


Can someone tell me what to solo at 37? Mana Mentalist.
(35 spec)

Or if you don't mind grouping me :)
I have mana regen 4 :eek:
My DoTs are lethal :/


Mmh.. i guess you could try evanescers in mt. collory with baseline nuke/pet or whatever manamentalist does...


Did you say manaregen 4? And going for pot 5? Ill group you to RvR anytime :)


Bound to be some stuff in the Corruscating mines..

I would group with U M8 but only lvl 33. ;)


Yeah mana reg 4... :]

uh.. wtf is an evanscer?

Oh and not only can you group me for rvr, you can let me leech someplace! lol

sry I'm getting tired of sitting on my ass when I am pretty damn useful in a group :/ (close to a bards usefulness, if not better)


Full on mana mentalist?

How can you not be grouped, ever then?

Don't solo, sit in innis and yell "Mana mentalist with MR4 lfg"

(although i would seriously think about splitting into light from now on, having a decent nuke in RvR helps, and MR5 isn't that muchbetter than MR4 IMO)

(I only have, and only ever will have MR4)


yeah i have a full light ment coming into play, but wtf...mana regen 4, nice heals, amazing dots...and the best grous i get are the ones i spend an hour making
and honestly
it gets to be a drain doing that all the time


be happy to have MR4 - I only have MR2 and mostly don't even get a reply if I ask for group.

planned to get MR3 on lvl43 - so I'm 1.4 lvls away from it, but at the current rate of grouping it will take me ages ;)

will stick to lvl38 groups now and do some pooka boredom till I reach the status of mana-bitch ;)

"I told u to specc in mana you worthless midget ...."


Laryssa at least you chose a good spec... how was I to know Dots would get resists lol... vrtually pointless being mana when that comes...that's why I'm making a light mentalist as well..


don't do it - or u will end up like me

u will be rejected by groups coz u don't have a pow regen 4 or 5 - or I'm just unlucky

groups thinks u just a mana battery but they are completely wrong:

as Mentalist we can:

Mez (28 secs atm - for emergencies enough)
Stun (9 sec stun atm)
Heal (113 - 230 pts - varies which spell I use)
Nuke (base 300+ dmg on most yellows - fyi: 200dmg on purp azures)
HoT (33 Hps / tick - not much atm (will double soon) but if healers would regonize this they wouldn't have to heal in downtimes coz our HoT costs nothing and regens the tanks nicely)
PoT (pow2 atm - it helps but soon I get pow3 which should be sufficient)

We are the swiss-knife of Hibernia and i specced my mentalist to serve all of you nicly as a mentalist should do ( end template: 24 mana/45 light/17 mentalism).

But as it seems, group stays on the opinion to have a mana only menta for quick mana regen rather than to have one ok-pow regen with a decent nuke who can assist activly.



I'm gonna suck at RvR

Although I always end up becoming the 'combat controller' (self designated title)

because my nukes suck, I just deal out the regens, and sit back, or capture and mezz any adds

If we are taking on baf purple mobs, I drop my dots on the first mob and do my 8sec stun on it to finish it off quick...because the second will come after me soon.

But usually I backup heal, rip aggro from other people, mezz adds, make sure everyone stays tip top, stuff like that.

Oh, and even tho I have a strong HP regen, the naturalists still heal after combat, even if I tell them why I should do it, instead of them.


well u will be fine by farming RPs with your AOE DoT :)

in high-lvl groups a bard is a mostly with u who does the mezzing - or a druid who does the root.

our mezz is only for emergency use since it don't last that long.

the Stun is perfect - often safed my and others life coz tanks got the chance to retaunt the mob.


Although my heals are only for backup usage i watch my MINI closely to jump in to assist our group healer with heals - sometimes it makes the make-or-break in a combat.


Yeah - most of them underestimate the power of our HoT. Since we sit about 20secs between pulls it help much to throw a Hot rather then a costy druid heal.


Great solo'es for lvl 37 is Daemhand Aeirs (something like that :p ) or thralls in Treibh. Those you will find yellow. The Daemhans even stops to cast spell, so very nice for mages and rangers ;)

But as mana ment I would definately go for grouping yeh :m00:


hehe solo:

i did that:

31 - 36: irewoods in Mt. Collory
36 - 37: sett protectors
37 - 38: deamhan aeirs
38 - 39: grovewoods in the Cliffs

For all light mentas who do not find groups :fluffle: :wub:


Irewoods are luvly yeh, soloed them from lvl 30 to 37 with my ranger hehe ;)

But groves solo...ehrm they're naughty, the insta heals are dam annoying, they also interupt you're casting/shooting with stupid roots and poison. I'll rather go greenbarks, though groves lots better cash though :clap:


I guess i was just lucky - never died at grovos in the cliffs.
Trick is to run at once if a second begins to move :)


Just wanted to fill in a thing that is seldom said. Most mentalists consider their heals to be "mediocre", mostly because its not worth it to spec high in mentalism. I thought so too for a long time, but when i reached 45+ and started to look for more items and balancing the char I changed my mind about this.

Get mentalism to at least 15(you want this for the lev15mez anyway, earlier ones are too short and too easily resisted to be really useful) quite early and get items for +10 to mentalism. Then use your second or third highest baseline heal. I found out that this configuration gives you really great heals. At 45+ I did heals with small deviations, around 200-220, for _very_ little mana cost. With this you can heal as good or better than almost every bard/warden out there. This is not only good for exp but also for keep battles etc.

It is possible to get very good +mentalism items that you can switch for good +resistance items in Rvr, without effecting your +light/mana (which is quite easy to max). Carry them around in your inventory and switch on need. It was a month since i played the game so cannot remember what pieces it is i switch.

Zana, Lliad Ddraig


if I would have specced in mentalism it would have gimped my menta totally.

mez = on higher lvls a bard is always in a group and he mezzes better then me + buffs.

heals = druid/warden/bard bring more additional bonuses (buffs/bubble/speed) to a group.

Sorry - but if I would tell a group to group me and my skills are healing and mezzing only (no decent pow regen, no decent nuke, no decent DoTs) they would laugh at me and would /ignore me ...

my 2 cents.



LOL IRL seriously, brings a tear in my eye, almost.


daemhan aiers near howth are great to solo for a menti they die very quick to base DD's.. thats what i solo'd to 40 then respeced light lol

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