Hib RvR question about druids function



First of all I am RR3L8 atm

What are the druids suppose to do in RvR? Only do insta heals?

Why I ask this is that I almost always get attacked by 3-4 mid/alb
tanks, and I can't cast any healing spells as I get interrupted. I don't have MoC as my pts can't go for it yet (not until around RR5LX), I have GP that also cost a lot and is worth having it.

What I mean is if it is my fault that we die all those times or should the tanks or casters in my grp try do something else that helps me?

I say this: Tactics and how well u play your Charactar is the key for victory and having fun... Having fun = Victory

Any tactics or suggestions would really be helpfull =)))

Why I ask this is that I wan't my guild/hib grp to have fun out there, by killing some instead of getting out there and immediatly getting killed by 1 FG albs/mids or Stupid Alb Zergs if I may say so :p

Groom: lvl 50 Druid


i think its great that you actually are asking this, because it shows you want to better your playstyle/char, and this can sometimes be an embarassing thing for people, to ask for help

anyway, what our druids usually do is .. hang back, and heal away, for some strange reason this works

but you gotta occupy the enemy with some manner, either melee rush them, casters go in etc, otherwise you will be easy to spot

bear in mind im not a druid :)

but this is what i've noticed


Many people don't realise this, but a druid who specs to be great in a group has no defense at all. If they get hit, they go down very quickly.

The best way to get round this is 'the slambot' approach. Basically one of the tanks specced high in shield guards the druid, and slams any nasties before they can do too much damage. All the druid has to do then is move away slightly and carry on as they were. This works really well in IG groups as we are usually tank heavy ( read : no mages :p ) :) so one hanging back to protect healers isn't a problem.

Course I am only RR5L2 on my druid and haven't played much recently, so there might be better ways of doing it.

Having thought about it, hiding behind things like Ola does is a good way of doing it too :) Only druid I know who has stealth :D

Oh and another thing. If your pet is small ( less than lvl 37 big pet ) don't summon it. Likewise keep colour schemes on your armour toned down. Try to blend in :) Don't do what I did and go to Odin's Gate with bright pink armour :eek:


carry a shield.

ditch the pet.

when groups collide the first 10 seconds is critical as people make decisions about who to target first

doing the above makes you harder to spot...until you start healing ofc :D but still this can buy u some time.

also when there was an overload of chanters in my grp - i would hang back more and keep an eye on the druid. since a lot of people will eventually pick you out they rush the druid & will often keep hacking you & ignore everyone else - call it tunnel vision

....so get your bodyguard pber to jump on top of you while u stay totally still with a big grin on your face...or..run to the nearest chanter who's pbing & drag the whole lot in with you...sounds dumb but u'd b surprised the number of times this works

also be aware of situations when u can root etc


If you get the chance, try to watch Ufrot in action. Best druid in hib imo.

Qte Eth

atm nearly all skill druid /cleric/healer can have is to be able to cast spells being uninterupted,so difference between em is that some can and others cant ..coz u only need to use nearly 1 spell (sh)
2000 range is quite a lot to be able to find a good spot for safe heals,use terrain- trees,buildings coz sh has no los
u should be able to avoid 3-4 tanks on u for sure
but it will require help from ur team8s when some single tank decides to stick to u and he can interupt u for good whole fight ,and u cant do anything about that wo moc=/either move to pbae or let some slam bots do their evul job,or root em fast enuff when u see em going to u
that 3-4 on u can also happen because of not so very skilled bard who didnt mes properly in the begin of fight and all enemyes are free..


Actually your success during the battle depends highly on your grp. If bard gets a good mezz in you have a nice start with all or most of the enemy grp mezzed, mages/tanks take them out single and you only have to make sure they don't take too many scratches :>

However, rule nr.1 is: at first glance of enemy grp (and if your grp is gonna attack it/ be attacked by it) drop out of stick, stand back. If the enemy tries to go for you they will have to get past your tanks first.

