Hi Albion

  • Thread starter mac_kraakebolle
  • Start date


Hi, I just bought this game
thought Id start Albion cause I liked the "theme" of the realm :)

hmmm, do you need any more minstrels in realm vs. realm?

I tryed starting a rouge tonight, only got him to level 4 though
and I noticed that I couldnt buy armour or weapons my level despite picking up all the loot....
is this a common problem? or am I just unlucky? (is there any other ways to make money then to kill the monsters and pick up the loot?)

anyhow just wanted to say hi,
and ask if anyone has any pointers as for whats smart to do etc?

Hit ^_^

at lvl 5ish you can start doing task's. you get them from Guards
or other Npc's.you get them by selecting a Npc and say "task" to him
Guards give kill tasks wich means when you say "task" to them they will send you to kill a specific mob. you got 2 houres to do it and it gives Nice exp and some coins.
the other npcs gives delivery tasks. wich means they send you to deliver a item to some other npc in a near by town.these task's take more time tho.

you can allways try to "begg" money from some high lvl but thats nothing i recomend :)

ps. and dont listen to much to the "whine" here on Bw :)


Wonder if I would still be renewing my account if I had made a hibby or middy as a starting class..............


minstrels are a fun class to play with, nothing can go wrong there :p


gimmie a shout ingame m8 ill give u some gold to start off with, i remember the hideousl early days of having no cash to at least wear armour.


the traditional route for getting cash is to kill green (easy) monsters - you'll get more money but less xp...


ok, thanks for the pointers guys...
the task-thing was nice :)

allthough I did try killing green mobs but I got a private message from this guy, telling me to not kill them (bandits) cause I would be better off killing yellow.... and he got realy aggroveted with my arguing that I wanted to try make some money so he wooped out the f-word :(

a bit after that I met a realy nice guy that I exp'ed together with for a while though :)


You get the good with the bad, unfortunately. Or fortunately, if you're an optimist, hah. :clap:

To be honest, it's probably easier if you kill-task to the teens/high teens and then group the rest of the way. Your poor-man's equipment will matter less in a group, and as you get higher the loot dropped from monsters will sell for more and more. Relative to the cost of armour that is.


PM me ingame and ill woop up some cash for you to buy yourself some nice armor :)


One small detail: on the isle of glass, you can even do tasks at level 2: doing those'll gain you a level in less than ten minutes :)


kill tasks are a good way to get xp - also a good way to learn your surroundings..

The directions the guards give you aren't always to the closest monster of that type but they are accurate... if they say there's one north - there'll be one north (it could be half a zone away admittedly)

I once got a kill task at the north gate of camelot for something not far to the southeast... shame I had to go via ludlow to get there :)

On the abusive fellow: some people are just stupid :) if you don't play the game the way _they_ want you to they get upset. It's quite funny really. I'm glad you met someone decent afterwards :)

I found doing /friend <whoever> on anyone decent I met, or anyone sensible I grouped with was handy :) (good for keeping track of names too ;))

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