HIB PRINCE IN D/F alb attempt



A small not for my fine friends who helped on the hib prince attempt this morning.

Thx to the GoL chaps who came with D/K (and others) to try and drop hib prince.
Thx to all except Spinner a lvl 50 thur (GoL). who after we killed all the princes guards one by one,and also got wiped out.rezd and rested and killed the VERY LAST GUARD. He decided to go afk.and aggroed a shit load of mobs which resulted in a total grp wipeout.

It took alot of effort for our party to get that far all to be wasted on an idiot goin afk/falling asleep whatever.

Just thought id get this off my chest.i dont mind ppl makin mistakes and the like.but to go afk without tellin grp etc is an horrendous way to play this game.:puke:

Post your opinion pls.


Its a bad attitude imho

U always see peeps getting afk mins-theur..
as if they dont need to watch what their doing

prrrt makes me pissed if we die cuz of afk peeps


Oi :)

The afk-ppl.

A non-rare-race.

I actually thought ppl stopped doing that at keltoi, or likely, but as rare as 3 weeks ago Light went afk for 10-15 min.

We were nearly wiped, when he returned and told he had to leave, and logged instantly. Something about a girl being there, hoped for "getting something".

Kinda makes me mad.


gettin a kicken from his gf cuz hes shagin his pc rather than her? :clap:


hib prince is a pain, even with non afk ppl..

we tried on the first or second day of DF after mid prince had been owned pretty badly by a rather large mid zerg.. we moved down the ladder (a few mongooses fell off and died here heh..), zerged our way to hib prince, spend ages climbing up (how hard can it be?) and then prepared for prince... now, just walking out there on that maze with crappy fps is bad enough, but then u get a bunch of aggro on top of it, well, watch ur /sticks for sure.. :) I saw a few running straight out of the edge trying to stick a mob.. /face works better in that area for sure..

I guess we should've pulled a few from the safe area first, but still its not really fair for the hibs, compated to the alb/mid prince.


No, really. It's kinda silly how much harder the hib bridge is to get over without a bunch of falls. mid and albs are straight ahead (aggro) and more stright ahead then guards while hib goes like: forward, left (aggro), right, right,right, left, forward, left (aggro), forward, guards. that is te way we usually take. (forward means running straight for more then 10 ingame yards)


Lol, Theurgs & Mins go AFK all the time... :rolleyes:

Most of the time (in Gobo groups, havent been in twee groups yet), its not even a problem, they buff ya every 10 minutes and you wont hear from them again...

Except for minstrels, minstrels doing nothing in a gobo group are almost worthless... Mezz damnit, mezz!

But I guess in some places (DF being one), it could be a bit of a problem...

There's one type of AFK, the one that they just sit down somewhere... Stick someone for godsakes... And tell them you go AFK...


well it caaan get abit boring to be a theurg. and thats where the TV comes in the picture...

i was in a grp on friday i think. Ganking something=) and it was the normal pbt buff every 10 mins kinda thing. and there was this great movie on tv. And all of the sudden there were hibs everywhere:p

other examples:

thinking *ok its safe to drink this coke now*
and in the middle of the sluuurp you see some mids come down the ramp:p still got the stains on my pants FFS!

And i must agree... a theurg will become lazy after lvl 40:p
and its not uncommon that i hear things like this:
me: think i have to go to bed now.
them: cant u just stick on someone and let the bt run?
me: sure /stick minstrell /afk
next morning, Nicely parked in a stable in cornwall or at merchants in df:p
Or at bindstone (if the mins died and/or i died)

its just a theurgs life i guess..
The hard part is getting grps some times. But peeps seems to like my 8 sec pbt than a lvl 50's 10 sec pbt hehe.


If he'd just stuck on someone (one of the Clerics is normally a good bet) we'd have killed the Prince. The fact that at least 1/2 of the 15 people we had weren't lvl50 makes it even worse. Me dying and loosing 16g odd for const when we were so close is a bit annoying but no big deal but it's worse for people still xping.

Was annoying 2 be resting with just the Prince left and to then watch the mob get closer and closer to the Thurg as he sat 2 close 2 a pop afk, we knew what was going to happen but there was nothing we could do about it :(

I thought we'd done really well 2 get as far as we did especially after loosing or Sorc who fell off the bridge early on, shame it ended the way it did.


Aye, have to agree... The only way to go AFK is when you stick someone...

