Hey Guys! I thought I would let you know whats happening



Many of you will remember me as Mobstomper (Runemaster) who played Thorey (Shadowblade/Shadown00b (Aussie ;))) for the last 2-3 months of my daoc life.

Well, I know a lot of people did not like me hehe, but I also had many friends online as well, and found it hard to leave! But I did it about 2-3 months ago! I still check back on these boards when I have nothing better to do :).

Some of you know I had a serious addiction to daoc and it was, to be frank, ruining my life. I droped out of school and could not be botherd to get a job just because I wanted that extra time for lvling and RvR, when it gets that bad you gotta do somthing right?

Anyway 3 months later here I am and I cant believe how addicted to a computer game I really was, it's very scary. Anyway I went back to school (and have to repeat the year :() but in my view its worth it and in 2 years I will be in uni. Daoc is still affecting me as all my mates will be off to uni next year and I will miss them massivly /cry :(.

When I think back on it, I did enjoy my time in Daoc but I was suffering in real life, I put on 2 stone in weight, lost a lot of my mates (I have now regained them) I was depressed, found myself getting angry when someone in game annoyed me and I would take it out on my family and friends. I have come a long way I am on top of the world getting good grades in school and have a few perspective ladies on the horrizen ;).

Anyway just to let my friends on Daoc know what I been up 2 and that I still think about you guys :). Also to offer anyone heading down my road some help or advice if they need it just drop me a mail billings@nildram.co.uk I will be happy to help, but the key advice I could offer is if you start putting the game ahead of real life quit now and dont look back because believe me it will get worse and it gets harder to leave.

Anyway thanks for taking the time to read this post even if you did not know me hehe and forgive me for my crap spelling becuase I cant be botherd to fix it :p

C ya


can't say i really care but if thats how Daoc effected you maybe you should consider not playing games ever again?

Ive been playing computer games since i was about 11 years old now 28 and i never took time of school or too lazy to get a job.
Because tbh i dispise ppl who have no job and just sponge of everyone else really pisses me off.

But i would never give up playing games its something i love but i think what most gamers have to do is limet themselves when you get to the point where your playing none stop 24/7 no job etc then the game isnt fun anymore your just feeding the addiction you have.

But i really dont see why people have this problem i mean i work maybe 8-9 hours a day i get home and still get a decent 4-5 hours playing time in and sometimes i just wont bother playing at all.

So in short if your 1 of those ppl like thorey get a job and frankly go see a doctor


Just to make clear I never sponged off anyone! And tbh you dont need to see a doctor to sort out your life anyone is strong enouth to do it themselfs.

I remember you used to be a nice guy, but the need to flame me seems a little sad. ahh well each to his own!

And yes I do still play games but within reason, come on ut2003 somtime and i will wipe the floor with you ;)

Just to make it clear I did not post here to be flamed..I posted here to let my ingame friends know what I was up to, but of course all members are free to post as it is a public forum but I feel its a little sad you have to put a negative tone on the post.

BTW my names David not thorey! :p


I bin playing games since i was like 8 or something (some would argue that was only last year...lies!) and instead of not going to school or whatever i decided that if i loved them so much id try and get involved with them :) Im now at uni on my 2nd year of a games design course.....and imo anyone who tries to blame computer games for failed relationships/lack of job/lack of friends etc etc falls into the same category as people who blame games for shootings/murder etc etc (more the case in America) It's peoples fault alone for any failings. (btw not aimed at you just a general comment :))


Glad to hear you got you life back together again. goodluck.


this is very good way to solver the problem. See yog? told u there was hope for u ;) just follow in thorey's footsteps


heheh soo Frank, dropped out of school eh? ouch, lsot ur m8z terrible thing that....hope one day u get an xbox and get halo so i can wipe the floor with j00 :D i am 15 myself, good grade, lol too many girls on the horizon :( emm good m8z few of them play DAoC in spare time, go out on fridays, its nice :) i sumtimes feel maybe i should be out more, i play halo and splinter cell alot more than DAoC as my rep makes the game alot harder :) but tbh i think we shld get talkin possible be friends we seem very alike :)


LOL , ur names David :D sum1 shoot me for that one !


Good for you Thorey! :)

I kind of felt the sting myself alittle.
I didnt loose my job or anything,but my social life was suffering i have to admit.

Therefore i also quit this game alittle while back(well that and being bored out of my mind :) ).

Altough i will try Asheron's Call 2( hope it doesn't affect me thesame way) :)

As to Envenom,
I've played Games most of my adult life and it never effected me in the way daoc did.
I feel there's a distinct difference between regular games and Mmorpg's.
Regular game you like,play,play,play some more,until you get to the end,..then theres nomore to play,...problem solved,..you put the game away,.
As for Mmorpg's and more of this sort,..(like for example Counter Strike i'm told) always have something to push you just that little bit further,.
Just want that one level,..
Just want that one more kill,..
Just need 10k more Rp,...

