them to overflow from their pk, while mids run in and nick relic.

It took 430 Lurikeens 119 minutes to pop 53 times into excal, each luri was connected to 7 computers and had no less then12 irc channels open in #nobly.

on the side though...Face it, mid owned you and trying and make us out to be the gits is not going to save you any face. The whole of Hibernia is laughing at you...nice ;)


Got bored and play alt atm. Runing to ligen just to find no group for RvR ( good groups I mean not the ones that just rush alb wall and get killed), then go alone there and get killed is just boring :p I have no prob with being killed but without speedsong to Emain is a 10 min walk. Get killed.. go back.. do that 2 weeks you wil get bored of it too ;p 2nd things many peeps I enjoyed RvR quit or put their chars asleep( like Lofff Wuren etc.) The Zerg or be Zerged of Emain RvR anyos me :/


Originally posted by Nol
Ask a stupid f*cking question like this, where do you think we were you git? Someone had to co-ordinate the middy battle plan in IRC. Think those luri's popping on your keep walls were for fun?

If you arses bothered to get out the wall, maybe you would have seen the relic going past. Don't blame it on us that you are too frikking stupid to realise that you have your own frontier to protect and instead you spend all night zerging in ours. Everything went exactly to our crossteaming plan, hibs irritate albs enough for them to overflow from their pk, while mids run in and nick relic.

It took 430 Lurikeens 119 minutes to pop 53 times into excal, each luri was connected to 7 computers and had no less then12 irc channels open in #nobly.

on the side though...Face it, mid owned you and trying and make us out to be the gits is not going to save you any face. The whole of Hibernia is laughing at you...nice ;)

nol you are quiet dumb . do you take pride in middys taking our relic ? again you just proving yourselves to be fags and try grab some lime light by trying to take som of the mids well taken raid . im not flaming mids i give em props for takin relic from excal . but for you to say all hibs are laughing at us because MIDS took it . just goes to show that hibs suck big time . hibs raids on relics suck they struggle even to take normalkeeps :) everytime hib tries a relic raid they die EXTREMELY fast sometimes doesnt even need defenders all it need is the guards to kill you .. and you say your laughing at us ? LMAO let the truth be known everybody is laughing at hib because they cant raid a relic to save there lives cos they suck so bad . as for zerging if you really think alb is still the zerg realm in emain then again you are a very dumb tree hugger ,. its hibs that have the most numbers i emain lately "NO im not complaining" .. yet again everybody is laughing at you ..

IF or when hibs actually manage to take a relic "which imo wont ever happen" then maybe you can laugh at us for losing a relic . but dont go claiming fame and laugh at us when your own realm sux at relic raids . at least mid and alb have proved they can take relics . only thing hib as proved is that they have a lot of bug abusers "sure we all got em but atm hibs more thn others" and cant raid a relic at all .

anyways we all laughing at you now :p :p :p

btw watch /re you will see another movement of relics soon and albs relic keeps will be filling up again soon .


Originally posted by Nol
Everything went exactly to our crossteaming plan, hibs irritate albs enough for them to overflow from their pk, while mids run in and nick relic.

It took 430 Lurikeens 119 minutes to pop 53 times into excal, each luri was connected to 7 computers and had no less then12 irc channels open in #nobly.

if this is true it takes a lot of lime light away from the middys having to yet again ask for the help of the hibbys for a raid . but i cant undertsand how dumb you hibs are helping the middys . sure you may say u hate us . but after they have our relics whos relics do you think they are going to take next ? "if you hibs had a fuckin brain cell between you with this cross realming why dont you get them to help you on a raid instead of you helping them all the time ." :) at least albion has the honour not to enroll in the help of enemy realms to overcome the 3rd enemy .it also proves again hibs suck , and love kissing dwarf asses and sucking troll cock .can mid/hib actually do anything of any value alone with no help from the other ? i think not .

Blue Ix

Of course it's true, when Nol posts it's always 100% serious! Uhm...

Originally posted by Organ-Grinder
if this is true...


Does anyone other than Organ think Nol was serious? :rolleyes:



I did a /who emain last night , and 64 hib's was in Emain, so . .. . .

Flix Ranger


Originally posted by Occulta
Why arnt Hibernia getting involved?

the relics are owned by mids and albs.

We fight in hibernia and they hardly ever appear to defend their land.