Make sure you're always in range of your grp members. This ofc only works if they dont decide to chase every single whatsoever who runs off the spot, if that happens grp is kinda screwed..

You should try to keep the bard alive above all, he can heal you when under attack, demezz, play end song so tanks can slam or mana and try remezz ppl or disturb casters with lull.

As for mages: they are hard to heal with 3 tanks on them really. sometimes its better to let a mage die and rezz immediately (especially if you have the 100% rezz).

be sure to make macros for being under attack so grp always knows you need help

I also have a macro for gp so grp knows what I'm doing

if it gets really awful and many of your grp are under attack, find a good position in range of every1 and spam spreadheals. dont forget that healing does not count as battle mode, so you can use mcl any time. use it as often as possible so you get it back quickly :)

might also help to carry a few bounty crystals. the amount they restore is wank, but it does help a bit... good for another 1 or 2 spread heals :)

Well thats kinda what I do... and it works fine :) Ofc you cannot always be spared by aggro, but you can make the best out of every situation. Anyway a tank slamming nasty stuff off your butt is just great :)

You will find out that it gets better with time, experience gives routine to your playstyle and thus makes you more flexible in nasty situations etc

Just keep up to it :clap: :clap:

Oh and yes, watch Ufrot, I've learned a lot from him and he's deffo one of the greatest druids this realm has ever seen :)


Originally posted by old.Gillaien

You should try to keep the bard alive above all, he can heal you when under attack, demezz, play end song so tanks can slam or mana and try remezz ppl or disturb casters with lull.

Got a tip for you here, if the bard is getting chased by more than one tank and hasn't managed to get end on yet then don't bother wasting mana on heals. Let him die and rez instantly (works well with full rez) then he can stick end on as soon as he's up unhindered. ;)


Unless he's buffed the group, then everyone drops buffs and gets pwned. :p


True, was meaning to add depends on situation etc too. But if he's gettin a kickin best to let him die and get him up again. And i tend to let the wardens do the buffs and me fill in the gaps when in grps with my bard. Bards get a lot of aggro. ;)


- Hang back
- Wear dull colours
- Have someone guard/intercept for you.
- Seeing you're in the back of the group, try keeping an eye on your back ( : If an enemy group spots you, most often they'll try to run up behind you to gain an edge.
- Make sure your group pays attention. Sounds obvious, but when you're having fun you start chatting, and when you chat most people stop paying attention, making you lose the first strike. This can result in the bard not mezzing in time, people not spreading out & taking positions in time, and the bard/warden/druid getting insta stunned / mezzed and nuked/bashed to death. I'd say this is the most common cause of IG groups dieing in RvR ( ;


Ok, thx a lot for all the tips =) I will start to act as a tank (show my weapon and fall back for the healings) , and try to get a tank in grp to guard/protect/intercept me. Cause I know that if no one is attacking me, then the enemy is doomed. It happened often. Even one time when we fought against 3 FG (and we were 1 FG) and I only used my biggest grp heal all the time. And that is when we won the fight. Imo I say that the Druids are one of the biggest keys to the victory...

The Power Relics helps a lot for my and I love my healings now =)))

Now lets go and do the tanks a favour and take some Strenght Relics =)

Nurture 43, Regrowth 32

Groom: lvl 50 Druid


Originally posted by deygos
carry a shield.

ditch the pet.

when groups collide the first 10 seconds is critical as people make decisions about who to target first

doing the above makes you harder to spot...until you start healing ofc :D but still this can buy u some time.

As an Alb I have to say I couldn't agree more. Druid pet is a dead giveaway, a huge neon "interupt me" sign. Not sure what 'carry a shield' means but nm :p


I was in a group with ufrot a while back and he said: "keep me alive an nobody dies". Well he was right. I saw him under attack by 2-3 people and decided to take out a nuking caster first. Wrong.

