i luv rvr, tis a great laff, the only thing that spoils it is the dying. so i was thinking (erk :/ ), why dont we set it up so that we have a battle in the middle of the valley between AMG and the mill, everyone can take up their usual seating positions. albs at wall hibs in valley, mids on mill. then we use the valley for fighting in. then every 15/30 mins we bak off, raise our dead and start it all over again. now i realise this isn't initially a great idea. what with a lot of nutters running round shooting clerics when rezzing and rushing the rest pads. but if we become responsible for our own sides and guild leaders smack naughty boys then maybe something could generate into some kind of constant battle going on. tbh im getting fed up of chasing hibs to their gaurds/keep (big girls
) or running away from mids bak to portal. seems rvr always concentrates on this area anyway, what ya think?
p.s. im not talking every night either. that would soon become boring, we could make it like a saturday night event
lathoniel 40sct
panterus 32arms
p.s. im not talking every night either. that would soon become boring, we could make it like a saturday night event
lathoniel 40sct
panterus 32arms