Hi there chaps,
I was just curious as to how many people would be interested in making a fixed pbaoe exp group in the Easter holidays.
I'm thinking of organising it for around the 11th/12th of April and was aiming to start at lvl 24.
Warden, Druid, Bard, Tank, Tank, Manachanter, Manachanter, Manachanter.... was kinda the template I was looking at.
If you are interested and have lots of time to spare in the daytime on the 11th/12th to around the 16/17th.
Please give your name, class you'd like to play and join #hibpbaoe on quakenet irc.
Thanks for your time
ps. if anyone has any suggestions on better templates/ideas for pbaoe exp groups and nice places to exp quick to 50 i'd be very appreciative.
-----------------------------END GROUP------------------------------
Warden - Arathor
Druid - Arawn
Bard - Teleena
Tank - Diabolus
Tank - ?
Manachanter - Balrog (me)
Manachanter - Insomniak
Manachanter - Katt
I was just curious as to how many people would be interested in making a fixed pbaoe exp group in the Easter holidays.
I'm thinking of organising it for around the 11th/12th of April and was aiming to start at lvl 24.
Warden, Druid, Bard, Tank, Tank, Manachanter, Manachanter, Manachanter.... was kinda the template I was looking at.
If you are interested and have lots of time to spare in the daytime on the 11th/12th to around the 16/17th.
Please give your name, class you'd like to play and join #hibpbaoe on quakenet irc.
Thanks for your time
ps. if anyone has any suggestions on better templates/ideas for pbaoe exp groups and nice places to exp quick to 50 i'd be very appreciative.
-----------------------------END GROUP------------------------------
Warden - Arathor
Druid - Arawn
Bard - Teleena
Tank - Diabolus
Tank - ?
Manachanter - Balrog (me)
Manachanter - Insomniak
Manachanter - Katt