Having trolled the boards a bit I saw this thread as the lasted posted in thread.
So.. heads up mates, let's not proove to be as poor defenders as they were.
(All this asuming they attack hib rather than mid.)
Gonna try and bring a BG up around 6pm gmt aswell, most likely on Khaidy.
Keep our frontiers clean from thurs evening and on to ensure full lvl 10 keeps and towers all around.
Try to set up "set/balanced" groups to respond to towers US hampering port.
I will set up a /cg for groupleaders to coordinate defence and counter-attacks.
If hib is the target try and have characters placed inside Ail if we still control the relic, other than that everyone else at crau as long as free port remain to be able to respond quickly to a siege. I don't expect people to sit around at crau so feel free to do whatever you please while waiting to see what the albs does.
If anyone could craft a decent amount of ballista's they are deployable on keep walls being a very usefull assestment in defence.
Good luck out there.
So.. heads up mates, let's not proove to be as poor defenders as they were.
(All this asuming they attack hib rather than mid.)
Gonna try and bring a BG up around 6pm gmt aswell, most likely on Khaidy.
Keep our frontiers clean from thurs evening and on to ensure full lvl 10 keeps and towers all around.
Try to set up "set/balanced" groups to respond to towers US hampering port.
I will set up a /cg for groupleaders to coordinate defence and counter-attacks.
If hib is the target try and have characters placed inside Ail if we still control the relic, other than that everyone else at crau as long as free port remain to be able to respond quickly to a siege. I don't expect people to sit around at crau so feel free to do whatever you please while waiting to see what the albs does.
If anyone could craft a decent amount of ballista's they are deployable on keep walls being a very usefull assestment in defence.
Good luck out there.