Games like this can become a serious addiction,just like drugs/alcohol/etc.,it all depends on the person whos playing i assume.

Anyway to say he needs a doctor i find alittle crude,..
enough of this,

Good Luck Thorey! :)

(edit) And i point to this thread :



Originally posted by Envenom2
can't say i really care but if thats how Daoc effected you maybe you should consider not playing games ever again?

Ive been playing computer games since i was about 11 years old now 28 and i never took time of school or too lazy to get a job.
Because tbh i dispise ppl who have no job and just sponge of everyone else really pisses me off.

But i would never give up playing games its something i love but i think what most gamers have to do is limet themselves when you get to the point where your playing none stop 24/7 no job etc then the game isnt fun anymore your just feeding the addiction you have.

But i really dont see why people have this problem i mean i work maybe 8-9 hours a day i get home and still get a decent 4-5 hours playing time in and sometimes i just wont bother playing at all.

So in short if your 1 of those ppl like thorey get a job and frankly go see a doctor

Well you certainly seem like a pompous bastard.... A guy is being honest about a problem, that I think would be very hard for anyone to admit (least of all to themselfs) and all you can do is kick them while they are lying down ? .... hmm... Says more about you than anyone else.... Don't know why your posts keep pissing me off but it seems that just as I think you cant go any lower you reach new depths :puke:

Thorey... Grats to you for figuring out your life and gl to you in the future.... Say hi to the girls from me ;)
Best regards and hope to see you in the future in some other universe :)



Originally posted by Envenom2
can't say i really care but if thats how Daoc effected you maybe you should consider not playing games ever again?

Ive been playing computer games since i was about 11 years old now 28 and i never took time of school or too lazy to get a job.
Because tbh i dispise ppl who have no job and just sponge of everyone else really pisses me off.

But i would never give up playing games its something i love but i think what most gamers have to do is limet themselves when you get to the point where your playing none stop 24/7 no job etc then the game isnt fun anymore your just feeding the addiction you have.

But i really dont see why people have this problem i mean i work maybe 8-9 hours a day i get home and still get a decent 4-5 hours playing time in and sometimes i just wont bother playing at all.

So in short if your 1 of those ppl like thorey get a job and frankly go see a doctor

Are you playing in Albion ? If so, what's your char name ? I'm guessing envenom <checks duskwave> oops Luri Nightshade, so no ignore list for you, too bad. Guess I'll just have to come and gank you then.

MMORPG addiction is a very real problem which I guess we'll be hearing more about in the months and years to come. I call myself a 'controlled addict' as I imposed limits on my playing time after getting 'serious signals' from my social life. I think I got there in time before any damage was done, but there's totally NO NEED to put down people who crossed the line and are prepared to pick up their real life.

Ah well, guess you just need to take a good look at yourself if you need to spend time on forums randomly flaming people who come out with a certain problem.

To the original poster, good luck with your further life.



Glad to hear you've got yourself sorted out, Thorey.
Shame you couldn't find a happy medium between having a life and playing DAoC, but better no daoc than no life :)


Good luck to you mate, sounds like you've done the right thing.


Well when I break away from DAoC I don't think I'm gonna pick up any more mmorpg's tbh...when I'm rid of this I'll get back to watching tele etc cause this damn game always manages to make me late when I'm going out and has completely destroyed my sleep pattern. My health aint too great either but thas prob down to going out too much too i guess :p

But anyway glad to so you got out b4 it went bad m8...I know for some people it's a real burdon to try and quit summit they love a.k.a.DAoC addiction : /


WTG Thorey. Took a lot of guts to say that on BW.
Games addiction can be a very serious issue especially with mmorpgs.
I think alot of peeps have been / are / will be in the same position as u were.
Escapism can be very addictive, sometimes its harder to escape the escapism.


Hey, i left school aswell a while ago ....but then again that was cuz i was pissed and almost hit a teacher... but thats a different story :clap:

gg for gettin it back together tho Thorey :) .... same here Kir, tryin to get back into normal sleepin hours atm :clap:


Yes it's very addictive.. that's why i deleted cowled... but now i don't know what to do when bored :/

I think i had 200~ days /played on Cowled + alts.


I think I have the same trait as Thorey... I have a job, though, but sometime I wish everything to go away, so I have more time playing. I know it'd be boring after a while (because I *have* tried something similar in my younger days), but just for a few months... No job, no wife, no dog, no stupid family business... Just me, a full fridge, my bathroom, and DAoC, and I'd be happy as ever...

DAoC IS very addictive - no doubt about it, and to be honest, I think that more and more people are becoming engrossed in this virtual world.

I am not saying that this is a bad thing though. I have friends at work, and a few friends out of work, but most of my friends have moved away from my town, and thus the social life is pretty low for me. I haven't made any real new friends since my younger years, and quite frankly, I don't miss that...

So DAoC is a good way for me to get my social needs covered. If I wanna talk to someone, I can log on - if not, i can go /anon or log off. Real life social stuff doesn't do much for me, never has really... So this is good for me. Fortunately my wife got interested too, and we had to buy a 2nd comp. for her to play too. So here we are, playing most evenings, having fun, being frustrated, arguing and laughing our butts off...