At all costs protect the druid in the group, as a single spread heal just *does* keep the group alive. Snare, slam, stun, mezz, do whatever it takes. In the meanwhile the druid has to sprint in circles hoping end song is up. Once you are a few secs in front of the people chasing you, stop and cast a heal and start running or start bashing one.

After a week of real rvr experience I've learned that a proper druid (you know, one that tries to heal or dot instead of root when healing is more important) is the one to keep alive. If alot of tanks are bashing the druid, there is no healing, which is imo worse than a few casters nuking the group for ~200 a pop.


Message to hib tanks....get prevent flight.

I've got it and I've been on the receiving end of it too and man it really puts a stop to your fun!

Combat styles that stun are all and well but if your bard is unable to play end, which is often the case, then this is the only ability a tank has to save caster and it will save a caster so long as they know that a tank in their grp can essentially snare anyone on them and they sprint to safety.

Mind you it's like an aggro builder for rvr :p
Last night there was a great zerg fight in odin's, I switched targets about 5-6 times, even switching to tanks on casters not in my grp, I had 4 albs on me at one point but since my druid was safe and sound I wouldn't die, at least not till everyone was oom and more albs showed up lol

Beyond being saved by others all I can say is sprint when you can, run through PBAOE and it's actually worth screaming for tanks to save you, one tank who can stun should stay back, if the casters are safe then they move forward if it looks hairy they should defend casters!
Sprinting is good tho, keep enough distance on people chasing you and pretty soon they have to give up the chase and change targets until you stop and start healing again ;)


Well im a druid and if i see a bard under attack i cast mah ubah 15sec AE Root helps alot... gives the bard a little time to get away :D

im specced 35/40/9 :p

saks rr5L4 druid :D


Forgot to say spread heals ruined the fun for alot of other heals in rvr. Mentalism mentalists, regrowth bards and druids.

Spread heal >>>>>> any other heal. :(


dont feel bad, with the best spreadheal you can cast it like 4times before your oop :)


Originally posted by Arnor2
dont feel bad, with the best spreadheal you can cast it like 4times before your oop :)

My going-to-be-regrowth-bard needs two full bars of mana to have the same effect of 4 * best spread heal I think :p


Some piece of advice from my experiances..

*as mentioned above, dye ur armor in some dull color, ur epic-armor screams "kill me" all over the place.

*when u see a teammate run and he have an enemy tank on his tail (like a 7foot tall rat with 2 meatcleavers) use ur singletarget root and get him of ur mates back.

*turn your spellqueing off, usually when ur in battle u repeatedly press the SH button, so u'll most always have a SH in que, if u then see an enemy tank break off and run for u you should always try to root him, and spellqueing will screw things up, ur root will be put in the que and instead of rooting the tank u will cast a heal and thus letting the tank get to u and interrupt next cast, and voilá ur out of the battle.

*in the early battle i tend to use my instas right away if the group takes alot of damage in the initial seconds, since the SH animation/effects will draw attention, if u use it too fast you're likely to get an enemy tank on u, once the batte is a few seconds old and most have chosen their targets they won't be so perceptive on the spelleffects.

*i tend to drop the shield and have a LW straped on my back to make it look like i'm a LW tank, don't know how effective it is, but even if u equip the shield it will rarely save u, and from the talk i've heard alot of ppl say they tend to look for ppl with small shields in the back of the hib-group.

*i also tend to drop the pet, i'm not naturespecced so it will die if a zerker farts at it, i've heard ppl say tho that the interuptcode from pets are based on teh casters lvl and not from the pets level, if that is true it means a lvl1 druidpet will interupt as good as if he was a lvl50 (assumning you are a lvl50 druid), keep in mind tho that the pet will give u away, maybe not when all are stuck to the bard, but once the battle starts and the enemies can see a dude far back with a pet next to him, they will go for u.

