Hibernia - Just how bad were we rushed?



Most players know that Albion took 11-12months to design, Middie around 6-7, and Hibernia erm 2-3. Mythic had exhausted their fund's by the time they had Midgard finished, that says it all. I played hibbie during the euro beta and of course in retail, therefore I know our lands and almost every spawn off by heart now.

Browsing around the VN Boards, I came across a thread that really hit me hard in terms of how bad we've got it.

I recently made a Fighter on Alb/Prd just to look around, and was outstanded by how much more 'worldly' their realm is. There's just so much more detail in alb and I saw it right away as my lv1 gimp popped in a shackled tiny town of Humberton.

The thread makes quite an interesting read though. I can only hope that eventually Mythic put some attention back into making our realm look better.



True Kainz

Funny am sure I read the same post on VNboards a while ago.

Also I remember following a link off VN about Mythic actually saying in a interview that Hib does need a serious look at. Enough said


I kinda like hibernia, you're factions actually count for something. And the towns are all in a row for easy killtasks < lvl20.


lol @ easy killtasks guiding you to the other side of a lake past a camp filled with aggro yellows/blues.. yup, easy :)


Having played Alb for a while

I actually like the layout of Hib - at least alot of the towns/bind points are in reasonable places.

Like in Alb - to get to cornwall, you have a horse ride through campa forest and avalon mash, it takes bloody ages.

Also, hib have decent merchants for tradeskills at innis.

Mind you, I've not been back to cornwall for a while I did notice that they now have a vault keeper.

At least hib for lower lvl's has a decent run of it - Salis plains was a real pain in the proverbial and as for mythra tomb - well I think that subject is best left alone....


LOL I also read that post not more then a week ago, what hits me the hardest is the lack of magical drops. With my bard it took me to lvl 17 before I even got one. Yes I did get some from quests but no from drops.

With my little alb I got 2 in lvl 1! In Hib ppl almost fight for certain drops and from what I see and hear thats not an issue in Albania.


Congratz, you just posted all the pros of hibernia :)


I play both hib and alb and alb is a much easier realm to play in. Many many more drops of equipment. The way the classes are balanced means you get more tanks - making xping easier. The factions are irrelevant with one exception - boogey/rooters in cornwall. In hib factions are much more significant, though mine are shot and I'm not bothered - I'm used to having everything aggro from albion. Albs horse routes seem better too. I think alb classes are probably better with the exception of the cloth casters, alb is a bit too specialised there, hib/mid have much more general casters which seems to favour them somewhat.


i wonder i remember reading that albion gets most magical items since its the oldest realm, what about the MAGICAL hibernia since we live in such a MAGICAL world why cant we have more MAGICAL items to go with the MAGICAL theme


hib is a nice place for "newbies"
not many aggro mobs between towns
easy to find your way around

but i agree, mythic NEED to give hib something more usefull than champion instant debuffs


Mythic really need to liven up Hib and give it a more magical feel. I don't want bloomin giant mushrooms either. The realm looks so dire and unfinished to me now.


Well, TBH, I've never played Mid/Alb much .. I like Hibernia!

The people are great... and thats what I enjoy about the game ..

Yes, we have been robbed of some gameplay functionality, and XPing takes bloody ages ..but , I still enjoy being a tree hugging Hibbie!

If Hib was SUCH a crap place ..why do all the albs and mids come to the "super-bowl" in Emain to fight?

Let's just play the game
Mythic knows theres issues
Let's wait for the new patches
Let's kick some Alb/Mid butt!

Rock on !

Tdaer Elvenshade
4x Elf Ranger


Originally posted by Eblessair
hib is a nice place for "newbies"
not many aggro mobs between towns
easy to find your way around

but i agree, mythic NEED to give hib something more usefull than champion instant debuffs

I'm certainly no Newbie for Albion, and wouldn't class myself as a newbie on Hib either - so far it's been easier to lvl on Hib than alb.

I am a tank on alb though which may explain, as I could only solo yellows (sometimes that was a risk) - and I'm a chanter on hib - orange to low reds were/are always ok for me.


Originally posted by Tdaer

If Hib was SUCH a crap place ..why do all the albs and mids come to the "super-bowl" in Emain to fight?

Because they enjoy spending time on a golf course :)


Originally posted by obacono

I am a tank on alb though which may explain, as I could only solo yellows (sometimes that was a risk) - and I'm a chanter on hib - orange to low reds were/are always ok for me.

