HIB underdog rant



Been said many many times, but its finally starting to sink in how badly outnumbered we are. Every night this week, theres been an average of about 8 Hibs Max in Emain. With an average of about 25 Mids and 30+ Albs. Theres just to many invaders to do anything.

I think the game would be so much more fun for everyone if there was a bit more balance. This isnt a "we're Uber your not rant" Im not speculating in anyway about how good or bad any realm is.....
But unless you have experienced Hib 1st hand you will not know how bad things are.... Sad thing is I cant see this changing in the near furture....

Yes, we can still muster a large army for organised events, but in the general hack'n'slash RvR antics we just dont stand a chance.

Funny the way Alb and Mid conentrate all their time invading Hib. Would be nice to see them go at each other a bit more, that way we wouldn't be under so much presure all the time...

Adult comments only please....


It's just a case of the grass is always greener. Sometimes I feel the same way as an alb. Each realm has its moments :)


Discussions are underway at Mythic to turn Albion and Midgard Frontier into the same style as Emain to make invading each realms frontier more appealing

At the moment the Albion and Midgard Frontier are just too anti-skirmish because of the layout and the mobs that are scattered around


Dunno if that'll work :) Hibs will invade odin's, mids go to hw and albs to emain... and we won't find any enemies! :mad:


Censi its yer own realms fault really. Plenty of high lvls out there, but they never seem to want to RvR unless its a keep/relic raid.

That will soon change when realm abilities come in


Balancing might also be underway

Mythic has a poll on the Camelot Herald where they are discussing one way to balance the realms population on servers, go there and cast your vote. Basically, the idea is that one realm per server will be designated the "underdog", and all its members will get experience bonuses when levelling. In this way, it is hoped that people will consider changing realms and quickly get back to a high level again.

Will this work? I don't know, I'm not sure if I would be prepared to delete my characters and change over (especially not now when I just turned 50!), but we will see.


The realm balancing thing proposed by Mythic works in a situation like the US where there are lots of servers as I assume the idea is to attract people from the dominant realms to the underdogs on other servers. Can't see how it would help with only two English Servers though, cos I really can't see people deleting characters to join an underdog.



I woudnt call it outnumbered... more too lazy to come to Emain ;]


Originally posted by aussie-
I woudnt call it outnumbered... more too lazy to come to Emain ;]

I think i would , alb complains about "only" 600 people not anon ,

for me , im happy to see more than 200 on :D


Haha... if every whiner came out to Emain we would do great... daily i hear things like 20 albs in Emain... no point going out. No1 at Emain... i go play alt etc. AND i usually hear these from 15 ppl per day... some just log without saying a thing :p

I bet 20-30 ppl are willing to but "don´t bother" since no1 else is going either...

So let´s not whine about it... let´s just go out and hope we can give good example. At least when im on ill walk to Emain alone if needed :)


Originally posted by Xero_X

I think i would , alb complains about "only" 600 people not anon ,

for me , im happy to see more than 200 on :D

I did not complain I wa just surprised as it was a saturday night and the whole realm seemed deserted to me, oh well


hibs select your battlegrounds and challenge the other 2 realms to go there and fight, and then just hang around there and wait. name a day and time for when the action shall begin, and hope that ur absense in emain will make ppl come play with u. I've thought about doing it but it seems a little stupid since im not rvr active atm.


feck that, the only reason I bothered battling to lvl 50 in this game was so I could participate in the RVR main stream.

Its crap... Now I understand why so many people left Hib..
(not that I will)

Im suprised the other realms dont get bored with this either...

The game has the potential to be awesome. It has the player base, its has a reasonable combat system, its has the graffix, they have just fallen at the last hurrdle because the main stream RvR action is totally unbalanced....

There are a few real dedicated players on Hib (namely the ranger possey) but we just cant do anything because Emain is just overun with Mids and Albs.

I had a week off work so have had loads of time to go out and RvR. But now I seriously aint gonna bother making the journey again... 15 mins walk for nothing...

And as for that underdog XP thing, that aint gonna make a difference. 99.5% of the players will be set on their realms now... I doubt that many new players are starting the game (and if they are they aint gonna be doing jack all but XP for the next 3 months anyway)

Also wishes there was a battle ground for lvl 50 only. Dont Mystic realise that to get any RVR action again (after releasing) you have to travel about 4-5 zones... 20 mins on average.....
ITS just not worth the walk?????
I just wanna fight people and have a bit of fun, but its all travel and ganking....

gutted, rofl flame away.
(yes I know you ALBs and MIDs are loving it but you aint the ones getting shafted, just be objective when you reply please)
((objective as in look at it from our point of view))


I remember a time when the hibs were owning the AMG with 30+ hi lvls and its wasnt that long ago. At that times the mids were rarely to be seen. Now its the other way round. I could hazard a guess most the hi lvls are lvling alts for BG's etc? if so get them to get off thier arses @9pm onwards and get to Emain :m00:

PS think the BG's have thinned out the Emain scene in a couple other ways too, lower lvls 20-35's prolly never go anymore (no more easy rps for the archers ;( ) , and many hi lvls have the option of playing BG RvR if Emain looks empty/boring from a /who emain.


BG's are still pretty new so you gotta give time for people to get bored or max their kills there. For every alt in BG theres still at leats 2-3 people playing their mains, the slow levelers and the part timers, gives them a chance to learn what to do and what not to do like chasing people down to the PK's.

