Hi, i have a few Questions



Hi there Middys,

Am thinking of joining prydwen/Midgard, yes first i know, they seem to be very powerfull,

I came back to europe, (lots of reasons) and started on hib/exel
Am not very happy there, sure the people are kind, but groups are very rare, there not many low levels/alts,

I dident want to join Albion on prydwen, first, After fighting them with my Skald, i got a bond to hate the hell out of them, i respect hibbs, but hate albs, probilly cuz they show fo in there fancy dancy dyes/plate mail, and laugh at my dead body :(, and also, i like Realms that ernt all human,

So the motherland sounded a good choice (not russia :p)

I was just wondering,....

1) What class is most needed (or need more of) am happy with any class, i put my realm before myself

2)What are people generally like there

3)Am starting to like Role-Play more, after being on percivale, and i find it can be fun, Do people RP?

4)like 3, Are there any Role-Play Guilds?

5) of topic, is there anyway to see who owns keep at battle grounds :D

Well thats all i can think of for now, I also have a friend joining, someday this week, he a newbie, so am gonna have to show him the way, so thats 2 new peopl to the Army :) of Midgard.

Hope you can answer them, it be a great help

(p.s i also have a bard in hibernia, and still hard to find groups with him, and i go green at a soloing bard)


Welcome home lost Son :)

Midgard seem like the top realm on this server that is true, we normaly hold relics and keeps, tho the albs are making it hard for us. The hibis rarely do much of keep taking and relic raiding, but when they do they seem more focused on success and often forfill there plan, where as albion make many attempts with a lower success rate. Dont hold me to this that just the way I see it.

You respect for hibi will prolly be shared by most since alot is playing hibi on excal :)

now to your questions:

1) eh ... well what do you like to play :) - I say have a alot of every thing with a lot of people hitting levle 50 on main and hitting 30 and 40 with alts.

2) we have happy people, we have fun people, we have people with wierd names, we have assholes, we have oddballs, we have tons of scandinavians, we have beggers and n00bs.

But mainly we are a nice bunch that like to help out, make hunts, go exping, hold a few events, and just have a good time, if you can live with that...

3) Brannor a thread on this in the forum, I say try and read it. Our RP community isent the biggest in the world ... more likely the smallest ever :p

4) Yup - they try but read their own account in the thread by Brannor.

5) Well you can go there and take a look :) - dont know .... Yo! people help the man out :)

So welcome Home to MIDGARD!!!!!!!!

and if you n00bs need help with anything just ask around.


Thanks for the info, I read branner thread, seems Role-Play is not, what you call Alive on Prydwen, Dosent mean no room for improvements,

As reading from lots of threads today, i come acorss the Lurikeen Invasion one, (i a few funny days in that) Brings me to the basis of Role-play, a Guild on mainly one race,

e.g Like a Dwarfen Clan, the one in musip, (ah Skald epic lev 30)
This gave me a good idea to Role-Play, For the first time, me being the GM of a guild, starting my own, This probilly get classed as a been there done that, got the t-shirt idea,

But, i was thinking unless there already is, a Kabold Clan, (not guild, a family clan of Kabolds) It sounds like a fun idea, but i will try not to spam the members, end up with 200 members, 20 of them active:rolleyes:

Well, it sounded like a way to boast Role-Playing, and i might give it a try,the name of it, am gonna look up some infomation on the "Kabold" heh, to see if i can get anythink up on it, e.g Kabold names, clans name, gods ect, hehe,

I was think of being Kabold shaman (always wanted to try a shaman, and on US, 1.51, the Shaman DD was cool, they looked like fire wizzys)
or as i heard alot about, a Kabold Shield Warrior, also anuther reason it sounded good, starting a fresh, mean most people around the same lvl, which start a good exp group, maby even become good ig friends,

Well just a few idea's, Looking forward to rejoining my MotherLand of the glory of midgard

God speed

"May the sprits of Midgard, guard your way to freedom"


Welcome home fellow Mid...If u need anything,to get u started just ask :D


Underground of the Bold

Well Ive made my Kabold,rouge.
Soon to be a shadow zerker (wanted to be a kabold beserker but not allowed)

His name is Ciebold, am now lev 1 at fort Atla,
As am going to need 7 people (no guild) and 1g,
am in need of anyone who need a little bit of money on exel/hibb,
a 20g tranfere (all i have lev 9) so it can get me started with my Kabold guild, plus help me start crafting, anyone who wants to, or help support guild, tell me on forums or in-game,
Midgard name is Rahjinbold (looked it up as rahjin, a demi-god kabold) liked the name but i ernt a demi god,

Well anyone who can lend me a loan, or do the tranfere, i be very greatfull, and soon hope to start my guild,

"The Underground of the Bold"

Happy to be back as a Middy




there is a kobald family active on pryd we are Venomsbane (jormungandr) me and a couple of RL mates thought it would be a laugh, also if you start any dwarfs there is also the dwarfdeep clan (i;m not a member, i dont play dwarfs)

as it has been said if there is anythin you need/want ask around there are alot of good ppl ig, help is never far away.


kobold families

The Darkstep family is also about - not many of them though, also the Blackbyrds (obviously) and a couple of Imposters.


And there is the Darktyde family, the Blackelk clan and the mixed dwarf/kobold family of Knebitars

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