Ok, that explains it.. you picked the only class that is overpowered in the soloing department :)

My enchanter succesfully took on a group of 1 orange + 2 yellows .. some nice stunning/pet healing/distance nuking then finishing with some pbaoe-ing gave me about half a bubble of exp from those :)

My warden can as of recently take on some orange mobs due to the recent acquisition of the famed 6 second bubble

I think hib suffers in the lvling department because you need to have specific grouptypes to get decent exp at lvl 35+..
Either pbaoe:
1 pbaoer minimum (can also be void spec elds with their aoe spell although that's less effective but should also be recognised as a possibility)
2 or 3 tanks (can be warden/ranger/blademaster/champ/hero/nightshade, basically anyone who's bored and doesn't need to heal)
1 warden (optional but ideal since he can tank as well as reduce heals needed)
1 druid or decent secondary
Anyone else for this group is an added bonus which makes it kinda nice

or mez:
1 Bard or Mentalist (although bard is recommended due to mez length)
1 tank minimum
1 druid or another secondary healer
rest needs to be enough damage dealers to kill the mobs quickly enough before mez runs out

Thing is most hib groups require all these classes at a decent lvl which mostly aren't available (warden/bard) which makes leveling risky and tediously slow..

I'm probably leaving some strategies out but in hib we can't lvl the same way mid does.. 8 tanks just doesn't work here


Works much the same in alb, the difference being tanks are more plentiful, and mezzers are quite common (esp. these days as there are about 1001 minstrel alts running about).


There are plenty of Warden/Bards at a good lvl,,
My Bard (now lvl 29 ;) thx arm and co hehe) can log in and get harrased for group,, but when i want one, pfft good luck
Always the way whenI want a group I cant get 1 when I dont I get offered lds :rolleyes:

Why dont ppl see the importance of having a bard?
And if you aint had a warden with at least 10 sec bubble you wudnt recognize them either..


i don't have a problem with hib's appearance, its fine imho

but the thing that bothers me are the low level drops, with my lvl13 skald in pryd, i killed some random mobs and wondered "wtf is this 100% qua hammer doing in my inv", it was some lvl10 one time drop that i got.. first hibernia otd is at lvl29, and most drops are blades, checked some midgard otd list and they had lots of armor etc, and a great deal of them below lvl20 or a bit over lvl20

all i would like is low level drops, doesnt really matter if its good or not, drops are always nice :)


yep... been through a couple of alts myself...

armsman. by lvl 8 i'd gotten two swords and three peices of magical armour with various nice stat increases.

my thane which i took to lvl 10 had gotten a hammer, a studded jerking, and some dagger thingy.

my skald. lvl 6, two swords and an axe.

now... my hibbies.

lvl 32 eldritch. i think i got some boots off of a siabra at about lvl 29... that's it.

my lvl 12 shade... nothing.


see a pattern?

oh and about unfinished. just run around moher for a while... there are some mobs at the south west area.... some on a hill near the central bit. a few more in a couple of huts. that's it. the whole rest of the zone is completely EMPTY! thought i was running around in a zone geometry test, was waiting for someone from goa to give a msg saying were lettign you run around moher with no mobs to let you explore a bit with no aggro :) but nope. just the usual moher, completely unfinished :(

EDIT: oooooh! i remember getting some gloves from a parthanen at lvl 19... but they were leather :(


Dannyn if minstrels are so common why not delete your char and come play in hibbie with me and the gang!


damn ;)


I like the layout, and after playing countless hours on both beta and after release i know most parts hibernia like my back pocket, but my very slow memory has problems with some parts :), espesially the horse routs :)
But I have also played on Alb/pryd, so I have see the differences and the details in Albion. I won't complain though, I like Hibernias simplicity:clap:


Just compare the frontiers, Albs got huge mob camps, guardtowers!, blue man's tower near berkstead etc, what does hib have? wohoo grain silo at breifine border! even middies have some kind of buildings in odin's, we get nothing, the whole frontier is a crap place and there are no interesting mobs either :<


