Hibbs lvl50 RvR groups

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heres a little adivce to my hibb brothers at prydwen, get ur act 2gether and start doing organised groups, i along with many other up and coming lvl43+ wanta try and test wat real RvR on this server is like but most of u so called lvl50's dont even answer our pm's, nm the long B@~LSH#T . if we ever gona be a force we need good organisation other wise delet ur characters and go back to excal .

P.S delete them cose getting to lvl50 is only half the game getting RR and relics is the other half !! saddly we aint got numbers and no organisation!!

Yours watever,



Your forum alias is "ownagexxx" and you type like a leper.

Why do I find it ironic that you made a post telling Hibernia to shape up? :p


Originally posted by ownagexxx
heres a little adivce to my hibb brothers at prydwen, get ur act 2gether and start doing organised groups, i along with many other up and coming lvl43+ wanta try and test wat real RvR on this server is like but most of u so called lvl50's dont even answer our pm's, nm the long B@~LSH#T . if we ever gona be a force we need good organisation other wise delet ur characters and go back to excal .

P.S delete them cose getting to lvl50 is only half the game getting RR and relics is the other half !! saddly we aint got numbers and no organisation!!

Yours watever,


I agree kin!
back to Excal!


tell the truth and it will set you free!

My fellow hibbs warriors face the truth that our realm is A) underpopulated B) unorganised, and that will set us free we must help one another to play rvr and exp not just our selfs, meet alot of nice hibbs in prydwen i must admit but theres still alot of dismay at alot of lvl50 people which will hurt our realm!!!




old.Rei Ayanami

Ownagexx... once there was happy times. Good RvR and nice people. Then came along the people like you, and now the game lives up to the name it was given... only with a small correction: Dark Age of Hibernia


I bet he secretly a mid, name, typing, choice of words etc :eek:

Though Hib can't get its act together since even if you make organised groups you can't kill mid ones most of the time so there no point leaving ligen usually.


be ready people,ownagexxx will take over hib prydwen and will lead you all to glorius battles and great victories.


i would do better job then most of these so called RvR groups even a one yed hamster would :), so let me be king and glory shall once again roam our lands!!! praise those who work as a team say howdy to those who help their realm not them selfs!!


a Humble HIBBY


The RvR groups do very well - at getting RPs for themselves, anyway; they aren't really oriented towards helping train up-and-coming RvRers. Anyone else who is level 50 and wants an RvR group probably won't want a level 43 in the group because with the state of play out there even a level 49 is a liability, you're too likely to come up against organised high RR gank squads so you need as strong a group as possible. Unless you're in a guild RvR group (where people tend to be more relaxed about who joins) you're out of luck.

Hib/pryd doesn't have a zerg that you can join to start your RvR career in because the numbers aren't really available, and because as a realm people have bought into the 'single FG GOOD, zerg (meaning 9 or more people apparently) BAD' bollocks that keeps getting spouted (usually by those people who find the current state of play suits them very well, thank you :)


agree with u some dowg

i agree with the old.kai in some ways , but the fact of the matter is if u got fg lvl50 shit players = die faster then fg lvl43-49 good players. i seen a lvl43 enchanter kill a lvl50 hero so if thats not prove that we lvl43-49 are as good as lvl50 players in terms of damage ect, then u r really ignorrant to the whole point of the game. I say have more good players in rvr whether they r 50 or 43 as long as they do well and help group then go for it. but dont make early judgment about people cose of their lvl!!!

Yours WAatever,

Ur Humble realm Brethren.


OMFG, a lvl43 chanter killed a lvl50 Hero? How the hell can such an underpowered class as a chanter do such a thing!

Before you know it lvl50 savages and bonedancers will be able to kill lvl50 Thanes IN PURE MELEE!!!!!1111111111


Please bring more level 43 chanters to RvR hibs - I like being able to kill them in under 2 seconds. :p


guys i see this forum is full of intelligent people <NOT>, no wonder DAOC game is full of noobs like u guys , just reread ur replies ect and maybe u know what we see <dumbasses>. anyway just stating the facts wanta change things for the better for hibbs and wats a middy doing replieing to a post in hibb forum , pffft u sad git!!