AFK without /stick is just plain stupid... Those are the people you do want to shoot... In RL I mean... ;)


Well, we have only ourselves to blame for thuerg/minstrel afk for 45 min or all night. We have tought them that it's ok. By begging them to stay in grp with power song/pbt and just go afk we have driven it into thier heads they can just sit there and collect xp/rp....untill albion as a realm refuses to let anyone be afk for more than 5 min or so and still be in grp then they will go afk when ever it pleases them, and most of the time not even tell ya.


Well we started out as 2 full groups and the lost 2 pll on the way resulting in 14 brave ppl trying to get the prince...and most of them werent even 50 so... I guess we could have made a new record or something :). But i know spinner and he is a nice guy and after all it was 6.00 am in the morning so i guess we were all a bit sleepy and it is our fault to...we convinced him to put on the 6 sec bt which means he cant nuke and therefor have nothing to do exept buff every 10 min. I dont really blame him if he fell asleep.

I have been on successful GoL and BF prince raids for the last 2
days now (all of them late because of less population then) and falling asleep happens sometimes...some ppl die and when you try to rezz them they wont accept....

And yes the hib prince have the hardest "scenery" but the mid prince have the worst spawn rate... when we were there and tried to kill him the mobs never seemed to stop spawning and the first time we tried we got a complete group wipeout and the second time the earl spawned while we were whacking the prince and we managed to kill the prince and get the loot before we all died. So imo the alb prince is the easiest exept that you can fall through the bridge if you have a bad FPS.


You seriously consider 0600 AM in the morning for a valid excuse? If people are tired and need to sleep, there's no hard feelings that they just say so, and the raidees (tries to) finds another replacement, who at least can stay awake - but staying on and endangering everybody because you can't stay awake, there's hardly any excuses for it (esp. not with a raid party in this size) - falling asleep isn't one of those (and definately not when he couldn't even tell that he was going AFK, so he could have recieved a couple of instructions, so we at least would have killed the prince).

Spinner, you make me :puke:

Apart from that, thanks to the rest who joined up with us, apart from an nasty incident at the end <cough>Spinner<cough>, I believe it was an enjoyable trip for all of us - I, for one, had a great time.

And Dreama, speak for yourself please - I hate people who goes AFK for an extended period of time (10+ minutes, and if they go AWOL...), and I'd love to boot those - but ask yourself how much influence an assassins has in xp groups (aye, zip, we're lucky if we even get a group).

Herbal Remedy

this needed to be brought up here why?

spinner going afk without saying anything was wrong i agree but comming here and flamming him settles the matter how , what was the point in this thread if there was one at all?

another thing why mention his guild was that needed? People go afk fall asleep have to go eat or the phone rings so he forgot to say afk it happened once yet you come here publicaly flaming him - that imo sucks ass . You have a problem with him you talk to him you dont flame on a public forumn imo you bringing this here is worse that what he did so pls before you say more think before you make childish imature flame threads like this id thought more of you rada :(




So what if they sleep, they woke up and they have QWERTY on the cheak =) hilarious

lunar of excal

wow all this fuss...just a few points tho :))

1. It wasnt spinner playing that night it was me, Spinner is my dads account and i was asked to switch to spin since noone had PBT and people wanted to go for the prince <MOST of GoL know this if you had asked them>

2. I never go afk without sticking AND telling people!!!!

3. I had been having ALOT of computer/connection problems for the last few weeks and it so happened my screen froze for over 10 minutes at the prince!
I did not decide to relog since it usually unfreezes quickly and you lot needed Pbt i decided to wait it out. It appears in DF it took along time to unfreeze i dont know why,when i eventunately did unfreeze i was in cotswold most had logged too so i didnt know what had happened..if we killed the prince of not so i logged.

4. The next day Spinner got afew nasty /sends bitching and cursing which he did not know why. he assumed i had played his char and asked me i explained and he then understood

5. Why the hell this came to the forums i have no idea WOW you died and the big deal is??
Gol had been killing the prince's for a few days and yes we died at times too if you dont wanna die go and find some nice green cons to play with and stop whining!!!!!!!!

6. The whiners dont bother asking if lunar will swap to spinner to make things easier for you i will do it for the peopl i know only now

thanks for letting me explain before you publically hang the character spinner BTW :)


Since my Cleric is my main, I need to give plenty of notice that I'm going AFK, so they don't go pulling mobs and getting wiped out due to not being healed..

I also try give about 30 mins notice before I log so they (and I ) can do a search for a replacement healer.

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