Hibby seem to have it hard



All the US servers seem to have hibby RvR zones overrun with either midgard or Albs.

I noticed that middy generally have all their keeps aswell.....


Originally posted by obacono
All the US servers seem to have hibby RvR zones overrun with either midgard or Albs.

I noticed that middy generally have all their keeps aswell.....

Hib seems to be a decidedly unfinished Realm still. I like the support classes to play, and the 3 healing support classes in Hib are decidedly dire, which why I have not played that Realm other than in testing. Nothing comes close to the Cleric or Shaman for instance, let alone the Midgard Healer (maybe the closest to a Hib Druid?).

A pity really, as it seems to be a very attractive realm to play, and when the support classes are sorted there, I will definitely make one.

From a not to deep look at the other classes, it seems that there are still issues with many of them as well. I am sure it will get sorted, but it will take time. At that point Hib should be a really nice Realm to play. Probably a one heck of a lot of fun to play in the meantime too, but don't to expect much from RvR as yet may be wise. To be overambitious with the skill resources that are available this moment, and quite limited, will maybe be a disappointment and discouragement, which would be a shame.

That is why Hibernia seems to attract so few players at the moment I think. People don't want to make things unnecessarily hard for themselves.


There is a really good post on the VN boards about Hibernia, I don't want to comment about the actual characters as I think we could go on about that for years,


Have a read, it's actually full of damn good suggestions. They would most certainly make Hibernia a choice on par with Albion and Midgard........well, in my opinion at least.

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