Given the option of running my bard out to emain, maybe taxi a few guild mates there, meet up with half a dozen hibs max then get zerged to oblivion by albs/mids OR go play my level 35 shade in BG's and actually have some fun. I know what most people would choose.


Censi I can tottaly see your point. It's like playing a board game with someone and losing every single time. After 4 or 5 games (if you can last that long) it's been driven into your head that you have no chance and so why play the damn game?

Alot of people have that feeling with RvR. They walk out of the keep and stroll along for 30 seconds and bang, release, walk to tk, get ganked release and start it over untill you're to frustrated to deal with it anymore.

ok, so now we know what the problem is. We need a solution. I have a few suggestions.

1) A variation on the dueling method (wich I hate). I post on here 3 days in advance that I will form 2 8 person grps and I challenge you and your 2 8 persona groups to a battle at (insert location) at (insert time). Now, in order to do this we have to ask for respect from our fellow realm mates not intercept, EVEN IF WE ARE LOSING. This wouldn't be a leave the rezzers so we can start over in 20 min thing, but it would be an actual battle, to the finish.
Doing this would allow us to be eavenly mached and perhaps get a nice long battle going without being ganked. I would propose that the groups be in lvls as well, such as 40+ on this day and maybe 35-45 on that day.

2) We have a set day every week where all agree (all 3 realms) that's it's gonna be an RvR day. As emain seems overdone alot and the challenge isn't as big in doing RvR in a realm you are very familiar with I suggest we trade off realms, this week alb, next week mid, the week after hib and so on and so forth. Now, by doing this then all the hibs will know that, say, Tuesday is gonna be hot in Mid, I better log on and go RvR instead of playing my alt.

Now, plz don't flame me for this as it's just a sugestion to a problem every realm faces sometime. From what I have seen (and that ain't much) it seems to come in phases...when I first started playing DAoC I noticed that Alb was owned alot when it came to relics and what not. Now it seems we are on top. I don't know if it will come full cirlce anytime son but I hope it does, being the dominat one all the time is boring.

so, if anyone else has any suggestions plz post em here

/edit typos (all 10,000 of them)

Zag Barr

Allthough I think it's a good idea Dreama, it will only work if all three realms work together - and that will not happen, I believe. Those set dates could be easily used for some realms to catch a relic, while the others fight at the event.

But there is lots of other things, you could do - without posting and organizing. It all comes down to gather some people, invade somewhere and attract the attention of the enemy, like:

- taking a keep close to the enemy relic and defend it

- roam enemy terretory with 2 FG and kill XP'ers (without XP death!!)

- organise a relic raid :)

We had lots of nice RvR lately, with Hibs and Mids. It just takes a little initiative of a few to make this fun for all - and it doesn't need to be aranged on the boards IMO.

However, if you want to arrange fights on the boards - no harm in trying :)


Takes a good 10 mins to run to emian from DL without a bard, and when you get tehre all it takes is only lvl 50 avalonaion to use his 30 second mez that doesnt break when we are attcked, then stealthers will appear, kill the casters, lesser armored people while tanks kill our mezzed tanks, the end group dead and only mable to kill 1 maybe 2 albs, waste of a trip.

Emain after the shade patch is bollax for hibs cos not may shades can get to 50 in hib (Iziz is a damn good one) , most rangers can be seem miles away and killed, ressers come and they are killed.

As people said not many hibs are around emain so we're forced to release, happens over and over again.

Hadrians wall is a good bg, Odins Gate is depressing :/ and emain is far away. I bitch about it but i still go ;) , so pick a palce and i'll be there to die :p


If you check the patch for 1.52, which will get here within the next few years, you will notice Mythic are aware of the long time to get back to rvr and are fixing it :\


Hib casters <me> - don't usually go to emain solo or in small groups - stealthers kill you in one hit, rangers can do something similar

Hib tanks - go more usually in small groups than casters, but again, no point cus of mezz eliminating them completley

support classes - yeah, ok.


Maybe the Hibs should do what "the Cutting Crew" do and spend more time in FG's in Sauvage. Confrontations are normally well-balanced and because the area is totally navigable (apart from the relic keep for obvious "purple" reasons) you have a lot of scope to manouvre - unlike emain which is predominantly Mid TK-Alb TK, the occasional foray to Crim and the usual "Lets Take DC" call (do albs and hibs suffer from this one as well?). Getting there is easier than you may think.

As to Hibs lack of hi-cons..cant help you there I'm afraid :(


/me remembers several 20min-solo-trip to emain @ uberchamp speed to "sneak" on tha hills and gank gank gank many peeps (stalkers, skalds, or just ppl droped/lost from their main groups...) before getting zerged at some point. Then buy ticket to ligen and 20min-trip (almost straight to emain numlock-afk) again. when i was active, that is :p


no point going looking for enemys in there own frontiers cause theres feck all in there.... You inevitably find your way to the border keep, Nail a grey, and the next thing you know there are more Enemies around you than you can count..... (and then you back to the emain situation)

About the orgainsed RVR group duals... This could be very good....

Will think about a format and create a post to see what the reaction is....

Its desperate times when you have to organise a meeting time and a place with the enemy just to get a decent fair fight.... why the feck cant they encorporate it into the game dynamics more....

Good thing is you bring ressers and you can have these 8v8 duals all night long and I bet they would be damn interesting.......


Hmmm, was gonna send Censi a PM trying to arrange a battle but I see Censi has no PM option. To bad =(

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