Help Pls. Mentalist Light vs Mana!!



Atm going full Mana. at lvl 28 Its going very well. especially soloing is a blast.

but I noticed the baseline DD cost LOADS when u use it. I rarely do cuz of the AOE dot.


as I will focus RvR at 50 Im in need of a few helpful tips.

Is the Aoe dot of any use in open rvr such as running around Emain etc.

OR shall I go respecc Light.

Ive heard the Light nuke and 50 baseline nuke arent so high in dmg difference. And that light nuke have longer cast time.

Any tips for and against would be appreciated.



Well mana menta is a god in keep defense, and the mana regen is sweet 4 ur grp and urself :] But i dunno in open battles, never played a menta.


aoe dot
power reg

good enough :)

aoe dot can be good in open too, as long as you can wait till people have purged/unmezzed so you won't get flamed :)


mana menta is rather shit (except at a keep-defence/take) since u need to do dmg fast in rvr.. and dots sux at that


Light ment all the way imo :D

You still get a ~~60dmg dot at 50 AE, you get nukes on par with light elds and dark runies etc, a nice AE nuke, orange charmed pets~~ Alot more versatile in open rvr and probably the better choice for a rvr whore :] You still get mana regen 3 which is fine as well


Originally posted by Spamb0t
mana menta is rather shit (except at a keep-defence/take) since u need to do dmg fast in rvr.. and dots sux at that

yes true but dots interupt.. stick 1 dot on a caster and move.. and there screawed. Frankly I think dots have more worth then some peopel take em for :p


Only the first tick interrupts. Stick a dot on a caster and move and they nuke the shit out of you.

BTW, Qte is right - mana chanter


Rather confusing.

I´d say we can put a conclusion that its up to each person what u prefer.

though a orange con pet in rvr and Light nukes tend to seem uber.

Though Ae dot might be a great choice for Rp farmer.

Still thinking :(


Originally posted by Karlo
yes true but dots interupt.. stick 1 dot on a caster and move.. and there screawed. Frankly I think dots have more worth then some peopel take em for :p

Originally posted by Danyan
Only the first tick interrupts. Stick a dot on a caster and move and they nuke the shit out of you.


Originally posted by Danyan
Only the first tick interrupts. Stick a dot on a caster and move and they nuke the shit out of you.

Damn, beat me to it. :p

A lot of people seem to have this wrong for some reason, have had to explain to many people that it's only the first tick that interupts.
Thing is though, a lot of people who get dotted don't even try to cast and just run about like headless chickens. :p


I'm a mana ment atm and respeccing to light at 1.62.

Why ? Because I'm never allowed to do my AE DOT because of breaking the mezz, so forget about it. Well, maybe for a keep defense it's different, but I prefer to go and hunt than to sit and wait until maybe someone is coming to my keep one day.

Dot's are nice, but too slow for the fight, you're only adding damage, you are not the damage dealer.

There's a hughe difference between the specced nuke and baseline, the specced one is the same as the light specced eld nuke and I know it rocks.

The orange pet is a nice benefit, I charm quite often a mob and up to lvl 43, 44 it's reliable. Now, a lvl 51, 52 pet is different ofc and as you know, power drain will be reduced.

Just a reminder, if you're specced light, you still have a AE DOT if you want to interrupt casters and you still have MR3.

It's up to you in fact, mana ment = slow killer, light ment = fast killer. In RVR I know what I want to be.


A light menty with crack 3 is the fastest soloer/farmer ive ever had go light imo.


oh and my level 45 nuke hits sylvianshades outside af for 650, I 3 and 2 shot em.



back to your original question,
Is the Aoe dot of any use in open rvr such as running around Emain etc.

AoEDoT is no good for the open field, i use it in maybe 1 out of 100 encounters and then only if the battle is already decided for us...

so at the moment i am spamming single DoTs and make sure the buddy goes down with base nukes

but as mentioned above, TIME is what u do not have in the open field and DoTs do their damage over TIME... ;P

Mana Menty is one of the most valuable classes for keeptake and defend... is doing "ok" on the field... and booooooring in PvE

If u like to do more field action id say go Light...

Oh and if wanna know more about your class...
My Pet Mage: Mentalist Edition @ [url][/URL] the way to go ;)


stlong mentalist...


Imo if you go light-spec then chose mentalism as secondary spec. A 2nd class that can cure mezz is so so so so so valuable to a group, i'd wish we had more of those around, and you get a reasonable baseline-dot then.
Can't see the point of speccing secondary in mana, since your dots will get lots of resists, if you can use your aoe-dot at a keep-take/defense you can bet there is another real mana-ment who will overwrite your dots, and if you want MR 3 just buy potions from your friendly alchemist ;)

There's a hughe difference between the specced nuke and baseline, the specced one is the same as the light specced eld nuke and I know it rocks.

Wrong in one point: the eld-nuke is cold-dmg, the mentalism one is heat-based, so as mentalist it is very likely that you end up with an enchanter in group who can debuff for you.


Main thing I noticed when I respecced my menta from mana to light was being able to nuke for about twice as long - spec nuke is a lot more power efficient. :)

Also 28 ment as a secondary rocks.


Originally posted by Lessurl
Damn, beat me to it. :p

A lot of people seem to have this wrong for some reason, have had to explain to many people that it's only the first tick that interupts.
Thing is though, a lot of people who get dotted don't even try to cast and just run about like headless chickens. :p

it used to interrupt on every tick, then it got changed. But you cant cast right after the first tick is in, usually takes 3more ticks or so till you can cast again :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Arnor
it used to interrupt on every tick, then it got changed. But you cant cast right after the first tick is in, usually takes 3more ticks or so till you can cast again :rolleyes:

It depends, i find i can cast straight away if i wait a couple of seconds after the first tick hits before i try to cast. But if i try to cast instantly u get the , you are under attack and cannot cast, u must wait 3 secs to cast, u must wait 1 sec to cast, u r under attack and cannot cast...etc. blah.


Originally posted by Novamir
lightmenta + mana chanter duo = uber

Hi matey. hope u all good ;)

btw It seems more effecient that a Mana menta+ mana chanter are best team.

Debuff the baseline DD+a nice load of DoTs and MR of course.

But im a n00b so dont listen to me :D

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