The drops thing is not true

I have a mentalist lvl 18 on prydwen and ive found the following items outside a dungeon and not OTDs or quests (cant remember names, too long ago) :
1)this magical cloth armour chest, yellow at 18 with int and power bonuses
2)siabran boots which do... something...;)
3)a ring with +int and mentalism (this might have been a quest item)
4) a ring with +hits
5) a blade of some sort (skill bonus i think)
6) some other stuff (2-3 items) which i gave away as i couldnt use em.
On albion i have a level 21 armsman and i havent found more than 8 items either, maybe im just unlucky on excal and lucky on pryd ;)


ur very lucky
most items in hibernia are either otd, quest items or dungeon drops
outside of dungeons drops are very rare at least in low lvl, got like 20 alts since beta none came higher then 25 (i know i know, stop playing alts and just pick one im working at it :p) and well i havent had much magical items besides those from quests guildmates(thanks guys) or tottaly commen magical items, ie the siabra bracers and siabra belts cause everyone likes to kill siabras when they can, most mobs till decent levels dont drop items, water beetles -> NONE, wolfs and badgers -> NONE
lunans and blackthorns do drop some magical armor and blunt weapons wich can be nice but really nothing u cant get in tnn from some tradeskiller
then come the siabras, selkie skins from roane maidens, parths -> a few items but really crap ones, belt with +2 evade and +2 dex where the siabra belt has +2 dex and some hits, boy guess wich ill take after a decent amount of lvling on parths some do dew sheeries wich give near nothing and sprag den where there can be nice drops from armor to weapons but still hard to find when i camped there for 3 days straight i got 2 stupid +resist belts a dumb sword earthen thingy but no bonusses and a piece of magical armor wich i already had from a friend
after sprag den ur likly to go for pookhas alps and amadans, amadan items are all (almost all) -..con pookha mantles are pretty nice and do have a decent drop rate since i came across a few alps never seen one item off those
irewoods dont drop any nice items either i think, saplings young ones i mean
so besides some money and sellable items there are very few magical items to be found besides the pookha mantles but thats only at lvl 23+

conclusion lowlvl magical items are rare
there are some in muire but u cant keep low lvl groups alive in there long cause the pop rate goes berzerk sometimes and adds keep on comming, ull see some good groupings in there at lvl 12+ but even they get whiped best is to find a large lvl bard from the guild have it aoemez a lot of grouped mobs so a low lvl group can pull it of him, gives great xp and an item or 2, he can heal if needed so thats a really nice way to xp some low lvl groups at 12+

if i miss some things or u think im very wrong plz set it right
its late im tired i may have some things wrong


Originally posted by cloak_endagger
There are plenty of Warden/Bards at a good lvl,,
My Bard (now lvl 29 ;) thx arm and co hehe) can log in and get harrased for group,, but when i want one, pfft good luck
Always the way whenI want a group I cant get 1 when I dont I get offered lds :rolleyes:

Why dont ppl see the importance of having a bard?
And if you aint had a warden with at least 10 sec bubble you wudnt recognize them either..

I find the same thing. I can sit in Innis for 2 hours waiting to get in a group. But if I log on for a pre-arranged group hunt, I can be sure I'll get offers up the ying-yang to join other groups. Same happens when I go to RvR (even if I'm anon). Remember people, with 2 bards in a group, you can have mana and end songs going permanently, thus reducing downtime. :D


Hmm low lvl items,,
Got a shield of a mudman at lvl 3 (i think) still using it at lvl 31 :D also has jewelry off them,,
Got a nice magic sword with +5 (i think) str on from a grass sheerie,,
Beaded Necklass from dews ne1?
Nice gloves from ghostly sibs
Dirk from anger sprite..

All this was after the patch,, so mebbe a few bits were added then and all you ppl who dont have lower/low lvl alts havnt realised yet



got my first drop at 24, steeds tail for a belt. I am the most unlucky person when it comes to drops. Got a giant femur breaker in the spragg den, got a goatman's cloak. Got an awesome +33 void staff(which was taken away from me in roll back) got a cloak from the pookhas and finally an assasins claw from dhullans.

That is my drop history, I am a lvl 32.


I played a lil on alb too, the atmosphere there is, relative to hib, simply awesome. The graphix, the spawn names/habbitat has a real feel for it, frim the simple to the complex, albion has so much more authentic/real texture to it.

By comparison hibernia is just green feilds, a few trees, some cut n paste dungeons with spawns in random spots. Hope one day Mythic address this.


omg...just complains think some mobs got bad drop table...but take the banshees for example the drop lots off godies and give fair exp too...sure we have to work harder for the stuff but that makes us appritate it more don't it..i think hibera is a good place
eaven if it can be a bit dull sometimes..i love the green land that's it...and if we r so sucky why don't albs get crim i seen great attacks on it..dono if they got it yet..

In vino veritas
Gate Defender of Hibernia

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