Most players know that Albion took 11-12months to design, Middie around 6-7, and Hibernia erm 2-3. Mythic had exhausted their fund's by the time they had Midgard finished, that says it all. I played hibbie during the euro beta and of course in retail, therefore I know our lands and almost every spawn off by heart now.
Browsing around the VN Boards, I came across a thread that really hit me hard in terms of how bad we've got it.
I recently made a Fighter on Alb/Prd just to look around, and was outstanded by how much more 'worldly' their realm is. There's just so much more detail in alb and I saw it right away as my lv1 gimp popped in a shackled tiny town of Humberton.
The thread makes quite an interesting read though. I can only hope that eventually Mythic put some attention back into making our realm look better.
Browsing around the VN Boards, I came across a thread that really hit me hard in terms of how bad we've got it.
I recently made a Fighter on Alb/Prd just to look around, and was outstanded by how much more 'worldly' their realm is. There's just so much more detail in alb and I saw it right away as my lv1 gimp popped in a shackled tiny town of Humberton.
The thread makes quite an interesting read though. I can only hope that eventually Mythic put some attention back into making our realm look better.