Help with a Bard...



I just started an alt char and as you might have guessed it's a bard. Now I could really use some tips on how to make him great in rvr. What should I spec in? Thx for all the information I'll get...


That's easy, max music and nurture. So you'll get the fastest speed song and toughest AE mezz. That's what bards do in RvR.

Nicky Nook

Now I could really use some tips on how to make him great in rvr.

Ok a Tip play a Dif Char as Bards Suck in R v R all they are good for are Speed thats all.

Green con tanks can kill you and sure its fun running around for a while but you will soon get bored of that..

Dont get me wrong i love my Bard but i would love him even more if he could kill people that are close to same con..


Nicky, if you're not having fun with your bard then you're playing it all wrong. ;)

My advice is :

- Don't max Nurture to 50. You get your last mana regen song at 50, and to tell you the truth the mana regen songs are pretty useless. 4th mana song is just as good 5th song, so save thos epoints and put them somewhere else.

- Music is the way to go if you want to have fun in RvR. I'm speccing music to 44 and maxing out with items. That way, I get my last DD scream and AE mezz. The only spell after 44Music is Confusion, and it's pretty useless on anything other than pets.

- Don't go crazy on Regrowth. In the next couple of patches they are apparently bringing in the ability to cancel mezzes with healing. At level 50 you'll still have some nice, strong healing spells without even training in Regrowth and chances are that there will be a Druid or Warden in your group who can focus on heals while you focus on crowd control.

- Right now, I'm planning on putting my left over points into Blunts so that I can hit a little harder in RvR if I ever have to resort to H2H (which I have done when an enemy has taken a liking to our mage). We'll see how I feel at lvl 50 though.

- One tactic that I really enjoy in RvR is sprinting and speed spelling after and enemy and screaming (DD spell) at them. Then, I get a quick AE mezz off and leave them for the tanks while concentrating on lulling any mages or archers that have slipped through the mezz. A bard really is a fun character to play in RvR so long as you realise that your method of warfare is different to tanks and mages. A bard is just as useful as a tank or mage and don't let anyone tell you different.


Yeah Luuna, was fun watching you melee people down whilst I was nuking them to death a few weeks ago. A bard and an Eldritch took out about a dozen Mids (grey to yellow con). Then the mana was gone and we died quick :)


Hi, i just started a bard and looked around for the best combinations

The way i liked best was
Nurt = 43
Reg = 17
Music = 44
Weapon = 16(maxed)

43 for the best speed song
17 for the group heal (to break mezz and to make u a little usefull)
Music at 44 for the final DD shout and all the mezzes
16 in a weapon cos u got some spare points...

This is the profile i made on

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