Originally posted by ownagexxx
and wats a middy doing replieing to a post in hibb forum , pffft u sad git!!
shame on you mordia!!!!


Originally posted by ownagexxx
heres a little adivce to my hibb brothers at prydwen, get ur act 2gether and start doing organised groups, i along with many other up and coming lvl43+ wanta try and test wat real RvR on this server is like but most of u so called lvl50's dont even answer our pm's

Maybe you and your numerous up and coming lvl 43 friends should organise your own RvR group. Then you won't have to rely on the so-called lvl 50's that don't even answer your PM's.

Lvl-50's - who needs em!



Ever think that these level 50's are doing more important things then to reply to your PM's would i could imagine would go along the lines of this "Hay man wanna make a RvR Group with me and my level 43 friend's and kick some ass in Odins or Emain"

Or they are helping there fellow guild mates level, crafting for the guild, taking orders for crafting. All these matters you need to be take into consideration when you go off PMing all the level 50's you come across. Hibernian maybe underpopulated but it doesn't have that vast amount of newbies/gimps/retards/lamers as Albions and Midgard currently have.

Yes it's hardly to find groups and the guilds in Hibernian/Prydwen don't contain that many people but it's a realm where you will get to know everyone well, and the matter of getting to level 50 as fast as you can isn't that important. Having fun leveling with new friends is what you need to aim for because once you get into these types of groups you level faster then your notice.


Originally posted by _asq_shazzy
Ever think that these level 50's are doing more important things then to reply to your PM's would i could imagine would go along the lines of this "Hay man wanna make a RvR Group with me and my level 43 friend's and kick some ass in Odins or Emain"

Or they are helping there fellow guild mates level, crafting for the guild, taking orders for crafting. All these matters you need to be take into consideration when you go off PMing all the level 50's you come across. Hibernian maybe underpopulated but it doesn't have that vast amount of newbies/gimps/retards/lamers as Albions and Midgard currently have.

Yes it's hardly to find groups and the guilds in Hibernian/Prydwen don't contain that many people but it's a realm where you will get to know everyone well, and the matter of getting to level 50 as fast as you can isn't that important. Having fun leveling with new friends is what you need to aim for because once you get into these types of groups you level faster then your notice.


Omg that was beautyful

/wonders who the little gimp named OWNAGEXXX is game



ownagexxx aka Houdini
sorry mate, but for ur rvr skill ... u can go back to pry alb


chantress what u know about rvr

chantress what u know about rvr mate , i know ownagexxx and he has rr8 friar rr7 zerker and even rr6 scout, so for some1 who have max rr2 character i think shut up or leave the guy alone!!

QOUTE: Never step on someone's toes , cose maybe 2morrow u need to kiss his ass!!! ;)


Re: chantress what u know about rvr

Originally posted by h3llraiser
chantress what u know about rvr mate , i know ownagexxx and he has rr8 friar rr7 zerker and even rr6 scout, so for some1 who have max rr2 character i think shut up or leave the guy alone!!

QOUTE: Never step on someone's toes , cose maybe 2morrow u need to kiss his ass!!! ;)

You're a dumbass too.


Originally posted by ownagexxx
guys i see this forum is full of intelligent people <NOT>, no wonder DAOC game is full of noobs like u guys , just reread ur replies ect and maybe u know what we see <dumbasses>. anyway just stating the facts wanta change things for the better for hibbs and wats a middy doing replieing to a post in hibb forum , pffft u sad git!!



Most of the people who have answered here have played since Beta, have several characters leveled to 50 and respectable amounts of Realm Points and /played ingame.

I for myself have all of these and I say...

No one needs an idiot to tell you what you should do so shut it.


Re: chantress what u know about rvr

Originally posted by h3llraiser
chantress what u know about rvr mate , i know ownagexxx and he has rr8 friar rr7 zerker and even rr6 scout, so for some1 who have max rr2 character i think shut up or leave the guy alone!!

