Certainly they don't seem to view video game age certificates with the same degree of respect they would cinema, for example.
But some British parents are concerned the video, which should not be sold to under-18s, may be accessed by children.
However, he feared some parents could nonetheless succumb to pressure and buy the game for their offspring, despite the warnings.
Originally posted by nath
edit: anyone know when vice is city going to be out on pc?
Originally posted by granny
X-rated? Not 18 cert?
Originally posted by .Cask
I took the picture of him then uploaded to the PC, and when I went back to find him he'd gone. Occasionally I see him running along the skirting board - but it's the psychological damage which is the problem.
Started get nightmares where I'm in bed surrounded by huge spiders. Never used to be too bothered by them but I've seen too many big bastards with big fangs lately
Originally posted by .Cask
I've seen too many big bastards with big fangs lately
Originally posted by xane
Worth noting that nearly all species of spider are venomous, it is how they kill prey, but most lack the right fangs for piercing skin
Originally posted by Testin da Cable
I once woke up to find a large spider dancing about on my arm. I yelled and flicked my arm out launching the spider off into space. Turning on the light, I searched the entire room for the damn beastie and couldn't find it anywhere :/
Originally posted by Super_Gray[SG]
I fucking hate Spiders, i usually get a few running from behind my PC and im wondering.. *Where the fuck..* a few weeks ago one big bastard spider come from under my door and was heading to my feet, in a swift panic i blew hard (oo'er ) and it turned around.
Hate spiders in the Bathroom... always gives me that fear of "Aracnaphobia":uhoh:
Originally posted by oldlester
That would be arachnophobiaphobia then?
Originally posted by Tremor.
They call them the Hertford Horrors don't they?
Last week Samm went and had a bath, I told her to shout me when she was out then I would go up to bed. About half an hour later she shouts so I toddle off upstairs, as I reached the top of the stairs she was walking out the bedroom, I glanced at her and noticed something on her forehead, yep you guessed it, it was a medium sized spider.....just sitting on her head(must of been on the towel), being the true gentlemen I laughed my fucking tits off as she screamed and jumped up and down shaking her head.
but now he spends every waking hour in his room playing with himself
Originally posted by Testin da Cable
it's uh....um....you know. like pr0n, only analog.
Originally posted by Tremor.
Funniest thing this week^^^^^^^^^
Originally posted by oldlester
Back on topic huzzah!
Just read this...
Press Associates: 8-11-02. – 11:26 am GMT.
The doctor says it is normal for young boys to play with themselves in their rooms, but Alan just never stops. There should be a mass debate about this in parliament.”
Originally posted by Testin da Cable
it's uh....um....you know. like pr0n, only analog.