Come on you ugly ones give them middies something to cry about and take their relics.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

scuse me, but we're not here to cover your back when mid comes knockin on your door...maybe if you concern yourself with guarding your own realm a bit more than you did us taking part, you'd be able to keep some relics.

plz note, we own all our shit...do you?

stfd and stfu



Organ, do you realise how thick you look at this point in time...all of hibernia is definitely laughing at you.

Just in case you haven't caught on yet, the Middies took the relic without any help, they just basically owned you, now stop looking for excuses.

Nicky Nook

I dont know what Organ is mouthing about sure he couldnt get out into his own frontier to xp without getting killed by a mob never mind even get involved in a Relic Raid with the level of his chars.

Thats what i dont like about these Forums people like Organ comming on here and posting a flamming like fuck when they couldnt do fuck all to help take Relics with low level chars etc etc..

Get a char Past level 30 Organ ( its not hard ) and then maybe people will take you seriously.

Lsd Mindgames 23rd season scout

Xtc Pk 17th season smite cleric

Luv Bug 7th season air theurg

ROFL Regards Nicky..


Originally posted by Organ-Grinder

btw watch /re you will see another movement of relics soon and albs relic keeps will be filling up again soon .

maybe tell them the hour and the day ... :rolleyes:
it's for ppl like you that last relicraid was 'top secret' ... was almost a succes ;>


Originally posted by Nol

Organ, do you realise how thick you look at this point in time...all of hibernia is definitely laughing at you.

Just in case you haven't caught on yet, the Middies took the relic without any help, they just basically owned you, now stop looking for excuses.

i look stupid ? i said well done to mids for takin relic . it was YOU who posted that u helped them wether it by redirecting albs or what ever your roll was . still means u helped them . and at least we albs can take relics . you dumb fuck hibs cant do shit without the mids . u get guard ganked all the time . its funny how u change it from hibs laughing at albs to hibs laughing at me . the jokes all on you hibs cos all i said in previous post is true , why would i look for exscuses also ? only exscuse alb has is that we didnt scout excal well last night , nuff said .


Originally posted by Nicky Nook
I dont know what Organ is mouthing about sure he couldnt get out into his own frontier to xp without getting killed by a mob never mind even get involved in a Relic Raid with the level of his chars.

Thats what i dont like about these Forums people like Organ comming on here and posting a flamming like fuck when they couldnt do fuck all to help take Relics with low level chars etc etc..

Get a char Past level 30 Organ ( its not hard ) and then maybe people will take you seriously.

ROFL Regards Nicky..

again looks down on the lame ass person who think lvls mean everything . and for your info i have had a char past lvl 30 "deleted him" . lvl doesnt mean everything . i have played my part in raiding relics AND defending relics . raiding i was on my mins using speed song taxi'ing all higher lvls to relic keep . whilst at keep partied with casters/cleric for pow song . defending relics with my scout , ive been the one to raise the alarm of a mid/hib relic raid 2-3 times . hence a alb army getting there and fucking u over .

as for getting across frontier i can easily get to hadrians without dying i think all the times ive tried ive only died once . my guess is if u tried cross pennines or snow solo you would die a lot more than twice :p . its dumb fucks like you that think lvls are everything , but they aint . and people do take me seriously . maybe not many of them but thats there fault for not listening because a lot of the time what i have to say wether it be o here or ideas/warnings in rvr situations but a lot do .

as for my chars being low etc etc i hope you have a char to goto bg's if so you gonna be /releasing a lot :)

some folks like to have fun and lvl at a steady or slow pace . have you seen how many people have hit 50 sof ast get bored and leave ? i myself dont wanna be one of those people so i dont give 2 shits about lvling fast . as for your flames about me non of them can be taken seriously where as all the flames i throw at hibs/mids are true and ussually justified . + sometimes i just like flaming peeps for the fun of it just to piss em off . which judging by your reaction works pretty well indeed .

p.s nicky cant you think of anything better to flame me for other than numbers? wether it be my char lvls rp's etc etc . cos thats all you ever seem to talk about is numbers ,and not just to me ive seen numerous threads always goin on about the lvls of a person . some of us have a life and dont wana rush things . every phrase you posted above refers to a number :p kinda dumb imo .try chilling out and takin things slow for a change no poit rushing and getting bored then leaving game.

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