QOUTE: Never step on someone's toes , cose maybe 2morrow u need to kiss his ass!!! ;)

LOL yeah i heard, and i also heard Houdini's RR8 Friar is his Girl friend's char, and that RR7 Zerk lol lair, u know why? casue i know that zerker is only 4L1, and that account he bought it from ebay LOL

talk about RvR, what u know about RvR ur self? charge and zerg is all u know in Exc Alb, thats why u quit exc mid lol

leave the guy alone? he started it, now he have to finish it himself


3 letters to describe this thread really, zzz

10g bet it's treacle with new forum alias :clap:


Ownagexxx = Treacle afaik.

Those who are good at RvR in this realm, atleast most of them, stick together. There is no problem with that, it's just that every other Hib is at 4fins or is crafting or some shit and dont bother rvr'ing, which results in people rolling a new alt, or simply logging off... The real hardcore RvR's, like Hibiki, Sharwyn etc.. They sit for hours, waiting at Ligen for good grps. Don't try this... Parking and waiting at Ligen is reserved for those rr7+ (j/k).

Excal people, come here (unless you're stupid, then plz stay, kthx?)
Don't log off, don't craft, if you wanna rvr, do /send's.


Get a good reputation (well, then you're pretty f*cked aint ya, Ownagexx?) and start a RvR guild or something.

Severance did a pretty fine job I must say.

And on a personal note... I think Hib needs a real RvR alliance.

P.S. Im a bit tired now, just woke up, so don't flame me cause I'm a bittle wit "pömsig".

P.S2 I play a Ranger :eek: I don't need grps so I'm not 100% sure how the grp rvr situation is atm, but when I played my Mentalist... It was quite good, nightly Emain runs, endless struggles for Dun Crauchon with Mids or Albs.

But I guess Hib is just going to let those memories fade away.


Yet another sad tart thinking he's über and thus have to tell other players what they have to do.

Guessing he's what, 13? 14?

The game isn't about owning anything or anyone - it's about having fun - and granted, some people see 'owning' as fun - but the average casual player don't - so stfu and go take your glorious visions and stuff them some place less visionable.



Originally posted by Phelicia
Ownagexxx = Treacle afaik.

Those who are good at RvR in this realm, atleast most of them, stick together. There is no problem with that, it's just that every other Hib is at 4fins or is crafting or some shit and dont bother rvr'ing, which results in people rolling a new alt, or simply logging off...

agreed, i camp in 4 fin for only 1 cash and rvr char, get all the char i need, and MP set armor and weapon/staff, then im off 4 fins till i need mroe cash

Houdini aggressive to me is becasue last week he was in 4fins looking for group, and im the LK, group wont take lvl 42 solo chanter in 4 fins, also he was on the hill, use /s command try to find lk, im down hill pulling fins, i can not hear him at all, then blame for that. and thats why believe the main reason he made 'chantress thing' is all becasue of that.

as i said, if my mate agreed to gave my old account back, Houdini and his brother should stfu, thats between me and my mate.
u should blame ur self not smart enuff to get lvl, whos more noob in rvr? Houdini use his caster as tank pbaoe'er in RvR, and blame the healer cant keep him alive.

one last thing, u love rvr? how come u never join RR ?
lamer, all u know is blame other ppl


Re: agree with kron

Originally posted by h3llraiser
not all are noobs :) just chantress, and kron learn to make a website properly, ur link is broken maybe i can assist u in html/ xml/ asp/SQL/PhP, VB6/c++ oh i forgot u new to everything :) dont go around telling people to shut up :)

both links on my sig work just fine, so nothing to blame there.

there is no website up there, just a starting page with the logo and few subdirectories filled with random stuff.

if you truly are a coder, would think you'd know how to fucking type proper english.

And whatta fuck does that have to do with anything said on this thread?

First rule of making arguments, always do it with clear language, easily understandable and above all, good grammar. My post ain't an argument, it's just some fuel for the flames. Capiche?
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