Lots of people just sit and watch TV all day. Some do sports, others read books. We play DAoC. 'nuff said.

When it comes to dropping out of school etc., and all the other problems Thorey mentioned, it *IS* a problem though. You should never let your life be dominated like that, and it takes great courage to admit these things to yourself. Kudos to Thorey for that!

I guess I'm rambling here :eek:)

Play DAoC if you have fun with it. If not, log off and do something else. Don't let it control you, and don't let it affect you. If you're pissed off every time you can't get to your computer, and/or if you're pissed off every time you play, then you might need to consider your addiction to playing, or why you play at all...



Nice post Fangrim.

think it pretty much captures things as they are...

Thumbs up from the Nervemeister.


Having played games for the best part of 25 years, there has never been a time when i've not gone to school, college, uni or work, for the sake of playing a game. Sure, there have been times when i've wanted to be at home playing games, but I guess i've never lost sight of the fact that games are very transient and what happens in a game in one day will bear no relevance to my long term life.

If you ever bunk off school for the benefit of a computer game then i'd strongly urge you to think about what you are doing. In a few years time NO-ONE in the entire world will care less that you have a lvl50 character in DAoC, or that you have some rare weapon. Chances are the game won't even be running any more anyway. But you'll certainly care, if you fail some exams and fail to get into Uni. This could cost you big time in what you job you can get.

I understand that DAoC is extremely addictive and the fact that you can interact with people is great and certainly very worthwhile for people. But, I personally cannot see why people play the game for as much time as they do. Some people seem to play for hours and hours each day! Each to their own, but I get a headache after a couple of hours play or my arse aches from sitting on the same chair. Lets face it, the games not that interesting is it?

I think Thorey just has an addictive personality, just as many people get addicted to Everquest, CounterStrike, Cocaine and Heroin. For some people if they try something that they like, they just can't stop doing it until they burn out.


tssssk you are all in DENIAL!!!

as any addict :)


Originally posted by old.Fangrim
... So this is good for me. Fortunately my wife got interested too, and we had to buy a 2nd comp. for her to play too. So here we are, playing most evenings, having fun, being frustrated, arguing and laughing our butts off...

Lots of people just sit and watch TV all day. Some do sports, others read books. We play DAoC. 'nuff said.


Play DAoC if you have fun with it. If not, log off and do something else. Don't let it control you, and don't let it affect you. If you're pissed off every time you can't get to your computer, and/or if you're pissed off every time you play, then you might need to consider your addiction to playing, or why you play at all...

Couldn't agree more, Fangrim - my fiancee and I live together, and she couldn't understand why I played so much. So, when I built her a new PC to replace her old laptop, I sneaked a copy of DAoC in there and told her to try it out. She's now outlevelling me with her Thane AND her alts! :rolleyes:

We both still do other things in our lives though - normally to go the pub, see friends, etc.

Very brave of you to admit to this problem, Thorey - I had something similar earlier last year, mainly because I was made redundant from my old job and had nothing to do. DAoC filled the gap for a while - I had friends on there that I could talk to whilst everyone else was out at work, things to keep me occupied whilst I waited for the replies to my CV.

Thankfully, I got a new job and sorted myself out, but DAoC was starting to take over toward the end.

So, good luck for the future!



heyy Breni, remember me?, Sniper -a few months back in BG1?:p


boredom = salvation

darn where s that new product? <licking fingers for doom3>


Hmmm very brave post thorey, i have really been thinking recently about daoc, i played daoc since start which is around 15th of jan i think it was last year, and since then on my main i have 87 days, when i look back now i do wonder sometime why i ever spent so much time playing, my social life was pretty dull and i guess the company was good, but tbh i think i prolly did, and maybe still do play it too much, recently i ve gotten more fed up with it tho, but i find it pretty hard to actually press the magic button and delete falcor, i hopes pvp would be a new interest but im not so sure, guess i would miss the ppl more than anything else, but a lot of the ones i know have moved on anyway..........funny thing is, even tho im fed up with it and i find it really frustrating, i still enjoy going on, silly but true, these games r designed to be addictive, its how they make u keep paying, the new bits like shrouded isles keep u paying ure subs cuz u hunger for soemthing new cuz u r bored of it currently =), sounds silly when u write it down. But its important to try and think rationally about it, and make sure u got a hell of a lot things more important to u than daoc. Dunno wether i would ever completely give up, guess there hasto be a poitn sometime when the money u pay isnt worth the time u spend online, and more and more of your friends leave..


wish you all the best in your life, if you described it as a "problem", i think you did the best thing to solve it. but balance may be more good, i enjoy both DAoC and real life problems (such as school, work etc.) and still searching a good way to balance them. hope my solution wont be quitting.


Very wise and thought out post takes guts to post summin like that

Very well done

Maybe a lesson to many

I spy Nolby pride

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