*use the landscape to hide, if u can find an obstackle near the battleare, run and hide behind it and heal away, biggest problem with this approach is that at some point someone in ur group always tend to stray out of the healing range and before u can run in range or find the dude he may already be dead and in running out foom cover u may very well have been spotted.

*when in milegate battles, and u got someone on u, use the stairs and run up on the ledge they may lose their stick and u may with some luck be able to root him, if not u can try to jump over the wall, u will lose 50% health but if they don't follow u can start SH again since it doesn't require LoS, if he decides to follow you have atleast accomplished 2 things 1. taking 50% health from him, 2. take him out from the battle for a moment.

As u can see there are loads of stuff u can do, usually i find myself with too many options and not enough time to perform them all.


i play a 35enhance/41rejuv cleric on mordred (us pvp) and what i usually do is: (ok this is easier on pvp but still)

find something to hide in, tree, building, anything that lets you use spreadheal (the best heal :p ) and hide at the same time
if you have end, run like there is no tomorrow, on pvp i rely on disease from shammy to snare the ppl that chase me, then i can sprint for a while, stop, some spread heals, and go on again
SoS, doesnt work for obvious reasons :)

but key point imo is: dont let the enemy know you are the healer, on enemy contact, drop stick and run somewhere so they dont spot you immediately, helps alot, and some great support spells would be in order, never seen anyone use ae disease from eld, diasease is great on pvp, should work in rvr too, if its not 10fg vs 1fg


Originally posted by Lessurl
Got a tip for you here, if the bard is getting chased by more than one tank and hasn't managed to get end on yet then don't bother wasting mana on heals. Let him die and rez instantly (works well with full rez) then he can stick end on as soon as he's up unhindered. ;)

root pweeze


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
My going-to-be-regrowth-bard needs two full bars of mana to have the same effect of 4 * best spread heal I think :p

but thats because your our loveable gimp :fluffle:



my piece of advice:

same as every1 else, stay back - AND KEEP MOVING, or u will have the usual 2fgs of sbs/infils pa'ing in shifts,

When my groups enter 1 vs 1 group battles, i usually dont use my spreadheals 2 start with because of the great mana use, and ofc becoz we usually get mezzes in 1st :). This also means that its mostly only the purging ppl who can charge us, this resulting in damage only being done 2 one or two of your groupmembers.

In lager scale battles the spreadheal is ofc a must, and in these battles MCL 2 is rather essential, as its been said the spread heal is very mana costly, so if you have mcl 2 u can cast ~2 the number of spread heals.

So these things is essential in my rvr experience

hang back,
get atleast 31 regrowth,
get gp,
get MCL 2! (the upgrade of this made me reconsider my spec concerning RAs, and im no longer aiming 4 raging pwr as a must have skill)
- DONT get healing battery, waste of 10 pts
use instas as emergency heals, dont waste em 2 try and hide ur identity, when uve played some rvr, the 1fgs running around will know u and instantly maul u, even if u use ur instas 1st :), and vs the zergs it usually doesnt matter anyways :)

gl with it ;)

- Tua


One tip,nature is good thing..I mean its good hmmm good..no its not gimb,you can safe the day.
Ánd yes moc+insta root works when you are attacked or mezzer is in drouble and u need to give rooting hand.you can actually heal 2 or 3 heals too :)
Its all upto ur fast healing skillz,really..


Originally posted by Divinia
root pweeze

rooting isn't always the best option. Takes a while to single root every tank off the bard if there's a few chasing him and the low nat aff most grp spec druids take gives a very low lvl ae root which will get resisted a lot. So in the time the druid is trying to root the tanks off the bard he's neglecting his healing duties to the rest of the grp, which could end in disaster. Sometimes it's just best to call the bard a lost cause and get him up again asap. :)

/edit and oh yeah, rvred with you tonight Groom and i have to say you seem to have no trouble healing at all. :) Some very nice healing and we didn't even have a shield tank there to guard you. :D

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